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OT Flight Experiences

Lillywy00's picture

Just curious if you have a favorite flying experiences?

I will say I have a habit of looking in awe at the cockpit while they have the door open. 

Because some of these pilots looking like snacks!

Wish I knew what all those knobs meant and how to fly a plane but it seems like it would be extremely complicated and my brain would not compute lol (although I'm an excellent pilot of a road vehicle like a car or van)

I also remember back in the days not sure if it was a customary thing for everyone to do or what but when I was younger I remember dressing up to ride the plane. 


AlmostGone834's picture

When I was a kid we used to fly out to CA every summer to see my grandmother. I remember stopping in Denver and being in awe of the beautiful mountains. I remember the little plastic toys and coloring books my mother bought me to keep me occupied on the flight. I those were good memories.

Then I remember flying down to FL with my father to see my other grandmother before she passed. The entire plane was packed with people all going to a family reunion. They were so rambunctious and loud and we were sitting right in the center of them. It was hilarious. I still remember getting off in Orlando and my father marching ahead of me grumbling "it was like a flying zoo!!" Hahaha. 

Rags's picture

I remember when mom and I flew on several flights from the US to join dad in Saudi. I was 4yo.  I was so excited.  When the final flight landed in Jeddah I jumped into the isle and told mom to "Come on Mom!!!"

When the door opened, it sucked the oxygen out of the airplane it was so hot. I then said to mom "It's HOT!"

We walked down the rolling stairs from the plane to the tarmac then walked about 100yds to the terminal to go through passport control.  When we got through passport control, I was ahead of mom. I was excitedly looking for my dad.  After a couple of minutes whe heard his voice. "Hey!" .He had been following us. We had walked right past him. He had lost so much weight that neither of us had recognized him.  It had been about 5mos since he had preceeded  us to our new life as a  young family. Dad was 25, mom was 23. Mom will be 80 in 13wks.  Dad is 82. According to my bride, I am 13.


Flying has always been a cathartic thing for me. It takes me either to adventure, or to my people. Sometimes both.

Winterglow's picture

I remember landing in Nice at night. Th plane flew low parallel to the Riviera and the view was breathtakingly beautiful, all lit up, a river of lights set against a black velvet sky and reflected in the sea. Dazzling.

Another time, I was flying from Montpellier with Danair (sadly they no longer exist). There was a group of schoolboys aged about 8-9 who, when we hit some turbulence,  kept shrieking 'we're all going to DIE!' and laughing uproariously. 

The afternoon snack on that flight was absolutely memorable. We were each served an individual afternoon tea... tiny triangular sandwiches, a small pork pie complete with a portion of Branston pickle, a scone so fresh it was almost warm accompanied by strawberry jam and a small pot of clotted cream. It was all so dainty! And delicious! Quite a change from the usual plastic-wrapped  slice of industrial fruit cake that you get from Air France!


Rags's picture

Yep, flying used to be a pleasure. People dressed accordingly, service was outstanding. Now, pack em on, pack em off, provide zero service, treat customers like those they pay for service are doing the customer a favor.


International travel on National carriers rather than commercial airlines tends to still have actual service.  Qatar Air  has a multiple Star rating as do some others.  Outstanding flight attendants, amazing food even in Coach, actual theater systems at every seat.  In business class you get a reclining seat that turns into a bed, sleep wear, a robe, slippers, full menu available for the entire flight, high end cocktailes, beer and wine, etc.... I have never flown first class on Qatar though I have seen it. An actual state room space with a full massage seat, a small bed, a table, etc.....  Singapore Air, Etihad, Emirates are very similar in our experiences.  Living much of my life in the region serviced by some of these airlines has afforded some great travel experiences. Back in the day, US owned airlines had comparable service internationally. Particularly PanAm.

When we travel internationally for work, we always try to book on one of the National airlines when our destination and company travel policies make it possible.

When on those airlines on our own dime, we fly Coach.  Still outstanding service and food, notably more comfortable and spacious seating, than on the US owned carriers.

I miss the days when air travel delivered actual service.


For domestic travel we usually fly SWA.  Efficient, reliable (for the most part), comparably affordable, full credit fares if you have to cancel or make changes.


MorningMia's picture

I flew to (and from) Africa business class. . . saved money due to the trip getting cancelled at least twice because of COVID, and I upgraded. I am now ruined. lol. I am NOT a sleeper on planes, but I was able to sleep. The sights I saw from my window were incredible. . . the Kalahari Desert, Johannesburg, the ocean. It was magical.

Ive also enjoyed Southwest flights because of the comedy provided by the attendants. 

ESMOD's picture

As an army brat, I have been flying since the early 60's... and have really seen a lot of changes in how air travel works.  Seats are smaller, ammenities fewer and fellow passengers have become ruder (perhaps in part due to small seating and being hangry?)

As air travel has become more accessible to more people, it's inevitable that there are more that don't have proper manners on board.  

I actually upgrade my seating whenever possible now, to avoid some of the crush.. and try to drive whenever possible.. even if the distance is long.