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Graduation update part 2

MissK03's picture

Picture the Kermit meme sipping tea... that was me today.

I blogged yesterday about asking SO to call the schools to see what was going on with SD's 8th grade graduation and SS17s high school graduation. He only called the MIDDLE school and ASSUMED high school was the same.

WELL. Today we go to his friends lake house. We got there at 12:40. SO's friends wife's son is graduating with SS17.. one of the first things she says is... OH! We need to be online at 1 to reserve graduation tickets for...........8!!!! LOLLL. I'm just standing there like uhhhhh... crack my drink open and start sipping. 

So the seating is apparently assigned.... So SO picks his seats and texts BM (which I'm surprised she wasn't  texting SO about this prior..not sure wtf is going on with her) to pick her "4" seats. She writes him back supposedly with: ok so 8 outside and 5 inside? He says he said yes and he picked his 4 for outside and reserved 3 inside. 

So I follow with ok who's getting the tickets? He says FIRST that BM can use HER tickets for skids... LOL ok SO. Then changed with SD and SS16 can just hang around school and not have to worry about tickets etc. THEN.. SO thought it was on Wednesday.... it's not it's Tuesday. AND.. when I asked him what HE wanted me to do (yesterday) he told me to just take Wednesday off. 

GOOD THING I TOOK BOTH OFF. When we left his friends I was kind of pissed because I like to know wtf is going on. I asked him to call the schools yesterday when I was making my schedule out, he always reads emails wrong etc. I have to plan for work... and just for a mental prep in general. This turned into a fight because he felt like I was attacking him blah blah. SORRY! I asked for clarification YESTERDAY! AND if we didn't go to his friends would you OR BM know. WTF is going on?! At this point he still didn't know I took Tuesday off so I told him well luckily I took both days off IF I were to go.

It just went to shit from there. 

We will see what happens in the future but, if our relationship fails because I break his balls over the kids picking up after themselves and him entertaining BM when she sees fit.... then so be it. 


ndc's picture

He had one simple task . . . and he failed.   I like to know what's going on, too, so that would drive me nuts!  So are you going to the graduation?

Stepdrama2020's picture

Why was DH upset you took both days off?

MissK03's picture

He wasn't mad that I took both days off. He just got pissed that "it's always something" in which it went downhill from there. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

I would take that comment as your DH is downplaying your concerns. Its like you are the problem.

My ex DH would say those exact words to me whenever I raised legitimate concerns. It was a way to shut me down.


MissK03's picture

My "always something" is the same thing over and over. I've explained that to him multiple times as well.