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Stepchild married. All hell broke loose

Flustered's picture

if you see stepchild Marrow it was an error and I could not delete it. 

I went totally no contact with my stepdaughter/46 because she was acting immature and I just figured the less I talk to her the better so a year and I haven't talked to her except once. A few weeks ago she send a text and a picture and says "we got married" This was the justice of the peace in the town where they have land. ; so I said congratulations. She said yeah we're real happy "second time is the charm" so I said congratulations again and said "your dad and I thought that as well"/we were a second marriage ( if you ever wanted to find two couples who were perfect for each other, my husband and I were for ourselves and this girl and the boyfriend no husband are for each other. Enough Said.)**** I got this ice cold bunch of texts. ******The last one was "you don't have a second times the charm because dad never got divorced" well yeah her mother died 11 years before I married her father, but it was a second marriage for each one of us and we always knew she didn't want us to get married but we just let it go. She was 21.then--it was a backstab. I think they waited this long because her father hated the guy/now her husband and how he behaved to her and the fact he never got far enough to let us meet the family/his mother siblings, etc. – I happen to have known his father simply because I worked with him years and years and years ago. On the other hand he was also deceased.

it was a backstab. I think they waited this long because her father hated the guy/now her husband and how he behaved to her and the fact he never got far enough to let us meet the family/his mother siblings, etc. , It's al so probably because he might not have to pay child support now with the kid growing up.– I happen to have known his father simply because I worked with him years and years and years ago. He on the other hand was also deceased. This is the boyfriend now husband who took things out of my house when he shouldn't have. It's the boyfriend now husband who had a seven or eight-year-old kid when they started dating and now that kid is 17 or 18 and no one has ever met him. I think you get the idea.

I was so hurt it was unbelievable. I went down to see my lawyer and just make sure that our will is locked up tight so that money only goes to blood relatives and yes that's what it is. Bottom line? Safe there --of course somewhere down the line when I go the portion of the will that goes to her she'll probably spend it on him anyway and you know what I don't care. What I care about is being so worried that I am thinking of getting cameras for my yard especially since the other night I heard a car roll into my driveway and it turned on the motion sensor light and the lights on the car went off. Around 1030 at night on Halloween I, I figured it was just idiots. I looked out the window from where it was dark and all I could see was a dark SUV with lights out which then turned around and left. Two hours later? Same thing. (My husband's SUV, which my stepdaughter now has was a really dark SUV that looks like the one that was out there can I prove it no. It would make absolutely no sense to try to make a police report. If all I can say is some car was in the driveway ). In any case, the fire poker and the Louisville slugger both came out/and my stepdaughter? She doesn't have keys to my house. I changed those locks less than two weeks after her father died

i just needed to get this out of my system. I just all of you with weird step kids they come back like snakes into your life. Will listen to me.. I'm not here a lot. I haven't been here in over a year. I needed to vent. I'm angry. I'm angry that she denied her father a "potential grandchild" even if the kid had been seven when she started out with this guy now, husband. I don't know.( My daughters children, are our only grandchildren and he loved them so dearly)  I just feel like she was contacting me expecting a big present and I'm not going to send her one and I don't really care. Lawyer said I don't owe her squat/she said if you didn't have a will? Everything would go to your daughter.( I can just imagine what a mess that would be this one would sue from now until the cows come home )

****so my question to all here: the stepdaughter still has some things here she inherited and I know my brother-in-law will come and watch the house so she only takes  and that the boyfriend doesn't even show up.. A friend suggested I ask for a restraining order against this boyfriend, now husband, seeing as he has taken things from the house before which are not hers. Anybody with an opinion? Specifically on this last paragraph and also on "should I give them a gift ""?.

I'd love to hear some opinions from you guys. I'm too old for this garbage








Winterglow's picture

Oh drat, I am soooo disappointed. I  thought we were going to read a truly weird story.  My mind was boggling about the marrow. LOL

I bow to the other posters for real advice. 

MorningMia's picture

The best thing to do with toxic people is not respond to them or respond in a very limited fashion, i.e. "Congrats." Period. Stop.  But, really, I'm on the "do not respond" train. Better yet, block her number.  
So, it was this latest interaction that triggered the toxic fumes bubbling up again? 

If there are things in your house that she will inherit and they are not things you want, can you arrange for them to get them (with other people/witnesses/BIL there) in order to be done with this?  If the items in the house are what keeps her hanging on, I'd arrange to be done with that.
Why would you get a restraining order on her husband? I think that would just be "poking" them unless you truly feel you are in danger. 

Get security cameras. They are much cheaper these days. 


StepUltimate's picture

True Crime fan here, a survivor of a stalker ex, and I've read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker. Restraining orders cannot protect but can and DO "poke the bear," who you already know is irrational, vengeful, and agitated.

DEFINITELY get cameras. I also recommend a few cans of Wasp spray, because if you are like my elderly mom and not comfortable with firearms, wasp spay is a good self-defence weapon as it sprays 8 to 10 feet (unlike a baseball bat, you don't even have to get close) and any intruder getting that in their face/eyes will be temporarily disabled long enough for you to get out & call 911. Also, it's very affordable and 100% legal to buy with no waiting period.

I'm so sorry you're still being haunted by this nightmare vampire SD. 

BobbyDazzler's picture

Going to be suggestion as well. 

Rags's picture

Get the RO/PO, enforce it. Get a concealed carry handgun permit and take active shooter training.  Join a shooting club and go regularly.  Create that network.   Get the full meal deal cameras everywhere security system with armed response monitoring service and the big hungry well trained Belgian Melanois attack/lap dog who is trained to go for either the gonads or the throat on command. Go to MMA training regularly focusing on instant life altering debilitating injury or fatal consequence training.  Take out the CCP insurance so when you end this asshole when they attack, you have insurance for legal defense and to fight his idiot family if they try to sue.

Make the idiot know that they are at best dead and at worst maimed for life if they step out of line.

The couple of years before I learned that being bullied hurts and bullies are cowards when they are standing in a pool of their own blood trying to put teeth back in or trying to hold the two flaps of their lips together when they made the mistake of targeting me, I hid. I ran.  I am not sure what changed other than I got tired of it and stood my ground instead of just being afraid. I was still afraid, but I would no longer run and hide.  If I was going to hurt, they were going to experience a life long consequential reminder of their choice to bully.  Facial scars, fake teeth, a ruptured testicle or two. Whatever move they made that gave me the opportunity to damage them permanently.  Never once did I get in trouble for defending myself. Certainly not with my parents. Not even with the schools or the police.   Though I did get brought home once in the back of a police car after I was pushed into a sewage pond by a large teen girl when I was 11yo.  She was about 16.  I climbed out, stepped back, then when she was squatting down swizzling a stick in the water I grabbed the back of her belt and hurled her in.  I did not see that she was holding a toddler aged kid in front of her.  As the stb floating turd of a teen went flying into the sewage pond she threw the baby farther out into the pond. I jumped in and grabbed the toddler.  After I climbed out of the sewer pond a second time I picked up my bike and started pushing it home.  A few minutes later a group of kids chased me down and dragged me to some lady's house. I was swinging and kicking the whole way. It was terrifying.  At the toddler's mother's home a police officer was present.  He asked my information. I refuse to give it to him until I called my parents. I did exactly as my parents had told me. If I am ever stopped by the police say nothing except "I can't speak with you. I have to call my parents."  I did give him my phone number.  The floating turd teen and the floating turd toddler's mother started railing at me. The cop had to shove them away, took me to the car which I refused to get into until he put my bike in the trunk and called my parents. This went back and forth for some time until the group of kids showed the LEO where our house was on a map that the LEO had. He did convince me to get in the car and then drove me home.  He tried to calm me down. When the police car pulled up in front of my home the cop took out my bike then let me out of the car. He then walked me to the door and knocked. My USMC dad answered, the door, told me to get inside. The LEO tried to walk in and dad firmly put his hand in the middle of the LEO's chest and informed him he could not enter our home until he was invited. With the door open dad turned to me, asked me what happened. I explained.  Dad turned to the LEO and chewed him a new asshole for not calling immediately since he had been given our phone number by me the minute it all started once the LEO arrived at the sewage pond floating turd toddler mom's house.  Dad and the LEO spoke for a few minutes and dad finally invited him in.  That apparently was entertaining.  We had moved back from the Middle East a few years earlier and there were related decorative items all over the home. An antique opium pipe on a shelf, an antique 5ft tall Hooka in the LR near the front door.  Neither had been used in probably nearly a hundred  years but mom and dad still tell a story about the young LEOs eyes bugging out of his head when he stayed to visit with mom and dad for an hour after bringing me home. I had been sent to my room after the initial discussions on why I had been brought home in the back of a police car. 

The LEO ended up staying for about an hour.  I was a sobbing mess in the cop car but I refused to say what I had done was wrong. I did not see the toddler. I was defending myself.  The turd teen had thrown the kid into the middle of the pond.  Though I was the one what tossed the teen into the pond in response to her doing it to me.  The cop went back to the turd toddler's mom and later called my dad sharing that the sewer pond diving turd teen had been put in cuffs for a while as a clear message that she was the one who had started it all and that the turd toddlers mom was still livid but that the LEO had given her clarity that sending a herd of kids to drag me to her house was a bad move.

It could have gone any number of ways. But that was likely when I stopped being a victim and the first time I started delivering consequences to bullies.  Never again did I wait even a second to retaliate. When a bully would strike, I instantly responded with overwhelming violence.  It took a single instance in any future school to make it clear that I was not to be messed with.  Whatever bully made that mistake was the example to everyone else.

Set the example. Make sure the bully knows that they are done if they even think about twitching out of line. Defend yourself. Protect yourself.

IMHO of course.



Rumplestiltskin's picture

No contact, no gift. Give her whatever's hers from the house and be done with her. If she texts again, just don't reply. 

Winterglow's picture

Put all the stuff that she, by right, should inherit into a box and tell her she can have them when she brings back the stuff she/her husband stole.

Harry's picture

Take her gift money and buy cameras.  The new once wi-FI Cambers are easy to install.  With doorbell cameras.  Some come with instructions on how to do the install.  Monthly charge to save to the cloud .  
'You didnr speak to SD for a year and guess what. Nothing bad happen to you. There no reason to have bad people in your life. Big question is,,, with SO,... the GK.. when they come,  will SO forget everything to play GP. ?  You already made your path. Of disengagement.  
'Will SO see the GK,  Will he do it along ? What gets old after a time? 

ItsGrowingOld's picture

My suggestion is have BIL bring her what she inherited.  Do not EVER let her and her DH into your home or on your property, for any reason. 

You deserve to live in peace:-)

Kes's picture

If my DH passed away, one of the main consolations to me would be that I would never have to have any contact with my SDs ever again.  Blocked on every channel, and if I moved house, they would not be told where.  Like others have said, I would get cameras.  

MorningMia's picture

Oh, God, that is the only thing I am looking forward to about ever becoming a widow. That and maybe saying, "FU" to them first. lol. 

Trudie's picture

...I get this.

Dollbabies's picture

sound terrible but after my late husband's memorial service in which his youngest announced he "forgave" his father I came home and unfriended every single one of his freaking relatives. I'm sure I just beat them to it which I bet/hope pissed them off...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I could, but then I'd be exposing my identity and have to go into hiding. That would make Mr Aniki very unhappy. *unknw*

Rags's picture

Never allow her/them on your property again.  If she left her inherritance in your home, donate it. Or if you want to avoid any pushback for that, have it photo documented, packed, and shipped to her with a  cease and decist order telling her to make no contact and never approach your property again.

Cameras, cameras, cameras.  24hr web monitoring that will alert you any time anyone or anything approaches your property.  We had a system installed when we moved to a different city and kept our him in our last city.  There was a wave of squaters taking over peoples homes. They can't do that when you are monitoring and have an armed response element to your service or 911 call on your account for a property violation.  When we would get alerts we would address the person in our yard through the web cam and microphone capability telling them they were being recorded and that their image and license plates would be provided to the police.  We ended  up putting a hidden cam in our front landscaping that would capture the front of their vehicle if they parked in front of our home or our neighbors homes.  We never had to actually call it in the police.

I also suggest that you take up target shooting, take active shooter training, get your CHG permit.  The fire poker and Louisville Slugger are a good default, however, a one hit and done people stopper fire arm with zero delay in taking the shot is far safer.   Get the liability and legal defense insurance when you purchase your fire arm.  Shooting clubs can be some great social networks with all kinds of fun events.

StepUltimate's picture

I posted above but back to share that my mom is scared of guns and my dad (who had rifles as a child) could sleep through an explosion, but have had crime increase in their neighborhood so having wasp spray is a good alternative that my mom was relieved to know about. 

I've got wasp spray, a loaded handgun, and a couple of rifles. Better to have'em and not need'em than to need'em and only have a bat. 
