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Not Comfortable in my House

ChelseaQ's picture

Been married 6 years. So adult SD 21 came to live with us 6 months ago from out of state. Prior to that I only saw her a handful of times due to how far away she lived. And basically anytime she did come I felt uncomfortable in my house until she left having a virtual stranger around. She hasn't really done anything wrong and we get along. She's just quiet and unenthusiastic and she shuts herself in her room all the time. It creates a wierd vibe in the house. I just don't feel close to her and I feel self conscious in my house.

I was worried about the uncomfortable feeling when she moved here but thought it would get better. But it hasn't. I made the mistake of trying too hard to do things for her and caring way too much about everything she does. I planned family activities and we've spent time together as a family. But she's still just so quiet and hard to feel close to. Now I've learned I should probably disengage. It's just hard when someone lives with you and you can see everything that they do. Basically I don't feel comfortable roaming the house because I might run into her and have to make awkward small talk. The only time I'm really at ease is when she's gone. But her schedule is changing and she will be coming and going unexpectedly now instead of being gone for 6 solid hours a day which makes me more unhappy. I work from home so I'm always here 

I did share my feelings with my husband recently. He just seemed annoyed. He thinks I'm being selfish since she's trying to get her life started and save money. But he never looked at it from my point of view that I lost all the solitude in the house I had for years before she came. I'm not asking her to move out  I just wanted him to be aware of how I feel. In fact when she first moved here he wanted her to get a work from home job where she would be here all day. Thankfully she didn't.

I'm not sure what answers I'm looking for here. I think I'm just venting. Just wondering if anyone else has this situation where SD doesn't really cause problems but you still wish they weren't here. I just want my home to be my comfort zone again but I basically stay in my bedroom now because I feel like I have a roommate who doesn't feel like family and makes no effort to actually be friends.

tog redux's picture

I think it's perfectly reasonable to be uncomfortable with an adult stepkid you barely know living with you. If my DH moved my SS21 in here, I'd move out (and I know him well). I'm sorry your DH can only think about his own and his daughter's wants and needs, and not yours. What is the plan? I'd suggest you set a clear plan for what needs to happen for her to move out, and a system for monitoring that.  Also, she needs to be contributing to the home by doing chores, etc, if she's going to live there rent-free.  He may be happy to have her there, but he needs to realize that it's YOUR home, too, and you are not happy to have here there endlessly. If "getting on her feet" includes mental health treatment, then getting that needs to be a condition of living there.

ChelseaQ's picture

I think the lack of a plan is part of what bugs me. I had unrealistic expectations that we would have a happy family and be more bonded by now. I had no idea how much her being isolated in her room would bother me. It bugs me even just hearing the door shut. Her father seems uncomfortable pushing her too much because I think he worries about his relationship with her. But he never ever lived with his stepmother and I think I need to remind him of that.

SteppedOut's picture

This is such crap. Do you have a male cousin/nephew/other relative you could move in? Perhaps you husband's perspective will change when he has to live with some random ass male he doesn't know.

Also. How are finances split? Are you paying half? I would REALLY be feeling some extra type of way if I was paying more so she could save. 

ChelseaQ's picture

I make more so I pay more. But I'm glad you brought finances up because it forced me to list them out and start thinking more about a budget. And no I don't think he'd be happy with me moving in a random relative.

sandye21's picture

This is a Red Flag.  You should be only paying 1/3.  Please look up Narcissistic husbands.  Ask yourself how you are benefitting.

MissTexas's picture



Who cares about his happiness at this point! Does he care about yours? It's pretty obvious he doesn't if he gets aggravated when you try talking to him about how miserable you are with her living there.

He needs to make a choice to either be married mentally to his daughter or to you. He can't have it both ways.

I would be inclined to move a relative in also, and possibly take out and ad advertising for a roommate!

What's good for the gander is good for the goose!

Harry's picture

You two should be on the same page

1. It's his Adult DD,  you can't have any motherly feeling for her.  You or anyone can just do that with a 21 yo

2.  I can understand she needs a head start in life ( BM and BF ) failure there is not your problem 

3.  She must work, save X amount of money each week, what you keep track of.  Her makeup clothes problem are not to effect savings

4. When she get Y amount of money saved. You with her will rent her a apartment. Your gift the last on is to pay one or two months rent. Some kitchen things ect

5. She is out in 6 or 8 or 12. Months for good.

Make sure you don't get into this someday she will move ,,,Buy her car need X,Y,Z so there goes the savings. Her favorite band is two states over,  she just needs a vacation Bull Sh** 

ChelseaQ's picture

We need a plan. First thing she started talking about when she moved here was how she wanted a personal trainer. That to me is a frivolous expense for a 21 year old not paying any living expenses. But if she saves x amount per month then what she does with what's left is her business. She hasn't hired a trainer so far but that whole topic bugged me. 

CLove's picture

You are not alone. A virtual stranger, another female who hole up in her room and makes no effort to talk to you, that you work to support, well that would unsettle anyone!

I feel similar to that with SD15 and Ive been in her life for 8.5 years. She holes up in her room and makes no efforts to contribute or help out and we have to coddle and cajole her into doing anything at all. I work to support the household and theres this person who Im not related to that Im supporting. And generally SD15 is kind and considerate (just dont ask her to do anything because she will pout and give silent treatment).

1. Discuss with your husband what the launch plan is. Have a defined plan in mind ahead of time.

2. Discuss things as they are now.

3. Do not criticise his adult kiddo. They always get offended if you do even if they know its the truth.

Keep us posted on how it goes!

ChelseaQ's picture

He does get defensive and offended if I say anything about her. Thanks for the advice!

JRI's picture

As Tog and Harry say, having a plan that all 3 of you are familiar with is key.  I just wanted to empathize because over the years, 4 of our 5 have moved back.  So, I understand your uncomfortable feeling, I always had it, too, even if the kid was my own bio.

Look on the bright side.  At least she didn't move back with a spouse, kids or pets as we've had here. Lol.

ChelseaQ's picture

Glad to know it's uncomfortable even with bio kids.  Sounds like you have your hands full!

JRI's picture

It happened over a 25-year period, one by one.  Each had a different emergency and my DH loved being able to provide shelter in the storm.  He never stressed "a plan" except when my DD, hubby, 2 kids, dog and cat moved in during a transition from another city.  They'd bougjt a fixer- up but weren't in any hurry to start "fixing".  He had one of his talks with her and they moved that day.

Winterglow's picture

What a lot of men don't understand is that you can only have one queen per castle. What's the plan for her? How long will she be there? What is she contributing to the upkeep of the home? (Expecting to do bugger all is NOT on) Did your husband at least discuss her installation with you? Is she paying rent? 

ChelseaQ's picture

Honestly I don't think he really asked how I felt about her moving here. It was more like we need to get her out of her house with her mother so she can have a better start in life. And I did emphasize with the situation because apparently her mother is crazy. But I didn't realize how much impact her being here would have on me.

Winterglow's picture

And it never occurred to her that she could take charge of her own life and move out by herself? 

I'm with the others, you need a a plan or she'll still be there in 10years time, maybe with a bf in town or a baby or two... 

Kaylee's picture

Was it your house before you met your husband? 

It so, I would be doubly mad at him for moving his adult baby in with no agreed end date.....

ChelseaQ's picture

Ironically we had been living in my own house that I sold so w could rent a better house that would accommodate us better. I had been wanting to sell for a while and decided to take advantage of the hot market. So I didn't sell solely for her benefit. And now we rent a house that's more expensive because rental prices are insane right now. I do like our new home and area better though 

FannieB's picture

Have you tried talking to her?  She may be just as uncomfortable, since she keeps to herself quite a bit.  Maybe take her out to lunch or even coffee.  Sit and talk like two women.  Not stepmom and stepdaughter.  Respect her as a young woman and talk to her that way, letting her know that you are glad to have her in your life more and the chance to get to know her more.  Ask her what she needs and share what you need.  When my 2nd daughter moved back in with us temporarily, we had a talk.  Seems we both had the very same concerns.  Y'all may have the same as well.  

ChelseaQ's picture

We haven't talked about how she locks herself away specifically but I feel like we've talked enough in the 8 or do months that she's been here to have bridged the discomfort by now. Now I'm actually doing the opposite and trying to disengage because I think I burned myself out trying too hard with her.

Stepdrama2020's picture

It sounds like you have gone out of your way to try and make her comfortable. The family trips, meals etc. Sometimes people are just loners. BUT here is the thing she aint your bio, this is not a comfortable co existence.

To boot this is also your home, you need to discuss an end date here. SD is an adult. You shouldnt be expected to live with SD , pay the bills, and be uncomfortable. Like how in the hell does your DH think this is good for YOU? Yea it works for him, it works for SD. Well I guess, we dont know that cause she never speaks lol.

I would have a serious conversation with DH. To hell with if he gets defensive, you matter too!


Lovinglifebut's picture

That is brutal and I can definitely relate!  
I am very happily married for 18 yrs and literally the only thing we ever argue about is my Step Daughter. I have been in her life for 18 years, since she was 9. 

I have been there for her in every way possible. I am a specialist in childrens mental health and have always been supportive. When she was younger it was better - not perfect but I must say there were times when I really enjoyed her company. 

flash forward and the last 5 years have been brutal. She lives far away and when she comes to visit she stays with us. We live in a small condo and she doesn't speak to me. At all. Except to say maybe 'Where's my Dad?'  I won't go on and on because this is your post and I came here to say:


please tell your partner about your feelings. Please consider speaking with a therapist - all three of you, you and him or just you if necessary!!!

and talk to him. I have acquiesced for years to not cause too many waves and literally last night it allllll came out. I felt like shit hitting my partner with it all at once but I was just brutally honest. Used my 'I' statements and also told him that occasionally I'd like to be vigorously defended by him!!!   The icing on the cake was, at 27 and I'm planning to visit her, using our vacation time, $$, etc, why it wasn't just up to her and her father what the plan was?!?!

that entitlement!!!

please try to change things now. 


I still have hope that as she matures we can develop a relationship. But I'm also done being a doormat and trying to make up for the poor coping skills she learned from BM. 

I want my partner to see his child and to be happy. And I want to be happy too. And I'm entitled. And so are you my friend. 

I wish you all the best on this rocky road. 


ChelseaQ's picture

I wouldn't say it's all wonderful and great now. But I did let my feelings be heard. And I told him, do you want me to tell you this now or do you want this to all come out later when I explode and you had no idea how I was feeling?  We also talked about bad habits she picked up at her mother's house. 

But yeah you want to be supportive of their relationship but it shouldn't be at your expense and that's the part he struggles to see. That my happiness matters too.

Missingme's picture

Darn, when we marry men with baggage, there will always be crappy situations that seem impossible. I can totally understand how you feel. Before we married I told him if he wanted to get married that I wouldn't be able to deal with adult children of any age in the home. I'm so glad I stipulated that because it's been hell at times even without that very horrible scenario. 

Can you not insist she go back to live with her mother? Does she not have siblings or friends?

Mommajay's picture

I haven't been comfortable in my own home in three abs half years. Even when he leaves every other weekend to see his mom, I have anxiety anticipating my 13 year old stepsons return. I am trying to find my peace in this home but not very successful. We have no relationship and his mom is hostile. It's awkward. It leads to resentment towards my husband. Did you have any discussion about how long she will be staying? 

ChelseaQ's picture

The funny thing is every time she came to visit I was always happiest after we dropped her off at the airport to go back to her mother's. I should have known I'd end up feeling this way but I was trying to be supportive of my husband and his desire to bond more with her. But yeah we need to understand the long-term plan.

MissTexas's picture

His lack of parenting before you came along is his to own, not yours.

Many of these men try to make up for lost time by being "Disney Daddies" giving these girls whatever they want for as long as they want. It all stems from their guilt as a failed parent.

Get that plan in place!!

sandye21's picture

I went through this 30 years ago.  DH reacted just like yours did.  It didn't improve.  If he doesn't have your back now he never will.  There are a few questions to ask yourself such as, do you earn more than him or do you have more assets?  Does he show support for you when you need it?  Obviously not and that is a red fla.g.  Is he affectionate?  Does he openly communicate?  Does he tell little fibs?  All red flags.  If you answer 'Yes' to any of these questions go see a lawyer for a post nup.  Then let him entertain SD somewhere else.  I divorced DH a couple of months ago and it is Heaven

Rags's picture

Do what you always do, if you prance around your house nude, keep doing it. If you and DH enjoy countertop intimacy, keep doing it.  

Be your usual happy active self in  your home. It is after all, your home.

Also inform her, and daddy, that she is either an active part of the household, or she is not a part of the household at all. Including living there.

During your work hours, the home is  your office and not her space, or your DH's.  She leaves when you start work and she returns when you end your work day.  Her wonky schedule she can deal with in ways that do not interfere in your schedule.  This is not a minor child.  No one needs to accommodate for her. As an adult resident she resides at the pleasure of the home owners.  And not the other way around.

It is amazing to me that so many people try to up end their lives to accommodate a Skid rather than forcing the Skid to assimilate into the household and family routines.   

Not in my world would the family do the assimilating.  

Lovinglifebut's picture

I agree!  And your not doing your step daughter any favours either. That's not how the world works!!!

Merry's picture

I have no problem helping out adult kids if they are doing everything they can to help themselves. Both my DD and my SS came back to the parental nest, and at the same time. It was difficult, but it was the right thing to do.

But we had rules. Either work full time, go to school full time, or some combination. Take care of your own laundry and your own space, and help around the house as needed or and as asked. Both our kids did that, and one benefit was that SS was insane about a clean kitchen. He cleaned up even if he didn't use the kitchen himself.

And there has to be a fundamental understanding by everyone that the living arrangement is temporary.

It wasn't easy living with either one of those adult kids. My own kid drove me nuts, and of course SS did too. But I could tolerate it knowing they were both doing what they agreed to, and there was an end in sight.

ChelseaQ's picture

I've never seen her help clean up. I asked my husband many times to talk to her about it. He claims he did. But I still haven't seen her help. She doesn't really eat much and leave a mess herself. But it's just the idea that she lives here and needs to help in some way that irritates me. And I felt uncomfortable saying anything because I'm busy trying to be polite and don't have any authority over her. It's like having a permanent house guest where you feel like you're always on your best behavior around them. It's wearing on me. I just want to relax in my own home.

CLove's picture

Perhaps you could try regular "family meetings" or discussions together. Just a thought. Sometimes I have done that.

But yes, as SD15/5 gets older she feels more and more like a permanent house guest that eats my food, that I support and who doesnt contribute at all.

Definitely get launch plan together.

Rags's picture

We landed on a solution for that though it is not one we really put a lot of thought or effort into.  Our primary home has a large gourmet kitchen with a mile of  counter tops, a huge sink, etc... Too much space to pile stuff on rather than just dealing with it upon use.

Our second home has a tiny kitchen.  Less than 8ft of counter space broken into 4 sections..  And... we have limited our dishes, cookware, etc...  We run the dishwasher at least once a day.  When we get back home on a more permanent basis, I think I will have a second dishwasher installed on the opposite side of the sink to our current dishwasher. We have way too many dishes at home.  Optimal would be place settings for 2. That forces the constant cleaning of dishes, pots, pans, etc... in order to just feed ourselves. So far, my bride is controlling her usual penchant for buying dishes and cool pots, pans, etc.... We just don't have any room for it.

Keep it stupid simple (KISS) works wonders I am finding.

My bride is home officing since joining me out West.  I make sure that I clean the kitchen every day so she does not have the aggravation and distraction of knowing it needs to be done since her desk/office is in what would be our dining room and close to the kitchen.  Due to being COVID positive I have been home officing for nearly 2 weeks.  Once I return to the office in a few days I will still do the kitchen when I get home every afternoon.  I was before COVID.  

I will say that when SS-29 was in his live in beck-and-call boy/chore  bitch phase after he graduated HS and turned 18 he did a tone of house keeping stuff.  When we dropped him off at MEPS to report to USAF BMT it was immediately clear how much he had  been doing.

When we moved over seas we had housekeeping provided with our company housing. I miss those days.  Though battling to have the house keepers actually use the dishwasher was a challenge in all three MENA countries we lived in. They liked hand washing and getting them to use the dishwasher on hot wash and heated dry to sanitize the dishes, etc... was a never ending battle.  Over the years as dishwashers have gotten better I no longer pre rinse.  It goes in, I put in a pod, and push start.  Works great.  I remember my dishwashing chore days as a kid.  You had to wash dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. It used to drive me nuckin futz.

Dash 1


Rags's picture

She is in YOUR home. You have total authority.

Use it.

Momof2Girls's picture

You are not alone. This was my life for 3 years. My adult SD moved in with us to go to college. It was complete hell. She was a ball of anxiety that hid in her room, not communicating with her father. Text messages all the time between them in different rooms of the house. It was a nightmare. I had to walk on eggshells to make her feel at home. 
she finally moved to a dorm. I just told my Husband recently she is not welcome to stay here again! She is awkward (still) she is now 21! She still comes over and makes me uncomfortable because she is so damn awkward and socially anxious. 
All I can say is speak up to husband and disengage 

ChelseaQ's picture

I keep thinking about how she's been here about 8 months but still doesn't seem to be comfortable. And I keep thinking it's because she's awkward and makes no effort to try to be comfortable. I've planned family trips and dinners and stuff. But she just goes straight back to her room after it's over. I mean how will you get past the discomfort sitting in a room by yourself with the door shut. I'm honestly trying to figure out how she has friends. Does she initiate anything with them or just stay quiet and keep to herself around everyone? It's just not fun having someone around who is quiet, reserved and somewhat somber all the time.

Olivia2020's picture

and to see a 21 yr old female cooped up in her room ALL day without even moving her body more than to the bathroom or kitchen, without a word to me. One day she left the bedroom door opened a bit and of course I had to see what the heck kept her so occupied....laptop on lap sitting on the bed, watching tv, on video with boyfriend all day long, then on video chat with BM, texting on her phone, working on schoolwork and on snapchat and whatever apps the kiddos are multi-tasking on nowadays. She never lifted a finger ONE TIME when she was there. The toilet in her bathroom had black mold and overflowing trash can. Entitled isn't the only way to describe that flaming mess...lazy, unmotivated, spoiled, passive-aggressive silent treatment crap. That was the NICE of the two ex-SD's, the other one was a few years older, aka DaughterWife, she ruled the house. I left 43 days after witnessning this dysfunction of young 'adults' that were so nauseating and pathetic. 

Prior to the nuptials, the couples therapist met with exH and I for several hours. Therapist clearly stated that exH's adult kids, while staying in the house, needed to contribute by cleaning up after themselves and would be considered 'guests' in the home. Of course the talk he was to have with them never happened.

So your SD knows how to talk, she talks to someone, likely talks to several people by various types of communication every day. I'm with Rags, walk around your house the way you want, as if she wasn't there, and don't make anything too comfortable for her. Save your money and your energy and focus on you and have the talk with your hubby. I hope it all works out. 


Winterglow's picture

How much worse can it possibly be to live with her mother as opposed to self-imposed solitary confinement at your place? 

ChelseaQ's picture

Apparently her mother is a nightmare and living with her was awful. She was always isolated in her room there too. She's lives in a different state far away and she hasn't even visited her since she left. But I'm not used to everyone having their door shut all the time. My family wasnt like that. Now I'm keeping my door shut too.

ChelseaQ's picture

I only hear about her from both of them and she definitely has her issues. But I also wonder if SD actually helped out there or just isolated in her room and did nothing there too. Either way the mom is no angel herself.

Olivia2020's picture

so things may not be what they seem unless you saw it for yourself. I say this because my son would lock himself in his bedroom at his dad's house to keep his bossy dad's wife (she was never a step-mother) and two ill-mannered half-brothers out of his room. But you don't have that issue at your house. Your SD might just want privacy but she's in a place there now where her dad can give her guidance and both of you make her exit plan.

shamds's picture

Your new spouse, doesn't expect to be spending her married life with skidults indefinitely who are failure to launch, make no attempt to be active members of that household, they treat your home as more of a pit stop.

it destroys the harmony at home and vibe goes down south. Then your idiot spouse makes all kinds of pathetic excuses for not forcing them to launch with a plan because of the poor child of divorce when parents divorced 1-2 decades ago. 

I couldn't do it anymore and I certainly wasn't exposing my 2 kids to toxic skid environment so i made it very clear to my husband i am disengaging and want no relationship with his kids, that I wasn't gonna spend another day in our marital home that his adult son wasn't gonna launch in. 

my husband bought a separate home for us in my name for us and our 2 minor kids together, to live in. Its the same bullshit excuses for skids. I just can't anymore with the pathetic excuses and laziness. But hubby has immense guilt if he lays the law with his son, ss already threatened to run away so basically told his dad he should be allowed to behave disrespectfully and shun us and hubby not criticise him for that oh and he gets to live in our marital home

my husband is an essential worker on contract o/seas for several more yrs but will likely retire early in about 1-2 yrs. at that point he has promised to permanently relocate to me. My country locked down since march 2020. I have been separated from my husband almost 2 yrs now and it'll be 1 week shy of  2 yrs when he lands here. I don't tolerate skid crap bullshit anymore. 

hubby knows if there is no launch plan in place that this marriage is over. Because I don't intend to spend our marriage with him prioritising adult failure to launch feefees over our 4 & 5 yr olds childhood and development. I've already had to deal with so much these past 2 yrs, my patience for him is very thin

there just comes a point where it feels like they're taking you for a dumb fool

ChelseaQ's picture

Destroys the vibe is exactly it. Just changes the whole dynamic of the house 

littlemamaneedshelp's picture

Not uncomfortable in my house because of that I'm uncofortable in my house because I'm pretty sure both SK are planning on either hurting me or one of my animals to get to me. My family is even afraid for me sometimes. But i've reasurred them that if it came down to defending myself or my animals because a 12 and 11 are hurting or trying i have no problem with going to jail for punching a kid(s) in the face. I would leave if my car was big enough to get my 3 dogs and 4 cats out.

ChelseaQ's picture

They better not hurt them. I hope they're not seriously crazy!

KC is not the stepmother's picture

I idiotically let my friend's 18 year old daughter stay with us while attending community College. I felt that way, too. I was working from home and she would get up mid afternoon. She had classes 3 days a week and worked part time until about 9 pm. 

Having a conversation with her was painful. She had no social skills at all. She was dating a neckbeard 20 year old super senior. Anybody ever heard of a super senior before? I hadn't.  It's someone in their second or third senior year of high school. A 20 year old high school student. He didn't drive, or have a job. She would drive to his house two towns away and ONE TIME his mom gave her a $25 gas gift card. 

The only time in 2 1/2 years that she ever had "friends" here was when they stopped in at 3 am to use the bathroom and my wedding ring disappeared. 

ChelseaQ's picture

How painful it could be. My SD always seems to be sleeping. Like I think she takes a nap every single day. When she has to go to work at 7 or 8 she gets up early. But if not there's not a peep out of her until mid afternoon a lot of times too. You think it will be fun and you'll have a friend that will be great to have around. And instead it's just awkward.

ChelseaQ's picture

So I posted this a month ago and then I never had a chance to talk because he got REALLY sick with COVID. And when he finally started getting better then his mother got really sick and he was stressed. 

So today I told him how I felt. He was defensive and argumentative as expected. But I said my piece about how she's not my daughter, I want a plan, and I'm not ok with how fuzzy the timeline is since we don't have one.

He's uncomfortable asking for a timeline because he doesn't want to make her feel like he doesn't want her here. But I changed the conversation instead to finances. I threw out some numbers around what income level she should be working towards to be able to afford a certain price of apartment and how much she needs to save each month to have a nest egg within a year. He seemed receptive to that like he hadnt even thought about those things. So he said he'll talk to her about that in the next week or so. It's not exactly the deadline that I'd like but it's at least something.

We also talked about our house finances and how we can split them a little more evenly. I hadn't really even thought about this stuff until I posted here.

Winterglow's picture

He's uncomfortable asking for a timeline because he doesn't want to make her feel like he doesn't want her here"

But that's just it - this is your home and she is a guest. Guests don't stay forever. A good guest helps out in any way they can. He shouldn't be asking her for a timeline, he should be helping her to set it.

If he hasn't talked to her by next Sunday, tell him he has 3 days to do so otherwise you will be doing it and he might not like your approach.

ChelseaQ's picture

I tried to tell him she's a permanent guest and it's uncomfortable having company forever but I think he struggles to see from my perspective. 

I will give him credit because I told him I want her to start helping maintain this house so he did talk to her about cleaning the kitchen several times a week. It's more than she's done so far so it's a start.

I also thought about telling him that he may not want to make her feel like he's rushing her out but he can't control what I I say to her so he needs to do something before I do. But in a discussion (argument) you sometimes forget some of the key points you want to make.

Winterglow's picture

Then maybe it's time for another approach... Point out that there is only ever ONE queen for a castle (as much as I loved my mother, more than 10 days under the same roof and WWIII wouldn't be far off) and that it isn't a natural situation. He is asking you to go against nature. 

Maybe also ask him what he's getting out of making her dependent, especially when she was doing so well. 

I also think that telling him to fix this his way or you'll do it yours is excellent. I've used this under different circumstances and it worked pretty well. 

ChelseaQ's picture

But he's got a couple other adult sons that he doesn't have the best relationship with. So I think he's trying harder to hold onto her. And her mother is such a mess that he feels like she has no one. I don't like to throw around Divorce unless I'm serious so I try not to go there. So I think he takes me for granted and doesn't even realize that I don't have to be here.

MissTexas's picture

he's pouring all his marbles into this one. It's his last chance to be a good daaaadeee to a grown ass woman.


Be solution focused: Make a tiimeline, Check her savings goals monthly, Increase her chores in the meantime.

Rags once said, (I'm paraphrasing) 
"Make her your kitchen bitch." In other words make her do more, while also contributing financially. This is, after all, great training for being and adult! There's aboslutely NO REASON why she can't be made to pay the electric and water bill, for instance. My goodness, you're paying the bulk of the bills and you're miserable.

Put a stop to this nonsense! You'll be so happy when you establish a plan to get her out of your home~

ChelseaQ's picture

I just need to follow through. I struggle with making waves and being the bad guy out saying what I know he didn't want to hear. So I've had thr initial conversation but I need to be strong enough to continue bringing it up.

SteppedOut's picture

That is good -divorce shouldn't be a threat. But point out he is more worried about her being uncomfortable than you. YOU are the one subsidizing them! 

Also... how long can you go on like this before you do want a divorce? One year? Two? Five?

ChelseaQ's picture

I asked him will she be here for 1, 2, or 5 years and he laughed and said she's probably wants to get out more than I want her out and 5 years is ridiculous. But I'm definitely keeping track and really thinking through my future with this family to decide what I do and do want long term.

shamds's picture

Adult son living in our marital home with his constant shunning negative vibe etc. eventually i told hubby he either kicked him out or get us another home. Hubby bought me a new home in my name for us and our 2 young kids to live in whilst i finish my university studies in my country. Hubbys country was too toxic i had to move me and our kids to Australia 

my kids were toddlers and didn't know who this stranger was and what he was doing in our home. My country and state has closed its borders 2 yrs almost and it will be 3 yrs before our state premier opens our borders so we can reunite

i have spent 10 days in the past 2 yrs with my husband and not been with him in a year now because of border closures and flight caps means his flights are repeatedly cancelled 

i had a talk with him that if nothing changes mid this yr, i want to move back end of this yr and wait it out but adult ss(almost 24) needs to leave.

i made it clear to my husband i would never remain in a home with ss. Hubby said he will be out and living in hubbys apartment closer in the city as thats being gifted to him to live in.

ss is disgusting, smells, lazy, a bum and just sleeps daytime because he is up at night. My husband made it clear pre covid that he intended to spend yearly holidays in Australia with us and he couldn't bring ss because none of us want our holiday destroyed with the negative vibe he brings it makes us feel so unwelcome in our own home.

my husband told ss it was on him because he chose to repeatedly behave this way all for nothing. My husband told him his own sisters don't have a relationship with him, his bio mum disowned him after the divorce so he can enjoy spending holidays alone out of his own choices.

this is something i will not budge on. Any home i buy, none of my skids will have a room or permission to enter. I'm done wanting a relationship with my ss or sd's 16.5 & 27

i didn't sign up to be married to my husband with an adult ss forever living in my home. Thats not normal

ChelseaQ's picture

That's a long time to live apart! SD is not rude or lazy or smelly. She's trying to work towards a couple of business ventures. But I have only seen so much progress and I know how slow than can be. Especially when she seems to always be sleeping so much. Most people here seem to have horrible step kids. My issue with her is she's just a stranger in my home and I don't have a connection or bond. My husband thinks your supposed to support family not push them out. But like you said I didn't sign up for this living situation that doesn't have a known end date that I'm not enjoying.

Winterglow's picture

Yes, by all means support family but when you're a guest in someone's home, where I come from, you do your possible to make things as easy and comfortable as possible for your hosts. It's a question of upbringing and basic good manners not a question of obligation. It should go both ways. Apparently, your husband didn't read the memo right to the end 

shamds's picture

The house. Its not hard to figure out what needs to be done.

but too often skids refuse to do this, claim its stepmums job to clean etc and sleeping abnormal hours is my major pet peeve. Because at times we normally sleep, this is when my ss is making heeps of noises downstairs and waking us up 

ChelseaQ's picture

I spent half the day cooking and she came down and ate then just strolled back upstairs without touching a single dish. My husband did clean the kitchen but come on, seriously? It's like she has no idea that she should help. I've waited way too long for her to volunteer which is why he told her she needs to start cleaning the kitchen 3 times a week.

shamds's picture

Help with cleaning when we have a family bbq over. Don't need to ask, after everyone has left, the ones sleeping over in our guest rooms clean first all the dirty dishes. 
but when you've been raised to be inconsiderate of others, turning a blind eye is all you do and when called out claim nobody told you that you had to clean up after yourself or stop being such a lazy shit

Stepdaughters hate me's picture

This happens in my house all the time.  Like not even a thought to participating or helping. 

MissTexas's picture

relate to that underlying uncomfortable feeling I got from the adult "SKs". It was always awkward and forced.

Like you, many of us go overboard trying to be good to them. I did that for years and years. Cooked, cleaned, bought bd and Christmas gifts without so much as a "thank you." I stepped back and asked why I did all of that because I resented it afterward. I realized I was putting DH's happiness above my own. No matter how miserable I was being around them and often the BM I kept doing it to make HIM HAPPY.

Finally SD blew up and screamed at me for almost an hour, (while he stood by and said/did absolutely NOTHING) and it was truly a blessing in disguise. Her father was disgusted with her behavior, and was shocked. It's hard to sugar coat something when it's right in front of your face. She began damage control right away apologizing again and again to DH, but never to me. That was my line in the sand, and since then I haven't had to put my eyes on her nasty ass.

As for your DH acting aggravated, of course he is. You know it's your fault, right? He's forgetting who he's married to. He needs to retrieve his balls from SD's purse. 

I haven't read the other responses, but I'm sure many have told you that you may think you've got a SD problem, when in reality you have a DH problem, because he sits by and allows the awkwardness. 

She needs a timeline to move out. It should be posted on the fridge, or wherever as a reminder that she is to be making a plan to become independent and "adult." 

I'm sad for you, as I can imagine the strange misery this is causing and the strain on your marriage.

I hope you and your DH can be a united front and work on an exit plan for SD.

sandye21's picture

Yes, MissTexas, you did it again!  Told it like it is:  "I realized I was putting DH's happiness above my own. No matter how miserable I was being around them and often the BM I kept doing it to make HIM HAPPY."

Chelsea, one day it will occur to you that DH and SD have absolutely no respect for you, and you have been giving yourself away for so long that you have no self-respect left.  Write down what your expectations are for your husband and see how many of them he fulfills.  Then ask yourself if you can live in the same situation for 10 more years because in most cases, if you simply expect DH to make the changes you desire it's not going to happen.  I hoped and waited for 30 years before I finally gave up on my dreams and have a much happier, less stressful life.  You have to change yourself, your self-worth and self-respect.

ChelseaQ's picture

I did way too many things with she first moved in. Gifts, making her favorite meals, planning family outings, asking if she wants anything from the store. I've completely stopped all that. She can get her own snacks and she doesn't need gifts she doesn't appreciate.

Kaylee's picture

Sometimes it helps to write your thoughts down on paper before you actually have the talk with someone (ie your husband).

That way, you won't forget the important points you wanted to make, and also it means you can write down some of the great ideas posters have offered. 

I understand how frustrating all this is for you. This SD is an adult, NOT a minor child that your H has taken custody of. You are the major breadwinner by the sounds of it, and also sold YOUR house in order that you and your H could rent a bigger place in a better area. She is getting to sit around and do F all, sleep in to all hours, while YOU work your A off!

Chelseaman83's picture

So you call the play,Why should you feel uncomfortable in your own home,You tell Hubby sorry but it's now making me on edge, I thought this was or would of been a 6 month temporarilly thing and she would be gone,Instead now fast forward a year later almost and she's still here,She locks herself in her room she doesn't help or get involved in family activities and I don't like it,You call her out of her room sit down with hubby and say "So uhmm any idea when you'll finally be getting your own place" You've tried your best you've done what you can,You've offered her stuff from the store you've cooked her meals and tried to get involved in family activities but yet she cant even aknowledge any of that,Sounds like you are now being taken for a ride and she is settled in,Permannent guest sounds about right

Missingme's picture

I have a feeling the SD is mentally ill and won't be leaving anytime soon. There is so much of this these days. I hope for your sake, Chelsea, that she can move back with her mom. Feel your pain. 

gostodetea's picture

Hi. I am very sorry to hear about your journey. I was on the same one for three years and it tore me apart. Until this day my husband doesn't understand the harm his son has left us with, and everytime I talk about it is the only time he gets all defensive on me. Unfortunately my SS was underaged (15) at the time so there wasn't any real possibility to do things differently. The odd vibe thing was never an issue to my husband either. Even today he doesn't understand it. Fortunately by the time he was 18 (and nothing had changed) we moved out and let him stay at the old rental house to live in. This was a huge change in my life. Is there any possibility for your husband to help her rent a bedroom nearby? Or a 1 room flat in an affordable area? He would pay the rent and she would have to be responsible for her own finances regarding everything else. 

And please desengage. You are just hurting yourself for someone who doesn't care about you. My SS lived for 10 years with my second's wife husband (yeah, he's a serial dater so I kind understand the kid for not wanting to engage with every wife his father marries) and he doesn't care about her. Lived for 3 years with me, never asks anything about me either. They just don't care.

Stepdaughters hate me's picture

My SD age 24 is still living with us.  Refuses to acknowledge me. Stays in room only leaving to go to the kitchen when "the coast is clear" and she doesn't have to see me.      She sneaks in and out of the house without a greeting and she's downright horrible.   Moves things of mine around.    My husband keeps saying that he wouldn't care or have any feelings about to if the situation was revserved.  But I do care. The vibe in the house - becuase of her - is horrible. So tense.   I literally hate going home.  I try to do everything I can to avoid being in my own house.  Which I pay for.   And this immature, self centered, mean, spoiled girl who pays nothing and contributes nothing gets to set the tone.    I started disengaging a few months ago and that helps me, but now I'm being critiqued for not extending myself more to her. "Why didn't you comfort her when she was in tears yesterday" he said to me.     What the f!  This is a girl who told me she hates me and that she wants me to leave her dad and her and her sister so they could go back to just the three of them.      To be honest at this point I feel he's a spineless jellyfish who is controlled by his 24 daughter who demands to be catered to by him.  

the worst part is after fighting this fight for two years and it's been awful. She's said horrible, unkind and untrue things about me.   And becuase of her continued rude behavior over two years, I have no feelings of kindness towards her. And he looked right at me on Saturday and said "you just don't like her becuase she's pretty"

Winterglow's picture

Why does she pay nothing? It's time she did, even if it's just to get her to adjust to the real world out there. What's the plan for her future? Has she any ambition? Is she in college? Or is she just a lazy moocher? I hope your husband covers her share of all expenses, utilities, food, rent/mortgage? If not, why not? 

Winterglow's picture

"you just don't like her becuase she's pretty"

"No, I don't like her because she's a rude, selfish moocher who contributes nothing positive to my life. When's she leaving?"

Rags's picture

Tell your DH to get his adult failed family crotch rott out of your home now.

The number of Sparents that tolerate this kind of crap is beyond me.  That the SP will do nothing about it is insane.

CLove's picture

Thats horrible thing to say. Time for this one to launch.

Chelseaman83's picture

My SS who is 28,Stays in his smelly room all day only comes out to use toilet or ask his mummy what's for dinner,Never contributes to the household can't empty a bin or wash a dish leaves crumbs and plates everywhere,It's like living with a 14yo or a 28yo who just never grew up,It's not that you don't like her because she's pretty it's because you don't like her lazy mooching lifestyle and rudeness arrogance and sense of entitlement,Daddy needs to have a good talk with her and ask her where she's going in life or what's her plans for the future,Tell him straight his daughters a lazy mooching brat do something about her

Stepdaughters hate me's picture

I agree with u.     Trust me.  We have many fights about this.  

Kaylee's picture

Your SD is EXACTLY like my ex SD and your H is just like my ex.

You have to make these two your exes as well!! 

How dare your gutless wonder of a husband say that???  You don't like her because she's pretty??


Also, what he said about how he wouldn't care and it wouldn't bother him if the situation was reversed? What bullshit! Of course he would care, anyone would. I know how horrible it is to go to a house like you have described because that's exactly what my ex's house was like - so tense, mini wife slamming doors, giving me filthy looks etc. 

Guys that make statements like that just make me wild. It's so arrogant and unempathetic.

Look, I'm not having a go at you, but honestly, why did you marry him at all? I remember your other posts, when you still had your own home and hadn't moved in with him. So many people here warned you, told you the situation wouldn't change etc - and of course they were right.

I'd leave if I was you.