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Court order and dui

LevinaFia23's picture

Do any other parents search the other unstable bio parent court docs randomly? I seme to have to bc the bio mom has been having court cases alot recently. She had a new one coming up this time for dui and swerving lanes. Dh is thinking ss should not be trusted alone with his mom at this point. 

He should be going with his mom this weekend but after seeing this court case added Tuesday dh is thinking to skip this bc she obviously has no license now. What do you think? Is this sufficient to bypass the CO? I understand this is very dangerous for ss to be with her bc we were warned last yr by her own sister that she drinks and drive. Now that there's court docs stating this it seems a good idea to not allow him there but there's a court order to follow.

What would you do in this situation?

ICanMakeIt's picture

Custody agreement follow it. She is innocent until found guilty. But call your atty too and get advice for the long term possible changes to order.

LevinaFia23's picture

This is what I was thinking. Despite the obvious danger, there is a CO to follow and if we break it then we're also violating an order. Yea we will have to ask an atty on it. Thanks

advice.only2's picture

We used to do this all the time, unless the child is willing to go with his father to the police and state that he feels unsafe being with BM he will have to follow the CO.  One time Meth Mouth’s house got broken into and she was harassing Spawn for a laptop (stolen) that she had “gifted” her. It was Meth Mouths weekend and Spawn was scared because her mom kept texting her people were coming to hurt them unless she gave the laptop back.  DH called his lawyer who told him to take Spawn to the police station and tell them she felt unsafe around her mother.  So he did, the cops called the mom and let her know that because Spawn felt unsafe they would not enforce Spawn to go with her if DH didn’t drop Spawn off with Meth Mouth.  Meth Mouth was irate and pretty much spent the whole weekend threatening Spawn.  DH tried to get an ex parte hearing that Monday but they dismissed it stating there was lack of evidence that Spawn was in any real danger.

LevinaFia23's picture

She had to return the next time right? This court date is in Jan and I could see bm doing this, going crazy over the weekend. Do you all have primary? Dh now has primary as of the past yr. Also we were the only ones to take her to court the past 5 years. She hasn't ever done it. If we didn't give him up this weekend I have a strong feeling she wouldn't even pursue court. Idk but you all have a point I really don't know what would happen.

advice.only2's picture

Yes Spawn went the next weekend and Grandhag and Meth Mouth spent all weekend brainwashing her that “it wasn’t a big deal”, and DH just did this as a power trip.  We had sole legal and physical custody of Spawn until she was 18 (she's 25 now).  DH only took Meth Mouth to court one time after she got arrested and he got custody, after that it was Meth Mouth taking him back to court for the next seven years.  You are fortunate the BM in your situation doesn't seem to care.  Neither did Meth Mouth honestly, but she had her mother (GrandHag) who would file the court docs and make Meth Mouth show up.