Stuck in the middle with all you…
I don't think many of us would encourage anyone younger that we love to ever become a step parent.
it's like all the work, with little reward.
my SD had a argument about 5 weeks ago. She is 18 and was telling very venomous lies about us, and other people like her brother. She's always been very negative. She has thick energy always annoyed, frustrated over the smallest thing. We all walk on eggshells . So we had a blow out, I called her out on lying and she screamed and go in my face. I told her to get out. We haven't seen her since .. she's with friends and homebasing at her BM ..
we tried reaching out few weeks ago to be met with im not apologizing I meant what I said . Which was she hated me and would not speak to me. I pay for this place I honestly have paid for a ton.. my husband was paying BM child support even as they started to stay here more time for years..
I don't want to come between them. My fixer wants to make things good.. high road apologize for yelling.. however I huge part is enjoying peace in the house and DH is as well.
my fear is the longer they don't talk it will damage the relationship. But I don't want her back heee .. she doesn't work, help, has shitty hygiene and I honestly think I'm done .. like I don't really trust her.. but I'm trying to be the bigger person.. but I really am struggling to forgive her lying especially.
should I just let it be? Is that selfish?
She doesnt want to come over and you dont want her there. I'm sure you wish her well and hope she has a good life but things between you just aren't working now. I'd step back and let your DH handle his own relationship with her.
She's 18, it's not like she's a small girl. Perhaps an ideal situation would be him keeping contact with her by phone. Maybe at some point, he"d see her outside the home. Lets say that went on for awhile. Everyone could cool down and mature.
In the meantime, you could live your own life in peace. Don't bring her up to him and when he discusses her, be non-committal. If she comes back at some point, be polite and cordial.
I've been dealing with my SD61 for 50+ years. She has always resented me. I've tried everything under the sun at tremendous physical, financial, time and emotional cost for that girl but she almost broke us up and still would if she could. I've finally established a position of disengagement. I'm happer, DH86 seems relieved and I even think she's relieved that I'm not trying anymore.
Good luck.
I agree with the others
I agree with the others however, allowing your husband to manage his relationship with her doesn't mean you have to tolerate her presence in your home. You can insist she is never allowed in your home again. Your home is your haven, your safe space.
Don't go chasing a dream you
Don't go chasing a dream you can't ever catch. She is who she is and your husband can arrange to see her outside of your home aka happy place. She's over 18, sleepovers are done. He can meet up w/ her for a meal, a walk, etc. but your home is your fortress of happiness and she cannot respect you and your home... she doesn't darken your doorstep until she does. I'm a pleaser too, but I've learned that pleasing myself by setting bounderies and demanding respect in my own home means I'm at the top of my 'must please' list. Put yourself at the top of your list, she chooses to not respect you, she can stay out of your happy place. And it's okay to put yourself on your lists too. You've worked hard to have your safe and happy home, don't let destruction in the door. Dad can do his dadding for his adult daughter elsewhere.
Confronting her is long past due. Great job!
No, she got in your face. Good thing she did not hit you. Though that would have made this much easier as it would have been the police that removed her from the family's misery.
Do not appologize. If it is important enough for daddy to see his toxic spawn, that is on daddy to work out.
She can couch surf and troll for attention. Do not let her return withouth a major come to Jesus moment where she self flagilates to everyone on HER behaviors. Do not let her slime her way back without a clear admission from her on her lies.
Good riddance to that POS kid.
When the trash takes itself
When the trash takes itself out, why would you try to bring it back in? And by trash, i mean her behavior, not that she as a person is trash. Don't allow that behavior back in your home. Let DH handle her, somewhere else.
I'd let it be. Your DH can
I'd let it be. Your DH can have a relationship with her outside of your home if the two of them even want a relationship. It's not up to you to facilitate, and you don't need to allow an ADULT skid who lies to you and treats you with disrespect to live in a home you're paying for. I would totally disengage.