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Father's Day funny - or not

classyNJ's picture

SS26 has to work fathers day and will make up a dinner later.

I asked DH if him and SS21 STB22 were doing anything.  He said not that he knew of.

ooohhh ok - I normally did all the planning because his ex never acknowledged DH as anything let alone their father.  So I sent a text to SS21:

Classy: - hey sunshine, I know SS26 has work Sunday, but do you have any plans for your dad for fathers day?

SS21: - no, Im free all day.

OMG!  I spit my water on my phone.

Classy: - hey lets try this again - why dont you call your dad and ask him to lunch or something.  I will even do BBQ if you want.

SS21: - thats a good idea. Thanks, love you



Edit to add that I did ask them both if they wanted to join us at the Big Dill in Philly and we could celebrate there, but they do not like pickles like I like pickles. 


ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Ain't that the truth...this is the same scenario with my SS the only difference is now I don't intiate them "doing something." They are full grown like yours, if they do nothing that is on them. 

Lillywy00's picture

Joy! ... in my sarcastic voice ... as I think about the deadbeat breeder "fathers", the half-assed "fathers", and the Disneyland fathers .... all expecting something despite doing nothing but causing headaches, drama, family court runs, and bounced checks 

CLove's picture

When husbands feeling frisky he calls me Mrs Pickle, because I love them so much. Or maybe Im that sour...:D

Rags's picture

I love pickles, and olives. DW, can't stand them.

I see the connection to your Mrs. Pickles honorific from DH.


classyNJ's picture

Bless him for giving up part of his weekend to spend the afternoon walking around, standing in line just to be sure I get to taste test.