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Not just a Random Vent

CLove's picture

I am going to vent, and its not a pretty thing.

Toxic Troll just got a section 8 housing approval. In the town I want to live in, near the beach. NEXT TO THE BEACH.

And I am PI$$ed.

So...TT gets to go to Hawaii.

TT gets to move to beach town.

SD16.5 helps her move and walks her dog.

TT and SD living their best lives, while I slog along working, in a dusty ag town.

Husband is proud of Sd16 PowerSulk for getting the section 8 housing for her mother. Meanwhile she does zero to help us in, well, anything.

SO, now I get to eat the sh!t sandwhich of living in a place that is 30 mins from where I want to but also, great so now husband is going to help them move yet again, because "its for the chiiiiiiiilld" AND husband wants to keep the custody for the next year probably to keep the child support at the same level (low). 

Im like "ok, pack that chit up and get someone in there paying us rent so that $$$ is in our pockets or I get more storage space, instead of lazy a$$ kiddo.

Edited to add:

Husband is going to be jobless in April. His current job is retiring then and he wants a month or so off, and they are giving him a severance and he promises that he will still be able to pay his half...

So...added to the pile...


Shieldmaiden's picture

Wow! That is so frustrating. Doesn't it always seem like the lazy, entitled, stupid people in this world are the ones making millions on TIkTok, while the normal people that pay to keep the lights on are slogging away in the tarpits?  I like to remind myself that if I were willing to take off my clothes for strangers, sleep with rando guys for free stuff, and generally be an idiot with no morals - I, too, could be successful. But I CHOOSE to be a good, hardworking person and a compassionate spouse and friend. I CHOOSE the hard path because I know that the easy path has a cost that I am not willing to pay. 

I guess I would say that when you are feeling angry and sad, just remember that you CHOOSE to be better than that for a reason. Eventually, all those loser idiots will have to pay the piper, and guess who will be living their best life? YOU!

SteppedOut's picture

Yea, but TT isn't getting money from ticktock - it's CLOVE, you and me. There is no reason TT can't work. Why does the government keep giving her our hard earned money?


CLove's picture

apparently, even while working, she still qualifies, because CHILD. And probs under the table stuff. Who knows. She applied over 2 years ago. When she WASNT working.

Oh, hey... she might not qualify now...hmmmm.

CLove's picture

I had to say it out loud on the way to work today "I am grateful for what I have!!!"

I am grateful I have a nice large home and am building equity.

I am grateful that I have a nice easy job and get paid very very well. I work with people that are polite and respectful. I have retirement accounts. Yes plural. I have wonderful friends and family. Im healthy, and losing weight, and am on the right track there..

I am grateful...but still sukcing on sour grapes. No beach cottage for

CLove's picture


I kid you not. DM me for a map. Im so mad right now. Sucking on some major sour grapes.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

While it sucks in the now, it won't always be that way. TT's chickens will come to roost one day. Life isn't fun when you're poor in a wealthy area, and she's less than two years away from CS ending. That short distance from the coast is going to be a welcome buffer once the SDs start popping out kids, too. You're planning for your future, being practical and stable (I know, mundane and boring), while she lives hand to mouth, flirting with homelessness and going from crisis to crisis. I'll take your life over Fleaside any day. And you'll be a spry senior, while TT is dead and gone after a life of gluttony and bad decisions.

CLove's picture

1 year and 4 months.

So not only does she have a free moving company, and free money she gets to have her section 8 beach cottage.

For the next 1.5 years at least. THEN, after that she gets to have sd16 powersulk helping out financially because of course she will have a job close by. And her dog walker cannot leave... and she gets to keep that beach house.

Im going to put my energy into my own chickens, being healthy and strong, instead of worrying about Toxic Troll,  Power Sulk and Feral Forger's chickens.

Thanks J. For understanding and kindness while I suck on those sour grapes...

MissK03's picture

Your husband should not help them move. I would die on this hill. It's down right disrespectful to you considering the hell TT and SD have caused you. His excuse is a bunch of BS. 

EDIT: don't envy system abusers. Their lives aren't glamorous.

CLove's picture

With Sd Power sulk having her own room finally and her being happy with where she lives and close to school and possible job in the future, he will have to work less to support her.

I know that he will move the bunk bed. Im going to plan on getting as much help with the truck as possible. And Powersulk.

Ispofacto's picture

Satan is also a welfare ho, and it's galling to see an able bodied person get away with grifting the system.


She has champagne and caviar tastes, and the pittance she gets will never be enough for her. The only way she's been able to supplement her income is through fraud, she's been caught a few times so far, and will be prosecuted eventually.

GBM died over a year ago, and she hated Satan because Satan is evil. GBM left her entire estate to her cousin, but of course you know Satan is contesting it.

I hate the idea of her getting anything. Especially if she somehow manages to get GBM's house.

But this is her last hurrah. She's alienated everyone else from her life. And whenever she does get something, she immediately blows it on candy and lotto tickets. She probably doesn't realize that she'll be taxed on the proceeds. If she gets the house, she probably doesn't understand maintenance, utilities, and property taxes. And people on SSI are not allowed to own assets.

One way or another, she'll blow it, again and again, until she runs out of options.

She's also extremely lazy. So she's unhealthy. And everyone who ever lives with her ends up being her house elf. That's probably part of the reason Mealticket dumped her. Killjoy will be her house elf again soon, but she doesn't want to be, she just needs a place to live since we kicked her out. Karma. She's going to hate living with Satan. I'm betting this will be the final push that alienates them. Then she will be houseelfless again.

I know the only reason she even makes an effort with Killjoy is because she's hoping for funds from MIL/FIL, DH, me, or Killjoy herself. It's unlikely she will get anything from anyone.


CLove's picture

Shes a big person with short stature. Also unhealthy. And super lazy.

Ive been working on "Trust that they suck".

so you also have a "Trust that they suck" person.

House elf. Yep. Shes got her little mini-her house elf. Good for them.


Stepdrama2020's picture

I swear I am so tired of shitty people reaping rewards where none are deserved.

I would be so pissed that DH helps them move.

You are one strong lady . I wouldve lost all my marbles by now.

Blessings Clove

CLove's picture

I have to repeat this in addition to "I am grateful for everything I have and will work that much harder..."

AlmostGone834's picture

That's crazy. No one should be qualifying for section 8 housing on the beach. Honestly I think CA is a beautiful state but they take things way way too far. Atleast the Skunk Ape has to ho herself out to a wrinkly old man to get her beach motel room paid for. Clove iI don't know how you stand it with your husband (I don't know how any of us stand it with these men tbh). He shouldn't be helping TT move. I will reiterate what other people have said. You deserve happiness and your story can still be written anyway you want it to be. Personally? I'd be making plans to leave him (a lot of what you've told us about him really doesn't sit well with me).

CLove's picture

Yep, I think about it ALL the time. But I still love him.

Ill DM you some pics...

Rumplestiltskin's picture

A) No matter where TT lives, it will suck because she will be there.

B ) The worst part to me is your DH helping her move. Also a hill to die on for me. 

CLove's picture

SD16 powersulks bed will need to be disassembled and then reassembled and her stuff will need moving and then somehow Toxic Trolls stuff will be in there too. Maybe Im just stressing over nothing. 

But yes:Trust that they suck.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Whereever you go, there you are.  She is still a narc. She is still selfish and a crappy mom and a bad person with no morals and bad character.  She's never going to run off into the sunset and rainbows and live a truely proper happy life because her choices and life actions are always going to be craptastic.

I remember feeling this way a good decade ago when North Korea just seemed to be on endless vacations and huge shopping sprees and getting endless plastic surgeries while I was so poor.  Here we are ten years later.  I'm at the top of my career.  I am one of the highest paid women in my company.  I'm building my third house for an Airbnb.  The boat mechanic is coming next week to do maintenance on my boat.  All four of my children are gifted and beautiful and good students and good people with good morals and are well liked because I put in the work and raised good kids.  I'm happy.

North Korea is well, North Korea.  Her daughter is working the pole.  Her other daughter has to have therapy weekly because of North Korea.  She's no longer thin and beautiful and young.  The hair dresser chemicals and standing on her feet all day are taking its toll on her health.  She sounds like a man because she has the smoker voice.  She has zero retirement and zero health insurance and she's almost 50.

You just do you.  Let TT stew in her gross troll juices at the beach.  It'll probably give her melanoma anyway.   

CLove's picture

Yes, I need to "Trust that they suck". 

And continue doing me.

Its all I have, not having kiddos of my own.

We have 3 boats, one of which I plan on paddling around.

We have some nice high end bikes, which I plan on pedaling along that beach area.

I have 2 retirement accounts, which are growing. My income continues to increase yearly. Im at the top of the payscale for my job description...

I know that I have much to be grateful for.

Merrigan's picture

Is Section 8 government controlled rental housing?  And you own a house?  You're miles ahead of TT if that's the case.  Is it even nice housing that she's been accepted for?  Government housing where I live is kinda sketchy. 

CLove's picture

Its all new housing and multi-million dollar homes.

You get a voucher from what I understand and you apply it towards wherever they accept it.

Ill send you some links...

notarelative's picture

I have no idea of the rules there, but here a voucher does not guarantee acceptance. A voucher gives you the right to look in a specific geographic area. Here there are no landlords renting out multi-million dollar homes that accept Section 8. And the ones who do accept are picky. If Toxic has an eviction on her record, here she'd have difficulty finding housing using the voucher. And what she'd find would not be in a desirable area.
Toxic's desire to live in that community may not be reality.

CLove's picture

There is no section 8 housing available in that area (on website at least)

CLove's picture

She did happen to text me one time when I made her mad that she is better at Bjs than I am.

AgedOut's picture

well that just plain sucks the big moose. 


usually I try to offer a good side to everything bad but this time I'm sticking with the sucking of the big moose. 


I will add this: you have something TT will never have. You feel joy. You feel appreciation. You are working towards a retirement. You can sleep well knowing you've worked hard to build a life, to fill a bank account, and to have an outgoing life w/ friends. She will never have any of that. She will never be more than she is right this moment: a cheat, a lazy sack of ...moose droppings. When you look back at your life yyou will see a past you are proud of. When she looks back at her life ... moose droppings.

Livingoutloud's picture

Oh I don't want their lives. Who cares what they have? 

BM had section 8 in a nice town and we paid her close to a 1k a month alimony and she had NO children at home. She was homeless at the time because she moved in with SD but behaved so badly SD kicked her out. So she had alimony, at some point worked 10 hours a week in dollar store and then stopped working and eventually got section 8.

But who cares. Do you want her life? I don't. Its not living "the best life" in my books. Food stamps snd section 8 isn't my standard to thrive for. I don't envy such life. Why would i? They can have it. Well ours is no longer living. Sad story. 

JRI's picture

Gratitude is a powerful thing, I'm so glad you have that for your DH,  home, boat, career, health, intelligence, etc.  When you have time to think it through, your feeling toward TT will be pity because she has none of these things.

My feelngs toward our late BM were as intensely negative as yours for TT.  Dumping her 3 kids on me unexpectedly didn't help, either.  She had plenty of free time to enjoy with her bf, they went to the lake every weerkend, but DH and I could seldom get away together. But, bottom line, she was a not bright woman who always had volatile relationships, abused drugs, had no job or money of her own, was a poor money manager, was often ill and always unhappy.

Love and be thankful for what you have.  That's the healthiest thing we can do.  Peace, Clove.

notarelative's picture

She  applied over 2 years ago. ...
Husband is proud of Sd16 PowerSulk for getting the section 8 housing for her mother.

Husband thinks 13/14 year old PowerSulk arranged the voucher!  He is delusional.

Rags's picture

 is.... well..... section 8 housing.

No doubt, ti will be a shit hole.  You can also bet that FF will slime her way to the beach with her TT mommy and... the shit storm will continue.

You and DH, are doing it right. That counts.

TT.. and FF will remain trash. Sadly  SDPS-16 may as well.

You and DH are countering that whole entitelement thing.  Eventually, TT will be in a gutter. The gutter she earns each day.

Hopefully, the 16yo has a chance to overcome that whole TT shit thing that TT and FF are living. With the example you and DH are setting, she may have a chance.


When you move to your beach community, it will be a far different place and experience that TT's Section 8 existance.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.











TrueNorth77's picture

Did you say DH is helping them move??? Helll no. My blood started to boil. Guess what- she is an adult, and has kids that are fully capable of helping. Just like all adults do, they manage, without DH's help. I would be LIVID. 

It goes without saying that The whole "Section 8 on the beach" is a complete joke. 

CLove's picture

Needs disassembling/reassembling. So its "for the child". And then of course hes got a truck...

Its no joke...