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What's that smell? --OR---ASS moved in

WalkOnBy's picture

When we last left off, ASS had asked KarateKid to let him move into his spare bedroom.  DH had a chat with KK about it, but in the end, KK let ASS move in a week ago.  

The following conversation took place once DH told me that ASS had invaded KK's apartment:

WOB - well did you ask KK WHY he agreed to this?

DH - nope

WOB - oh.  Is ASS working?

DH - nope

WOB - is KK charging him rent?

DH - no idea

WOB - how long do you think this will last?

DH - I give it a few months.  That seems to be the longest that anyone can tolerate ASS and his smell....

WOB - speaking of smells, ASS is NOT allowed to come here to do his laundry (KK's building has laundry in the basement, but he prefers to come to our house to do it LOL)

DH - Not even if you are not here?

WOB - NOPE,  and G-d help you if he does come here and I find out about it

DH - I was kidding, you'd know he was here because of the stench.  I already reminded KK that you are not comfortable with ASS being in the house

WOB - no kidding

So, there it is...KK feels like he has to take care of ASS.   I think it is a stupid idea, but as DH said, they are both adults and can figure it out, or not...

And, so it goes...


TheAccidentalSM's picture

But I fear that getting ASS to move out once he's invaded KK's space is going to be really tough.

PS - why does ASS still smell?  Isn't he a grownASS person who at least at one point actually had a partner and had career jobs?  How did he manage that if he was a living walking Pigpen?

WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah - I agree with you that getting him out will be tough.  

As for why does ASS still smell?  I have no idea other than perhaps his girlfriend smelled and he also worked mostly remote...

When he went back to Austin from Dallas, he rented a room in a house, but that didn't last long and he ended up moving in to an apartment.  I wonder if the stink was a factor in that?  

I do know this - the two of them are going to be a real-life version of The Odd Couple, that is for sure!!

TheAccidentalSM's picture

At least Oscar was good fun even if he didn't have great housekeeping skills.

ASS is like the worst of all worlds: a PITA and slovenly

thinkthrice's picture

Is turning into a ne'er-do-well.  Hygiene or lack thereof will probably keep him from permanent employment.

WalkOnBy's picture

but but but, he is going to build a million dollar business, so all will be well  *insert eyeroll here*

hereiam's picture

Poor KK. He probably felt that he didn't have much of a choice, since he's a good person.

WalkOnBy's picture

Yep - he is a good kid with a kind heart and I will always believe that he felt like he had no choice.  

Seems that ASS picked up the Beast's talent for manipulation during his short stay with her.  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Well, I think your DH has the right attitude - they're all adults, let them sort it out. But has he ever been direct with ASS about the fact he stinks?

Between ASS's rigid personality and poor hygiene, life is going to be very hard for him. He needs a nose blind therapist!

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh, yes...that conversation has taken place numerous times over the years, the last one being when DH went to Dallas to move ASS back to Austin.  Now DH is of the "he is 25 and a grown-ass man" mindset...

notsobad's picture

Please come back and let us know how long this lasts for.

My SD kicked BM out in just over a month. I'll admit I was surprised, I thought she'd put up with it for longer. Seems SDs SO had other ideas. Between BM telling him and SD how to raise his children and berating SD about everything from her cooking to her child care abilites he'd had enough and so BM was out on her ass.