End of a decade of trying
Last weekend, my SSon got married. Up until 30 miutes before we were leaving for the wedding, I received the following text from my StepD:
Hey >>>. Thought I’d reach out and give you a heads up. I’m surprised and disappointed to hear you’re planning on coming to LA this weekend. You most likely don’t know how any of us feel about this because neither I nor Ryan (nor even my dad most likely) have spoken to you about it. Which is a fault of ours.
I know things have been difficult with you and my dad. I’m not here to judge or accuse or jump to any assumption. All I know is when it comes down to it, I chose my father, my mother, and my brother before anyone else. If we’re honest, you and I aren’t actually friends. We are only in each others lives because of my dad. I humored you when you made him happy, but if you’re not doing that anymore then we are not on the same team and I do not want to be in your life.
FYI, Ryan & Emily originally chose to sign papers this weekend with just their siblings as witnesses before word got out and they decided to include their parents. I have been filled with anxiety since Ryan told me he accidentally panic-invited you and Jaina when he told my dad on the phone. I’ve had more conversations about how to handle your presence than I ever care to have again. Everyone is on edge. Ryan has completely frozen up, my mother is bracing herself for the forced small talk, Emily & her parents feel their hands are tied, and I’ve been so overcome with anxiety I haven’t been able to call or text you to even let you know how heavy this is weighing upon us all.
I do not hate you. I hope that you can actually see that this is not mean to be taken personally. I just want my mother and my father and my brother above all to be able to relax and enjoy this weekend and be fully present. I do not feel your presence will allow that.
Ryan and I have had the immense pleasure of seeing my dad several times this year (without you) and it has felt so good to finally reconnect with him. He does not open up fully when you are around. He does not sing as much or laugh as heartily or stay as long as when you’re not around.
This day is important to him. As important to him as it is to my mother. And to Emily’s parents. It is not the same for you.
If there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you’re going to do what you’re going to do. And I respect you for that quality. But if you could find it on your heart to not come, it would mean so much to us all. It would be a giant collective sigh of relief.
I have nothing more to say to you and I do not wish to speak to you about this or anything else. I just thought it would be better you know this ahead of time and not be blindsided when we next see each other.
Setting aside the fact that she has no idea what is going on in our marriage (husband is an alcoholic); it has become apparent that her brother did not anticipate she would do this and was very distraught on his wedding day. I did not respond immediately to the text but did so yesterday. My text was basically, you've shown me who you really are, I believe you. Every year for the past 10 years we have hosted our kids (his 2, my one) for a family Christmas Eve. I am not allowing SD to be here this year. Is this petty? Should I be the bigger person and allow her to be here with her father and brother (and his new wife)? Husband, thus far, doesn't want her here and has, to me, expressed his disappointment with her but has yet to speak to her about it.
Anyway, how should I move foward with this SD? If at all.....
I think I need to read your
I think I need to read your backstory. How does SD know that things are difficult with you and her dad?
One way or the other, this girl needs a reality check. You're the Wife. The NEW Wife. The dysfunctional family dynamic that she is a product of, is now completely defunct. This is the new family dynamic, and for this idiot to think that she can pretend that the old family still exists, is frighteningly delusional.
Don't answer this toxic crap. ...and don't attend anymore of their crazy shit shows either. This girls is as sick as my ysd. Hugs to you.
what did your husband sahy
what did your husband sahy about her text?
he said it was cruel and that
he said it was cruel and that he knew she had a mean streak but never experienced it with someonoe he loved.
also, once the brother is
also, once the brother is back from his honeymoon he needs to be forwarded this and then grey rock them both. what a shitty thing to do
I have read this several times before responding. You are absolutely NOT being petty about not inviting that witch to your home. In fact, she would not be welcome in my home ever again. Since she loves her daddy time so much, so be it. DH can see her away from the maritial home. It can work. It's how we operate in this home.
You mentioned the brother being very upset about what she did. Has he reached out?? Was his sister being truthful about his feelings and everyone else?? If so, DH should be celebrating Christmas Eve with both his kids and the extended family away from your home.
I'm assuming you did not you attend this shit show??? Wow. I'm floored. That's probably one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen via this board. I'm so sorry. And if her brother was truly upset, she single handedly ruined her brother's wedding. I cannot imagine how everyone must have felt, knowing that text went out. Jeez. What a ugly bitch.
I re-read your post again. Your DH does not want her there. That is your answer. Stick with it. Let that horrible human being celebrate Christmas Eve with someone else.
I am not sure whether she was
I am not sure whether she was being truthful but then, I really don't know all that had been said behind my back. What I do know is I saw the text when SS invited us to the wedding. He stated in text that -in response to whether my daughter was invited-that "of course! we had planned to invite her all along as a sibling. just wanted to tell you guys first." Backstory: they have a wedding planned for next fall but decided to have a small ceremony this last weeked with just family. I think she sees herself as her dad's friend andresponsible for his happiness. SS stated that this was the case.
if she feels responsible for daddy's happiness, she sure screwed up on this one. Sent him to a wedding extremely unhappy and caused everyone in said wedding to be on edge. And now has put a huge rift in the family. Way to go, SD.
Be prepared....she's going to feel the effects of her shitasatic behavior in the coming months. She'll try to make amends or clean up the text , etc etc. Stand strong on your boundary. Keep this woman out of your life. As someone said, only a sincere apology with CHANGED behavior SEEN...so we're talking months, maybe years to overcome this. Again, I'm so sorry....you did not deserve such a vile message.
She DID blindside you!
What a cowardly sneaky stunt to pull.
Did you go to the wedding?
I DO think she knows her father is an alcoholic. I really can't comment on it all without enough info. But. BUT. I would tell her that it works both ways. She doesn't want you then guess what? She's not welcome to be in your life anymore. Bye bye to her.
So she wants just mummy and
So she wants just mummy and daddy present. It sounds to me as if she's the one who hasn't understood that life goes on. How did your husband react to this?
More information
As my husand is an alcoholic, I have set in place some boudaries-not all of which he is happy about. When I assert a boundary (won't leave with him when he has been drinking) he gets mad. He talks to his kids about it-without mentioning he was drunk. I do not think it's apppropriate to share martial issues with kids, adult or not. But what is done is done.
Step son and his wife will be here Christmas Eve. He and I have been close for a long time. I let him know why I would not be going to the wedding. He knew she was upset but didn't think she would go this far.
So, I didn't go to the wedding, my husband was -according to him-miserable and my SS was wishing he'd never invited anyone-that this day was not even about him. I (and my daughter) exchanged many texts with him to prop him up so to speak. He is a terrific young man with a big heart. She, on the other hand, not so much.
i hope you pointed out to DH
i hope you pointed out to DH how his involving the children in your marital issues contributed to SDs behavior.
I did and his response was chilling
As he was leaving for the wedding and I was sobbing, I told him that this was the direct result of him venting to his kids about me. His response: "It was the direct result of you being cruel and abusive." He genuinely thinks that - because I won't engage with him when he is drunk and I have left the house to get hotel rooms rather than put up with the verbal, and on some occasions, physical abuse (he hasn't hit me, but he has pushed me, pinned me against the wall, blocked me from leaving the room, grab my arms hard enough to leave bruises, etc.)
This is over the line.
He is very abusive to you. Physical and verbal. You could get killed by him. I hesitate to say this but I would advise you to set demands. He needs to go to rehab and get sober. If he refuses and likely he will Im afraid I would recommend leaving the marriage. Separating. Maybe it will motivate him to get sober or maybe not. But you don't deserve to live life like this. SERIOUSLY. At least get a therapist to help you set your own boundaries and live life on your terms. I think the steps are not the real issue. Your husband is. Think hard about living out your remaining years getting bruised and battered by him.
KjuofM99. My initial
KjuofM99. My initial reaction when I read your SD's letter to you was one of pure disgust. She is beyond awful and beyond evil. However, I had no idea that your husband was an abusive drunk.
I am so sorry. This is no longer about your rat-bag of a stepdaughter. This is about you and your husband. My first husband was a social drunk and, although he never physically "hit" me, he did throw things which is a form of intimidation. I will tell you from experience, that if you leave him during his drunken abusive behavior, but then you return once he has sobered up, you are enabling him to continue the cycle of abuse and you will always be his target. You are doing neither one of you any favors.
Give yourself the greatest Christmas gift of your life. Leave. I left my first husband on the evening of Christmas Day, late 1980's. It was hard, but it was necessary. The good news: if memory serves me correctly, it only hurt for about a week. The freedom of not living in fear of his behavior is indescribable!
Oh, and there's that "don't take it personally" B.S.
It is personal. It is hateful. It is unforgiveable.
Not to mention she's a contradictory a-hole by saying she doesn't want to talk to you about this or anything else, but then mentions the next time she sees you.
Guess what? That's not ever happening. Take her at her word and rub your DH's face in it every time it comes up. Remind him that SD said she does not want you in her life and you are obliging her. Tell him he needs to make it clear to SD right NOW that if anything happens to him (DUI, liver disease, whatever...) that you will NOT be informing her of his condition and will only be communicating with SS.
Do not allow her in your home. Do not invite her to anything. Do not recognize her (or her family, if she has one) on birthdays, holidays, etc. She made it clear she doesn't want you in her life so do exactly that.
As of that text, she would be dead to me.
One more thing...
I would also make it abundantly clear to anyone who asks (even if it's in front of your DH) that SD bluntly told you she wanted you out of her life because you cause her "anxiety" and you are respecting her wishes.
No taking the high road or obfuscating. Tell the truth.
No, she should not be at your holiday celebration.
Shit people are wiped and flushed. Not embraced.
I would respond and say ... I will be at my husbands side. You and the rest of your mentioned drivel are irrelevant. Stay away from me and do not open your mouth to expose your idiocy, and future time together will be fine. Open your mouth, and I will bare your ass highlighting your idiocy. Let everyone else know as well since you seem to have appointed yourself the spokes-idiot for you and your failed family. Get ready for the facts sweet heart. Your delusion leaves me no alternative but to rub your nose in the factual stench you perpetrate in your delusional disconnection from reality. Buh-bye.
What an incredibly arrogant
Bitch! I wouldn't allow her anywhere near me or my home let alone welcome her into my house! She made her position and feelings very clear. She actually made your choices very easy. If she doesn't want to be a part of your life, fine. Less for you to worry about. What an obnoxious POS she is.
She thinks her mum and you will be forced to small talk
Says her brothers then fiance and fiancés parents were panicking about your oresence when really it was all her
hun, soon after i had my son, it was a really stressful year for us. One of hubbys adult nieces decided to trashtalk me on social media. Her brother was about to get married and because of this bitch, we were not going. We wanted time alone to just be happy.
Her brother who is extremely close with my husband because he sees him as a mentor with great connections and high level of education that he can advise him better on studies and career progression etc, was very angry with his sister tellig her off that her big mouth was ruining his impending happy day. That niece actually coaxed her brother to hand 10grand to a pyramid scheme business of hers that he still hates her for
it got to a point that hubbys sisters, brothers including eldest brother (father of this niece) told him to come and not throw the family away.
all my husband said was that we needed time alone and people like his daughter were bot conducive to family harmony and instead of lecturing hubby about family relations, he needed to take a good hard look at his daughter and handle her (he forward screenshots of her nasty posts).
nobody in family likes that niece or her mum, they are from thesame cloth. In the end we did go and niece was livid when we were put at main table (as sign of respect in asian culture) and the familywa ted to apologise for her. My sil carried our son happily and we all got along
weddings are a place to unite 2 families together, to celebrate happiness. Not bring up vindictive petty bullshit of dysfunctional exes and marriages. She is bringher past bs into it. I don't believe for a moment the then new fiances parents were panicking about your presence. Sd is full of shit. You know what we do with people like that?? We remove their power of control over our lives.
cut her out, no contact and no presence in your outings, events and family holidays etc. when she plays victim a few yrs from now what a horrible person you are, all that is reqd is a screenshot of her nasty message with a caption "returning the favour and what did you expect would happen. My life will not be subject to your presence or toxicity, goodbye"
This is cruel.
This is cruel.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I can only imagine the multitude of feelings you are having over this. I am happy that your SS is supportive, however, your DH needs to step up, in many ways (I already have a list of 5 things) in support of you, your relationship together, and your family together.
Time to shape up DH, or ship out! If you don't see any progress within your predetermined timeline, then you have a decision to make.
Oh, and discard SD from your life permanently. There is no coming back from that text. There's no heart there.
Send the List please !
Thank you for the support. When you have a moment, plesae share that list - I want him to call her, in my presence, and tell her how he feels about it...andhope it is what he has told me. My trust level is at an all time low with DH, SS and SD.
No kidding! I'd be watching
No kidding! I'd be watching everyone like a hawk trying to figure out truth versus bullcaca. I'm wondering if it is even worth it for you, to work at this?
1. He needs to commit to recovery and work his plan, whatever that might be.
2. He needs to commit to you in front of the entire family by having your back.
3. He needs to keep his yap shut about your marriage problems. What a jerk! Especially considering his alcoholism and resulting behaviours.
4. he is the patriarch of his OG family (he and his two), he needs to handle this mess with SD once and for all, with agreed upon results.
5. he needs to take a true inventory of his crap with you, and with his kids, and be a man and deal with it, clean it up.
6. He needs to deliver the decision you make with regards to your boundaries concerning SD going forward, how you would like that delivered to her.
7. He agrees to counselling with you.
make your list with us.
8. (catching up on your
8. (catching up on your thread...) If he abuses you again, he is out.
My List
My list is the same as you have set forth. Except, we have done the counseling but when therapist found out how much he was drinking, on a daily basis, therapist would not work with us anymore. Something along the lines of not being able to have effective communication when one person is drinking massive quantities of alcohol. DH has stated "I will never stop drinking." So, my choice is to stay and hope he changes his mind or leave. How he handles his daughter's behavior -or whether he does at all- will be a drop in the stay bucket or the leave bucket. My leave bucket is almost full, so we shall see.
He's told you that alcohol is
He's told you that alcohol is more important than you are. It would be one thing if he were willing to get help, but he's made it clear that he isn't. Addictions don't get better.
I hope you are planning for a future that is safe and stable. Right now, you are neither of those things
You are being manipulated.
You are being manipulated. Trust me on this, I have experience in the matter. Your husband tells his kids all kinds of stories about you and how you are the reason for him being sooo "unhappy" and plays the victim. They all feel sorry for him and want to protect him from you evil wife/stepmom. They think that when you wont be in the picture, he will be safe and happy and they will have the perfect relationship they have always wanted to have and you prevented. He probably also tells them that he regrets oh so much that he dropped the ball with them but its all because of you of course.
Even if you came to tell the truth about his alcoholism he would say he started drinking because of you and how you were treating him.
Take a deep breath and live your life. I would respond to the text by saying that all this nonsense was not necessary to write and a simple "please dont come to the wedding" would have sufficed as you dont want to go where you are not wanted or welcome, then state to her that she is also not wanted/welcome in your home or presence and thank her cordially.
Your husband is acting fake towards you but he probably loves the fact that she told you all of this and is relishing in the situation he created. The stepson is equally as fake and acting outraged when in reality he doesnt care about you or your daughters feelings he is just trying to "look good" in everyones books but he doesnt like you either, he just has better principles than the daughter.
This is your wake up call to be smarter than your husband. He turned his kids against you so he didnt have to do the dirty work and this is his way of moving the focus from alcoholism to his children....
I really hope you are wrong
I really hope you are wrong but if I am being honest with myself, it has crossed my mind that he isn't all that upset about SD spilling the beans but rather that she went too far. (His text to her was "That was not necessary. She is hurt." Her reply was "I'm sorry. I thought she needed to be aware too.") My guard is up and I'll know more once I observe SS and DH together, and speak to SS in person.
I have been where you are
I have been where you are (minus the alcoholism). I was a scapegoat for all the wrong and the BMs would even have "reunions" with my husband and the kids to talk about my so called behavior. I was at fault for anything going wrong. Recently, one of the children invited me to his graduation by saying "my mom said you could come if you want to?"....i didnt respond but i wont be going anywhere that im not wanted and i dont do fake shit. My husband also used my existence to explain his problems with his kids or their problematic behaviors for years. I finally understood and decided to remove myself entirely so I can never be blamed. They still try to blame me but its more difficult since im never around
In the end, i had to sit with myself and realise that all this is caused by my husbands toxic ways and i just have to accept that this is his escape to parenting and being awful at it and the childrens excuse to awful behaviors
Your sum up is spot on. I
Your sum up is spot on. I truly hate to say this, but an exit from the marriage seems the only solution. There seems to be zero remedy for this.
What bothers me most in all
What bothers me most in all of this is that your husband went to the wedding KNOWING what his daughter had written to you without even considering going with you or not going at all. He is the cause of the problem. Please make your SD's message 100% public. Like Rags often says, bare her arse That way, when you leave, there will be no doubt as to why.
Ohhh. Good idea.
Stand up to give a toast at the reception, then read her message word for word to her friends, family, and guests, then raise a glass and wish the groom the greatest of luck in not damaging his gene pool irrevocably by spawning with this putrid failed family spawn.
Wow. This SD has some
Wow. This SD has some serious balls and is drama queen. I'm glad you didn't go to the wedding. I would cut off all contact with SD and SS. Just disengage from the whole family. And you are right, marital issues should most certainly NOT be discussed with the kids. That is inappropriate and a boundary crossing - it is something that enmeshed parents do. It creates an unhealthy dynamic for the whole family. My ex husband did this with his manchild - went to him for all his emotional needs, all of our disagreements and told him what an awful person I am. My ex SS and I didn't have a great relationship to begin with but this just caused even more issues. I ended up leaving that situation.
I beg you to sit and do some soul-searching when you are at peace and have a clear head. Maybe that means leaving for a weekend to a quiet B&B and doing things for yourself....but either way, I think you should seriously think about what you are getting out of this relationship, because it sounds to me like you are just getting a bunch of grief between dealing with alcholism (which I did in my first marriage) and drama from thankless a&&hole skids.
I wouldn't feel guilty about telling DH his kids are no longer welcome. I know you have a relationship with SS, but SD will eventually turn him against you. Disengage and then reconsider this entire situation.
Please keep us posted and take care of yourself.
End of a decade
YAY! You survived and going forward no more toxic SD in your life.
Never let that lil B darken your door again.
Her "Love Letter" was nasty. BUT now you know where you stand. You stand way above this shitty gene pool. Embrace it, do a dance, and release all the years of hurt.
As for your DH, now thats a bigger problem. Al anon will help, even if DH doesnt go to AA. Would he?
Remember that for too long your DH has treated you poorly. Maybe the ever loving SD can take big daddio in .
Blessings hun.
Thank you and follow-up/response to questions
Thank you for all your direct responses. It is hard to hear sometimes but necessary. It has been just over one week since this has happened. Status is as follows:
1. DH reached out to BM expressing his disappointment in their daughter (sent BM the text) and asking if BM was behind it. BM response "I was not behind this but I was aware of it." And, she thought it was courageous. She goes on to state how the kids have told her how their dad is not "present" when I am around and that he seemed so happy and relaxed while at the wedding-something she had not see for a long time. I have also learned that in the last couple of months she has been reaching out to him to get together for lunch, sent him a text on their wedding anniversay (which he responded to by saying "those were the best years of my life."
2. DH has not responded to SD texts nor has he discussed with her the text she sent.
3. While I have exchanged numerous texts with SS and DIL about the text and the wedding, neither have actually said they wished I had been there or were sorry about the text.
4. DH is well aware that any further physical abuse will result in a police report and divorce.
5. One of my boundaries is to not engage with him at all after he begins drinking. Consequently, he spends most of his time in his studio drinking and listening to music until 1 a.m. each day.
6. You are right; I am not getting much-other than grief-from this relationship and I have seriously considered leaving. I am waiting to see how things go over the holidays and will add that to my stay or leave considerations.
7. I have sensed that this is working out quite well for him. He gets more of my attention and is a victim of his dear daughter.
8. His relationship with his daughter has always bothered me a little. Things like her kissing him on the lips when she says goodbye; text about how much she loves him, he is the best, etc. text from him to her with kissy faces and I love you's; things in that vein.
9. Earllier this year he was going to spend a weekend with his son, his daughter and a couple of her friends. While talking to her about it (I was upstairs, directly overhead with my door open, and they were on speaker phone) he was "joking" with her about setting him up with one of her friends, that she and her friend could sleep with him. She said "Dad, does this mean you are finally over Kim." He said "I am so over her; she's over 50 now (he is 71); time to trade her in for a new model." They continued talking and he again mentioned sleeping with her friends. She said "Dad, this is sounding creepy. I don't care if you leave your wife but stop talking about sleeping with my friends." I confronted him about this conversation and he said he was "just joking." I explained how it hurt and that it was disrepectful to me and our marriage.
In reading this, especially in the context of your responses, it is becomig clear how toxic this entire family is. I have tried to encourage a relationship between DH and BM, encouraged him to spend time alone with his kids, had teh BM over to our home for Christmas Eve, etc. It appears my efforts have led to the exact opposite of what I had hoped.
10. I responded to SD text: Not mean, just told her I was hurt and I thought her text was cruel and self centered. I also told her that I had shown the text to her father before sending and that he agreed I should send the text. I ended the text with "when people show you how they really are, believe them. You have showed me who you really are. I believe you." She has not responded to me nor did she respond to her father (he was copied on the text). She has sent him a couple of texts about other things. He has not responded to her.
11. I have made it very clear to DH that he needs to talk to her about this before the 23rd. He said he would but he wanted to talk to SS first. Why? He said he wanted to know if SS had talked to SD about it first.
12. Disengagement: I have told DH that the days of me staying behind so that he can spend alone time with kids are over. I will go if I want to but I am not going to allow SD to control what I want to do. If she decides she doesn't want to be with her dad if I am around, so be it. That is her choice. What is not her choice is whether I am with her dad.
13. I have told DH that I will no longer encourage a relationship between him and BM. That I believe part of this drama is a result of BM and SD attempting to reunite their little family and pretend that the last 14 years did not happen. Not having any of it. No more gifts to BM; no more telephone calls; no more inviting her to our home; no more insisting they take familly photos (without me in them) at events. I'm done. I am also going to make it clear to him that if he has any further contact with BM that I consider that a betrayal to our marriage and will treat it as such. Maybe that is going too far but it is what I feel is best for our marriage at this time.
Is this too much? Not enough? I think I am finally okay with being the bitchy step mom/wife. I lived 45 years without SS, SD and BM in my life and I am certain I can live a few more without them.
IMO, you are most definitely
IMO, you are most definitely not going too far! All of what you are asking for are normal expectations for a married couple! Stick to what you want but get all of your ducks in a row so that when the last straw comes, you can calmly walk away. TAlk to a lawyer, make copies of all useful documents (marriage licence, birth certificates, ID, bank statements, insurance policies, etc. you get the idea) and keep them somewhere outside of the home. Who owns your home? Is it a rental? Whose name is on the deed?
Finally, your DuH is certainly doing a lot of fancy footwork to avoid talking to his daughter (how old is this harpy anyway?) about her shameful behaviour. Ask yourself why.
Ducks are aligned. We are both on the mortgage; house held in trust. I cannot afford to buy him out but can get a decent start with the amount he would have to spend to buy me out. Any divorce will require forensic accountants and lawyers: about $100K in fees. I consulted an attorney 2 years ago so know what lies ahead should I file.
(((((HUGS))))) Do not lose
(((((HUGS))))) Do not lose sight of your future.
My first reaction
My first reaction to original post and then comments, is "Get thee to a lawyer!!!"
My second reactiion is "Get thee to a lawyer and then an accountant, then to a copy place for all financial documentation, get your ducks in a row while you continue makeing your lists of pro-cons, get a separate bank account, get things in your name, see about housing modifications and changes you will need to make."
Seriously, your issue is NOT sd and its NOT bm, its your HUSBAND.
All your new boundaries are normal expectations and normal red flags of major ickyness. Mini wife and her mother are definitely conspiring to get the original failed first family back together. SS is not your friend.
You are in your 50's and hes in his 70's? Maybe sticking it out is in your financial best interest because at 70's drinking as heavily as you describe he wont last much longer and maybe you have a sizable fortune to inherit...I dont know your current situation, but you are definitely able to start fresh should you wish to. And with his being physically abusive and gaslighting you and verbal abuse...that to me is what you should remember and focus on, NOT the SD b!tchy text and BM...
Oooof. Please ignore my
Oooof. Please ignore my earlier efforts to help you save your relationship. The more I read, and now I have read enough with this most recent post, it is time to stop talking and start planning. I would put no futher effort into this, it is simply too dysfunctional, too much too fix, and you would be making efforst fixing this alone which would not ever work out anyway I'm sorry. You are highly intelligent, kind, independent, you deserve way more than what you are getting. If anything he's not giving anything but being a leech off you sucking you dry. Forget him. Enough is enough.
OMG. Really? SMH
Everything on this list screams dump this POS and his shit gene pool. NOW! Or ... you should have never had anything to do with him/them.
This one... shoudl have resulted in you defending yourself to the fullest physical confrontation possible when he beat you.
.....any further physical abuse......
Please read your list and end this immediately.
These are instant divorce choices by this diphshit. IMHO
I have also learned that in the last couple of months she has been reaching out to him to get together for lunch, sent him a text on their wedding anniversay (which he responded to by saying "those were the best years of my life."
Send him back to the horrid breeder he created his putrid progeny with. Let them rot together as they wallow and splash around in their shallow and polluted gene pool while you move on to an amazing new life adventure.
Take care of you.
Agree 100% with Rags!
Agree 100% with Rags!
I could not have put it any
I could not have put it any better than this. Rags nailed it.
OP, your leave bucket is
OP, your leave bucket is overflowing, and flooding the floor...
This whole bunch are dreadful. That's all I've got.
Lawyer Up
With your most recent update, I'd have that attorney on retainer sooner than later. Your DH has a mini-wife that he is deeply enmeshed with. For a man to even think to joke of sleeping with his daughter and her friend is repulsive. This is one toxic, sickly enmeshed group of people and I'd find a way to untangle myself immediately, regardless of what it costs. Who knows? With just this info on your post, a judge might just heavily lean on your side. As Rags said, take care of YOU.
Document document document
And then file first. And you can use all kinds of these personal things to negotiate. AND have him pay attny fees too.
The more I think about your comments about BM and his "humor" regarding sex with mini wife daughter and her friend, the more disgusted I am. In addition to the abuse and drinking.
6. You are right; I am not
6. You are right; I am not getting much-other than grief-from this relationship and I have seriously considered leaving. I am waiting to see how things go over the holidays and will add that to my stay or leave considerations.
This is not a salvageable relationship. My husband and I share the same age difference and I can assure you that none of this is about age. This is about his lack of morals, his dedication to his first wife and his mini-wife, and his complete disrespect and disregard for you and for your feelings.
You don't know us, so it's a real leap of faith for you to believe us when we tell you that you really need to get out of this situation. From everything that you have shared, I doubt that he will be visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve and awake a new man on Christmas day. He's a rat. You on the other hand, are an intelligent, articulate woman who is clearly capable of experiencing normal human emotions. He is not and never will be. It's always frightening to leave someone. Let me assure you that whatever lies ahead for you once you leave, it will not even come close to matching the painful dysfunction that your are currently living in.
My heart honestly hurts for you. After reading your posts, I have had to walk away a few times to wrap my head around the things that you have shared with us. This may be one of the worst situations that I've ever read about on here, and believe me, I've scanned through a great many of them. No one, and I mean NO ONE should ever have to be subjected to this kind of emotional abuse, physical abuse and egregious betrayal from their spouse. SPOUSE: the person who we are supposed to trust with our lives! The one who should be comforting us and protecting us and protecting and defending our marriage. He should be putting you first! Not joking about leaving you for a younger model. That is just sick. Small wonder that his daughter is unbalanced, when she has him as a parent. If my father had ever said anything suggestive to me about my friends, I would have disowned him for life! For your husband to feel so comfortable with his daughter to even hint of that.... I have no words.
Small infractions due to their enmeshment with their kids, I can understand and relate to. This is far worse than that. That he would allow his daughter to send you that vitriol without immediate repercussions? That he would joke about sleeping with his daughter's friends? That he would reply to his ex's text by saying that those were the "best years....."? I can't even begin to imagine your pain. You deserve so much better. Please believe THAT!
I wish that I could give you a hug...*sad*
Sometimes you think you've
Sometimes you think you've heard it all. Then you go and read something like this - and I agree with Birchclimber.
This has to be right up there among the worst stories ever posted on here.
I like to summarise, so here we go:
1. Your husband is an alcoholic and what's more does NOT want to give up drinking.
2. The therapist resigned due to your husbands heavy drinking. Side note: he/she was correct - a person cannot be engaged in a therapy session if they are under the influence of alcohol.
3.. His daughter is a major mini wife. What's with her and Dad kissing each other on the lips?? So inappropriate! Your husband talks about sleeping with his daughter and her friends - cue vomit emoji!!
4. Your husband discusses yours and his relationship with his children - again inappropriate, He makes derogatory remarks about you to them.
5. He is in regular contact with his ex wife and tells her their time together was the best time of his life. Why did they split up then???
6. Your husband is abusive, verbally and physically. Yes, pushing and shoving IS PHYSICAL ABUSE.
7. He shrugs off that vile email his daughter sent you. He does not have your back and certainly doesn't put you first. he puts you a very distant last on his list of priorities.
SIGH. There's more that I haven't listed, but this is enough that if a friend of yours told you all this about her relationship, what would you advise her to do?? I think you know the answer to that.
Please make plans to exit this unholy mess. You are a smart woman with so many good years ahead of you. You just need to make the break.
I would send him to his
I would send him to his daughter's house for the holidays and I would pack his suitcase full of liquor bottles. Let her handle her precious Daddy when he's shitfaced.
You have a horrible SD
Sd's letter to you about not attending the wedding could only have been written by a narcissistic sociopath. I have a similar SD and her letters to dad (me) are viscious attacks too. It feels like getting kicked in the gut. With your situation now, all the behind your back attacks are out in the open. They have been energizer bunnies with making your life hell--SD and BM, and your husband. It does resolve eventually if wait it out, or take action. Once all the crap is out in the open, dealing with it starts to make sense. I was in a similar situation a year-and-a-half ago at a neighbors while SD cornered DH for a private conversation. She was making him choose me or her. I saw her car leave and went home for the verdict. DH called her a sociopath and sent her on her way. It was the scariest time in our marriage and I was ready to leave if he took her side again. It was so interesting for me to plan and picture my new life. You have all my sympathy and I truly wish you a safe future. You need some good times for a change.
What age was the SD when you and your husband married? I am curious to the beginning. She sounds like she is very immature and needs to grow up. I do not blame you to not want to see her. If your husband is willing to go along with and see her outsie of the family home I would do it.
I am curious did you not see them from Christmas Eve? Since it is after Christmas now.
I am hoping you took our advice and consulted a lawyer.
About leaving. You deserve so much better. SD is not your issue, SS nore BM is not your issue. That ugly disgusting text is not your issue.
You have been abused by your husband, that is your issue...
Hoping for your success in leaving...please update us when appropriate, or continue venting if thats what you need...we are here.
I've also been thinking about
I've also been thinking about this poster and her situation. It hit me that her husband doesn't want harmony. He wants his children to hate her. He cn live his best drunk life if he keeps them enemies. This will never change. This is what he created because it gives him exactly what he wants. He is fine w/ what his daughter said, he will not defend or stand up fo his wife. He is very happy right now.
So Many Good Reasons To Block The SKs Every WAY
We have a number of parallels.
I would love to visit with you.
There's no doubt about it, your alcholic DH (not being condescending, just truthful, I'm married to a 70-something alcoholic too) is the architect of all of this hell and drama. His kids are the bi-product of his chaotic choices. That's not an effort to diminish their role in your personal hell, please know that.
Message me when you have a minute! I'd love to hear from you!
stay or go
you are being triangulated and scapegoated (blamed for dysfunction yet not your fault)
Your husband does not have your back...he created this problem and you were crying your eyes out as he was calmly getting ready to go to the event? If he has narcissistic tendencies, he was probably enjoying your upset. I read that he punished you through his daughter (he didnt correct her, he blamed YOU for HIS choice to slander you to his kids then blame you for doing it) As others have said, this is abuse. He even listens to his exwife scapegoat you saying that he is diminished in any way because of you.
If you can leave, please start prepping. Domestic violence in usa can help you prep. Learn about narcissism and triangulation and scapegoating...so what if these people are not diagnosed, you will learn about people who have zero empathy and how you will be treated in the future (abusers do not change... libraries have the book by Lundy Bancroft called Why Does He Do That. Please read it and understand that abusers (whether narcissistic or not) rarely stop abusing because they love the benefits of abuse...one of which is to control your emotions. These miserable people do things to cause you pain or frustration then stand back and enjoy your display of tears, anger, etc.
If you stay: learn to gray rock your emotions. Be as boring and inaffected as a rock around them. If you feed a narcissist their supply, you will get more abuse. Please learn how to live with abuse if you decide to stay... get out of the house often, leave the room if he is grumpy, drinking, etc. Srop caring whether he gets sober...he knows what you want and he wont do anything if you show you want it. Stop caring about your material things (abusers break things to get you to react so they get their supply)
join groups online regarding abusers, narcissists, emotional incest (him telling your personal marital things is emotional incest), cheating (telling his ex or other woman about your personal things), etc thank goodness there are a lot of groups out there and there is help and support. Even if you stay with him, please get help (keep it secret) from domestic violence, sometimes they have free counsel....at least you won't feel alone.
If you can leave and survive on your own, please believe me, it is worth it. I am very poor, just scraping by, but I would rather be like this and not deal with 1. abusive spouse (washing his clothes, etc) 2. his mentally ill children who disregarded me as a human being 3. his ex whom he allows to control him 4. the hyperviligence I felt daily as often thru the day I was disrespected as a human being...I knew years and years of that would kill me BUT the ADDED gaines are PEACE, not hyperviligent, creativity came back to me (hard to be creative when abused), freedom... I would trade a million dollar house owned by an abuser for being poor but safe and free from constant abuse.
I'll be thinking about you...hope you stay safe. Abuse escalates. Please take care of YOU!
Hits Home
I feel for you, my husband is not an alcoholic. But has suffered with his mental health. I attended SS wedding last Sep. Up there on the list of worst days ever.
Kinda wish they had asked me not to go. x
Good luck but gotta tell ya, if I got that message and my hubby still went. The locks would have been changed before he got back.
Update - The more things change, the more they stay the same
Brief Update:
We are approaching the fall fake wedding date. Supposedly my adult daughter and I were/are invited but I have not seen an invitation nor spoken with SS or DIL since December. So, preemptively, I told DH today that I would not be attending the wedding celebration (a 4 day long weekend of drinking and getting high). He had assumed I would be going. Hence, he is not speaking to me and his only response was to ask why I wasn't going. I told him that nothing had changed since December and I was not willing to allow anyone to hurt me again. He glared at me and left the house.
He has continued to share his discontent with his kids and I am left off group "family" messages. I've reread the commnents above and you are all right: he is thriving in this drama and would have liked nothing better than to see me subjected to the hurt and isolation again. I won't do it. I have too much respect for myself to allow him to throw me to the wolves so he can watch them rip me apart.
I've not heard from SD- I blocked her from contacting me via phone. I prefer not having to worry whether a text from her will pop up and ruin an otherwise good day.
DH continues to contact BM even after I told him that further contact, except in an emergency, would be treated as a betrayal of our marriage. He either doesn't care or hoped that I wouldn't find out. I don't care anymore- I am living my own life and enjoying a renewed connection to my daughter, my family and my friends.
Live and let live-
Are you planning on exit?
Or did you figure things out and live separately together?
this sounds an awful situation.
SDs are hard, your husband has not had your back at all. I personally could not stay in a marriage like that.
Weddings are the worst. But I know if I got a message like that, my DH would not go either.
You deserve better.
You don't deserve this
I hope you continue to take steps to find your peace and happiness.
I know it's generally unacceptable to share marital problems with kids, but in this case, considering what he's said, I'd lay bare his alcoholism. It's not a marital problem, but a major contributing factor and a stand alone problem. I'd probably tell him if he wants to get plastered he should do it at SD or SS's home, not yours.
As for the comments he made to BM about his time with her being the best years, I'd tell her to come get his sorry ass.
Take steps to protect yourself when he's drinking. Pushing and pinning you against walls ARE abuse, even if it doesn't leave a physical mark. Be able to defend yourself because people like that can turn the violence up at any point.
You've suffered immensely and deserve peaceful calm. Do whatever you have to do to reclaim it! Big hugs!!!!
Do you have an exit plan?
I can't get past the fact that your DH puts his hand on you, pushes, and leaves bruises. That is NOT okay. Have you gone to a divorce attorney to ask questions and explain your situation? You are being mentally, emotionally, AND physically abused by this man and his kids/BM. You deserve SO much better than this. Please be careful.
I know from experience, you
I know from experience, you are enabling and covering for your husband's drinking. With his kids, friends, work and even himself. Just like disengaging with a step kid, disengage from his drinking. If he missed an obligation, tell them why. If he is truly deep into it and his kids aren't aware, you are helping him hide it, so stop it. Let him suffer the repercussions of his behavior. Why are you allowing his failed family to demonize you. Let him get the reputation he earns. Good luck
Your husband is the
Your husband is the ringleader of this circus. Is there a reason you stay with him, even though he's an abusive alcoholic who chooses alcohol over you and subjects you to abuse from his failed family?
How is your H's health, OP?
How is your H's health, OP? Have you ran the numbers and decided to ride this marriage into the ground, then walk away with the assets? No judgement from me, just hoping you've taken steps to ensure your financial future.
I hope your pathetic excuse for an H keels over while drinking in his studio and is through the gates of Hell before his carcass is found. People like him go through life splattering others with their toxic poo, and he deserves to die alone. Keeping taking care of yourself.
Live and let live. This is
Live and let live. This is the best thing you can do for yourself
With all this drinking, he will f his health up and have an early exit
You MUST ensure that all wills are iron clad and you are set up in terms of your assets IF you plan on staying