Girlfriends child makes me want to end it
Hello guys. Ive never posted here before but Im at a complete loss and need some advice.
So Ive been with my girlfriend for 18 months now. Im 46 with no children, shes same age with a 12 year old daughter. Although I have no kids (due to a previous illness I cant) I generally like kids and am very used to being around them. Have nieces and nephews all between 7-13 years old and spend a lot of time with them, at one point lived with family and was aroud kids constantly. Ive had relationship with a single mum in the past with young kids in the past and it was no problem. In short, Im patient and accepting of kids in a relationship.
Now heres the problem. Once my gfs daughter found out she had a bf (about 5 months in) she really didnt take it to it well. She was annoyed, jealous and didnt like it at all, she made things diffcult for us, was alwasy calling her mum reapeatdly when we where on dates and stuff. I had not met her at this point. This went on for months an months until we met and things went ok. I started spending time around her kid in small doses and it generally was no problem.
However as time went on and I have spent more time around her daughter I started to notice things that didnt sit well with me. Her daughter very much seems to call the shots and gets her own way all the time, she throws tantrums, acts immature, whines constantly and guilt trips her mum regularly. The more time ive speant around her kid the more Ive seen a bratty child with no discipline who needs to be the centre of attention 100% of the time. I cant even have a converstation with my gf when she is around as the kid she wants all the focus to be constantly on her.
My gf seems to parent by guilt as she feels bad for the divorce and the fact the kids dad isnt really in the picture much (he seems to pop up every few months then vanish for a few months) so my gf basically lets her daughter have whatever she wants when she wants and lets her decide everything. Its weird she treats her like an adult but her kid behaves like a 5 year old.
Now dont get me wrong I know kids can be difficult at times but this child seems particularly spoilt and poorly behaved.
I love my gf and we have a great relationship but Im finding it increasingly tiresome to be around her kid and the way she behaves is draining.
Its not only me who has pointed this out, my gfs family have made comments how she has her 'wrapped around her little finger' etc and how my gf gives in to her too much.
I was hoping as time went on things would get better but my patience has ran out now and Im at the point where I actively avoid spending time with her daughter. Its starting to put me off my gf as I notice such a stark difference between her kids behaviour and other kids im around regularly (my family and friends kids etc).
I dodnt know what to do really, Ive rasied this with my gf in a delicate way many times but she just gets defensive about it all. Its got to the point where Im considering ending it, would be a real shame as shes a great girl.
Thoughts? Is it salvageable? Or am I wasting my time and be better off moving on?
Move on
I'm sure the rest of the StepTalkers will say this is really a GF problem and it is. You could have a serious discussion with your GF and express your concerns but, long story short, these patterns don't usually change. If she's 12 now, just imagine how the next few years will go. 'I'm sorry.
If this child doesn't learn
If this child doesn't learn how to cope with disappointment and the word "no," how will she ever make it through school? Hold a job? Sustain an adult relationship? 12-year-old girls are no fun anyway, but an out of control one just gets older and more demanding.
How is she at school? Does she have friends? Is she bossy and demanding with them too?
Welcome to the site!
Sadly, this is a problem created and perpetuated by your girlfriend. You often see it, kids being trained into being little dictators through having no discipline or boundaries set by their bio parent. You could try having a come-to-Jesus sit down with your girlfriend, but I don't really see her wanting to change. My advice would be don't move in and think very carefully about what you can and can't tolerate.
In my situation it didn't get
In my situation it didn't get better. I met my SKs when they were 12 and 13. I wasn't paying attention I guess and didn't see all the red flags. After I moved in I saw that they were spoiled and got everything they wanted. They don't even stay with us anymore but are still a problem. My SO will not change how he is with them no matter how bad it is. I want nothing to do with his kids now and have to consider leaving.
Unfortunately... I don't
Unfortunately... I don't think it will get better unless mom wants to put in a serious effort to change her parenting... and even then, at 12, the die may be cast a bit too firmly with the child already.
The last thing you would want is for her to start parenting but do it in a way like "Oh.. honey.,.. you can't have that.. bob thinks you are too spoiled.." "baby, please let's keep the room clean so bob doesn't get angry"..
aka throwing you under the bus as the reason that she has gotten firm with the girl.. which would only breed resentment.
In the end.. it's been 18 months.. this is enough time to have a window to what she is like and how life with her and her daughter would be like. It's ok to say.. "you know what mary, you are a nice woman but I don't see a long term future for us, so let's part on good terms".
If she presses, you can be honest. "I have tried to bring the subject up many times. The way you are parenting your daughter is a problem for me. Even your own family points out how spoiled she is by you. I know you must feel some guilt for your child not having an active father in her life, but letting her call all the shots and getting her own way all the time is not healthy for her and she is not a pleasant child to be around because of it. Since this seems like a pattern that is deeply set already and you aren't at all open to discussing any of it, I need to move on."
When the child starts
Picking what's Only chicken. No red or green thing in the food. What places to go. Never happy it's the GF problem. No man will take too much of this. Kids have control of the home. Discuss this with GF. let her know how strongly you feel about a kid controlling life. Her choice to change thing [ not likely] or tine for exit plan. If kid feels she is winning, as you lost the war. your life will be hell
Welcome to the site!
Read around on here and you will start to see that your story, while different in flavor, is much the same as many on here. You have positive experience enough to know what is wrong is WRONG.
Im in Camp GTFO. Run far and fast, and dont look back. Take this as a great learning experience for you to know the yellow and red flags:
1. Constant clinging (calls/texts)
2. Constant need for attention and to be the center of the universe
3. Acts like an infant with temper tantrums, acts younger than her age
4. GF parents out of guilt, doesnt have boundaries or rules or standards of behavior.
This doesnt get better over time, it gets much much worse. There are folks on here who have gotten really stuck through pregnancy, and just throw up there hands and say "well this sucks, but I dont want to leave my bio behind". So if you are not ready to leave, make certain there is some level of BC. Do not get stuck.
ALSO, you can try to tell GreatGF the reasons, but keep in mind she has the bio mother love goggles on and no type of presentation you make, no matter the level of detail, will change her mind and "make her see" (read around here...)
Good luck and keep us posted!
I've been in the game for
I've been in the game for almost three decades. It doesn't get better at all. In fact it gets worse. These coddled infantilized brats do not meet milestones when their peers do, so don't make the mistake of waiting it out until Poopsie is 18 or that she'll get a love interest or friends when she's a teenager. These kids don't get driver's licences, move out, get jobs or anything else that their peers do during the normal age ranges. They don't learn home skills, so they won't even contribute to normal day to day cleaning. Not even so much as bringing their supper dish to the counter. My SD is 25 and still does jack shit.
The problem is your SO. There's a deep psychological issue that drives HER need to infantilize and spoil her kid. SHE is the one who needs therapy. SHE is the one who needs to know that something is wrong and SHE needs to be the one to actually WANT to change things and to remain steadfast in the tantrums, etc. and soldier through the blowback your SD would give should your SO change things. Only, these parents don't have a problem. It is us SParents who do. If the bio parents don't see a problem, they'll maybe change a couple of things for a few days to buy time with us so we don't dump their asses, but they don't truly believe there's a problem, so they won't make any lasting changes. They will fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo and as Poopsie grows older, she'll become more cunning in how she can run the show and commandeer Mummeeeee. If you do manage to get her the fuck out of the house when she's 27, she'll manage to ramp up the enmeshement/obsession/dependency between her and Mummeeee (in my case, Dadddeeeee) and it'll be even worse than when she still lived with you.
Ask me how I know.
No, this is not salvageable. The 100% attention onto Poopsie never ends. She'll grow up like that and it'll get worse.
They're both fucked in the head.
Run fast and run far.
Most likely ...... You're
Most likely ...... You're wasting your time
It will be an uphill battle and 89% of your energy will be spent arguing with this woman about having some structure and boundaries for her spawn
When it comes to parenting you absolutely need to be on the same page (or close to it) ... even moreso in a blended family where you will have less patience for someone else's kids bad behavior when it negatively impacts your life
Hi Bunj17. Your GF's daughter
Hi Bunj17. Your GF's daughter sounds a lot like my stepson when I first started dating my husband. And like you, I've always gotten along with kids, and am very close to my nephews (who actually don't even mind hanging out with old auntie!). I'm finding that a kid/person prone to jealousy doesn't ever get over it. It's fueled by some very primordial forces. It might also stem from a personality disorder (I've been reading up on parenting a kid/teen with borderline personality disorder). Obviously, you can't just "get over" mental illness. Another thing I learned: if you are ever nice to some with an entitled personaiity, they will always expect you to be nice. If one day you ever decide to get in the way of her entitlement, you will become the enemy. One can go from being a neutral person to a helpful person or enemy to someone entitled, but one can never go from being a helpful person or enemy to being neutral again. And if you remain a helpful person, then she will treat you like an appliance - take you for granted, and will only notice if you stop being useful, which would cause you to become an enemy. I'm learning to manage living part time with an antaagonistic person, but It's a very unsatisfying role to play in a family.
GF is allowing her DD
To control her life. She accepts this and is going along with it. You either allow this child control your life, or it's going to be hell for you. Power play on DD part. You are not going to win this one. Either GTFO. or be a step on ATM. you are paying for dinner but I pick it. You are paying for vacation but I pick where we are going. GF already is along for the ride
The toxic I'll parent failed
The toxic I'll parent failed family spawn is a permanent fixture in any relationship with this woman. This will never end and the odds of improvement are slim and none at best. Ill raised, coddled, guilt parented CODs become demanding entitled cling-on mini-spouse adult spawn.
Save yourself.
Update for y'all
Well you where all correct.
4 months since my OP and nothing changed, if anything things escalated. Saw more demanding behavior, tantrums and generally my gf's kid calling the shots all the time (even in regard to our relationship).
I did try to talk to my gf repeatedly regarding this, at first I tried a 'gentle' approach but as my frustration grew I started expressing how I was finding it all too much. At times my gf did seem to acknowledge there as an issue with her kids behaviour but mostly I was faced with excuse and denial.
She seemed to treat her child like an adult, which didnt seem to work at all and if anything I saw worsening behaviour.
Eventually I got tired of the demanding behaviour and told my gf I cant be in the relationship anymore and we both agreed to take some time out. Not sure what will happen but I cant see anything changing and I suspect that may be the end of it all.
Don’t suspect. Make it so.
She won't change and the kid will be the bane of your existence if you naively stay with its failed mommy.
Get on with living your best life.
The problem
with taking a time out is that you still have one foot in the door and you can't really move on. Unless you are willing to go back to the way things were, or if your partner by herself or together commit to therapy you're just wasting time. Get on with your life.
Thanks for the update!
Thats good that you are listening to our advice and seeing it play out. However I would continue reading here and consider just completely being done. The thing is, to "keep" you, she MIGHT change things, but it will be only temporary, and it will be a "bait and switch" which will be worse for you in the long run.
So far so good though, you are moving in the right direction.
Good move. So what is your GF
Good move. So what is your GF doing during this break to change the dynamic? If nothing changes, nothing changes.
A spoiled 12 year old turnes into a spoiled 17 year old who turns into a narcissistic 23 year old. Read the Adult Steps forum and you'll get a glimpse of what's ahead.
Absolutely. Doing nothing, changes nothing.
OP is stepping away. Though my hope is that he will end it with a clean end and no phased on again, off again, drama.
Odds are, his fading and STBX will do nothing.
Good for you for taking
Good for you for taking action. You deserve better. Best of luck and keep us posted.
So I ended it.
Thought I'd do a final update for you all.
We took a break for a month or so and I decided I didnt want to go back.
In hindsight it was an absolute disaster and I was tolerating far far more than I should have. I genuinely feel I was especially patient and understanding so not sure what my (now) ex gf expects from a partner. No partner should have to tolerate what I did and it was pretty self absorbed of my ex to enable the behaviour to continue and basically disregard the strain it was putting on the relationship.
Im not bitter about it all but definetly feel my ex shoudl absolutely not have gotten seriously involved with a partner given the issues with her kid.
I explained everything over a period of months before we broke up but alas I think it all fell on deaf ears. All I ever got was defensive excuses.
Tbh I dont think she ever accepted the reality that her kids behaiour and attention seeking (and her failure to address it) was destroying her relationship. Pheraps she never will.
Thanks for all your words of wisdom, over and out.
My condolences and congratulations.
Condolences for the demise of the relationship. No one is in a relationship for it to fail.
Congratulations on stepping out for your new life adventure and for engaging on living your best life. Living well is what we each owe ourselves. It also is the best revenge.
Take care of you.
Thank you for the updates!
Im very sorry you went through all that, but also in hindsight now you know what boundaries work for you and what red flags to watch out for in the present/future.
Glad you got out. Try to go no contact if you can as I think that your ex might try to suck you back in...