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My blog - let me introduce myself and my blended family situation

Esperanza's picture

Hello everyone ! 
I have been an avid reader of this site for over a year now, but I have never posted or commented. I have read many blogs of long time users, from start to finish and boy have I enjoy it. In some way I feel I know you all. I have cried and laughed with your stories, I have find confort in moments of despair, I have found (through other people's stories) great advice and I have felt less alone in this journey. After one year of getting all of this from this site as a completely invisible member, I started to feel "I wish these people knew me as well", "I wish that, in time, I can be part of such great community of people".

I must admit I'm extremely nervous lol. I have never participated in any sort of blog/online community before, I don't have any type of social media, etc. I'm not shy or antisocial but writing about myself to a group of strangers (even though you don't feel strangers to me) feels so intimidating. But anyways! I'm feeling brave today so here it goes...

Some background on my story. I have one SS6. I have one BS7 and, together with my DH we have one BD1. We have been together for 4 years, married 1 year. Overall our experiencie hasn't been too bad, but we have had some moments that have been challenging and hurtful. I think the main thing for me has been the total reality check that step life turned out to be.! I honestly don't know why I thought (more accurately- did not give it much tought at all!) that being a stepmom was going to be like similar to being a mom! I came into step life full of optimism and with no apherensions whatsoever! I thought loving my SS was going to come naturally, as I love children and I'm (not to blow my own trumpet) a good mom hehehe. Reality was so much complicated !! Since day one I cared about my SS, and even loved him, but it wasn't the same love I feel for my bios so I started feeling that there was something deeply wrong with me !! On top of that uneasy feeling, my SS can be a bit naughty sometimes (doesn't listen) or have a bit of an attitude (complains, moans, whining) and that started irritating me very quickly. My BS is a very well behaved boy (my husband 100% agrees with this and says so himself) so the contrast of the family dynamic when my SS is here is so big! (My SS stays with us EOW). Apart from having to tell him off (which is done mainly by my husband and I just back him up) I started to resent the attention redirected solely to him. We needed to be constantly on top of him, so everything was about him. I have to admit (and I feel horrible for this) that I started resenting him. Like I didn't want to give him my attention anymore. In that moment I started lurking in this site, reading a lot in here, taking in many of your wise words ...finally, I decided that I needed to change my attitude. Yes, my SS is a bit naughty, is a bit needy/attention seeking, a bit immature sometimes (very babied at his moms so things that my BS has been doing for years still needs to be done for him) and sometimes a bit with not a great attitude -BUT he is such a sweet boy, he loves me and treats me with respect and love, and he wants to do well! He genuinely tries to change and behave better. My husband, for the most part, listens to me and respect my views and feelings, we parent all our children the same and by working as a team. So obviously I need to focus on the bigger picture and on the positives.
Yet sometimes I still struggle and sometimes my husband struggles as well. I think our main struggle is when SS misbehaves. But sometimes there are other issues in the background: my husband (when is too much of SS misbehaving and me pointing negatives out) can become defensive sometimes, I can become unfair (although I have improved in this area I did have a tendency to focus on the negative) and we both sometimes struggle with the blended situation (I have felt ocassionaly in the past that my husband is happier/more involved when SS is here and he has felt in the same about me with my son, we are both working on that). So overall the situation is not terrible but we have our challenges, which I'm hoping to be able to share with you :)  
Well you will get a bettter picture once I start filling my blog (which I'm committed to do!) (exciting!)

Thank you for listening 

Love for you all ! 


CLove's picture

Glad that you are here and benefitting from our shared journies!

We welcome everyone. Please feel free to comment as you wish and vent whenever you feel the need.

Esperanza's picture

Thank you CLove! will definitely do Lol

caninelover's picture

And looking forward to hearing more of your story, Esperanza.

Esperanza's picture

Thank you caninelover! 

AgedOut's picture

first, never feel guilty because you love your birth children more than you do your SS. That's pretty normal. second, it sounds like you and your husband communicate and that is key. 

Esperanza's picture

I shouldn't feel guilty but oh my is hard ! I'm working on it though and will carry on working lol 

yeah we do communicate and has helped so much, he gets a bit over emotional though when discussing sensitive topics but he knows this and tries to communicate better 

LittleCloud9's picture

Nice to meet you! Smile

yeah reading the posts on STalk can be helpful and also quite exciting at times! Honestly there are so many people on here whose blogs I enjoy. I have a tendency to get some stories kinda mixed up tho, the girhippos, darth Vader's, toxic trolls, beavers, satans, meth mouths, and many more sometimes I forget what happened to who. There are many posters on here though who are very good at following what's happening with others and remembering peoples details. I wish I was like them. Some here have been listening to each other's stories for years.

Most everyone is pretty cool here. Occasionally there will be some sharp differences of opinion but majority know how to have constructive discussions even when they don't agree. I hope you join in the conversations more often :) 


Esperanza's picture

Yeah, I often start reading back to remember the details of each person's story lol . So many stories, so much life in this site, it's amazing.

I have noticed some passionate debates lol! But yes I think most people opt to have constructive discussion

I will defo start joining in!  

Esperanza's picture

 it feels amazing to start telling my story (finally) and interacting with you all!

out of my comfort zone a bit but hey never late to try new things !

Stepdrama2020's picture

Cannot wait for you to share more of your journey.

This site is therapeutic, informative, and at times dang funny. 

Its like you "know" some members so well and cannot wait to read more. So many good reads . I luv some of the names skids and BM's get on here. Like Bratty, Munchkin(the backstabber),  Toxic Troll, Tweevils, Bio HO and sooooo many more

Esperanza's picture

Hi! Thank you.

So true! It's so great to have a space to share your story and learn about others. 

thank you for your warm welcome ! 

CLove's picture

The reason I found this place was Feral Forger Now 22SD. Shes a mini-interpretation of Toxic Troll. She first was nicknamed Winona (but now with stranger things I like Winona!)

So cant forget her!!!

Esperanza's picture

CLove, I have read your entire blog, I remember the Winona years! Lol !!!

Don't know why I waited so long to start participating in this amazing community !!

CLove's picture

Then no doubt you have also read the comments, and know that I tend to read the comments on my blogs and go and do the same thing again and when I get the same things happening, I come here and complain about the same things, and folks are now bored of repeating themselves.

LOL. I can see you now, reading and going "darn, when will this one ever learn! Cant she see they are using her like a tool in the tool box!!!!"

JRI's picture

You sure sound like a Steptalker - a caring person who went in to it with the best intentions but (like me) little forethought.  Lol.  Welcome!  I think we have all been surprised ny the emotions it brings and the complexity.  This site is so great for exploring the stepfamily dynamics.  Good luck!

Esperanza's picture

Thank you! 
The amount of times I think "I wish I knew it was going to be so hard!!" 

We need to keep strong :))) 

islandgal2021's picture

HI and welcome!! Oh you're gunna get a wealth of experience and knowledge here! This site has been an absolute life saver for me.  I learnt all about disengagement, emotional incest, how to combat toxic skids and more..the dramas that happen in our lives are just unbelievable.  Hopefully one day, we will be looked on as the "saviours" and not the damn evil witches step-hell makes us all out to be.

Looking forward to hearing more of your stories *biggrin*

Esperanza's picture

You have said it right, it is such a life saver !

thank you !

Primarymom's picture

YES! I often too feel guilty I dont love my SS as I love my own son.

I have finally accepted that I dont love him as i love my son. I love him in a different way. & Sometimes I feel burnt out.

I also realized my SS personality is more out there & sometimes I tap out and its OK to take a break.


Esperanza's picture

Having a blended family is much harder than I ever anticipated. So many new and sometimes conflicted emotions.

All we can do is be the best we can be and also acknowledge that we are also humans !

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Welcome to STalk! 

One of the best things about telling your stories to a bunch of strangers is that we ARE strangers! You do not have to worry about any of us accidentally telling your DH or an in-law or anyone close to you about what you disclose here. Smile