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My boyfriend is such an asshole I just can't take it anymore..

sammmx's picture

He's been giving BM extra money ONTOP of CS because "he feels bad she's on welfare and has to live off $500 a month with 2 kids." Uhhh, then maybe she should get off her ass and get a job for the first time in 5 years?!?!

I pay our hydro/water/cable/gas bills which in total is about $350 a month. I make less money than him, pay my half of rent as well as student loans. So here I am barely scraping by, stressed to the max, with $30 to my name until I get paid next Friday, and he's shelling out $50 to BM because he feels bad?? Wtf! And then complains he has no money until Monday. What?!?

So I told him this upset me, I didn't see how it was fair, it angered me, I didn't get it. His response? I'm making a big deal out of nothing, she needs it more than we do, it's all in my head, get over it. I want to SCREAM. I seriously hate my fucking life and what it has become. God. Cray 2


dad'swife's picture

Is moving back in with your parents an option? I've been following your blogs and I think you deserve better Sad

oldone's picture

Sounds like he truly does not get it.

And that means that he is stupid as pig shit. You can do better.

sammmx's picture

I know he does. He's told me he'll always "have love for her" because she's the mother of his child, he's just not "in love" with her. No difference to me, I feel like I his mistress but leaving isn't an option. I just so hopeless and depressed. I've dug such a hole I can't even see the opening.

StickAFork's picture

Leaving is ALWAYS an option.
It may not be a pretty one, but it's there. Trust me.

sammmx's picture

I live 6 hours away from family and have a work contract until October, can barely afford the bills I have let alone finance moving out on my own. It really isn't an option. :/

Gabriels Mom's picture

how about looking to rent a room and put your stuff in storage until your contract is up? If you wait 10 more months you'll be more in the hole. Or see if any of your friends are looking for a roommate or have an extra bedroom you can rent from them...seriously don't stay.

oldone's picture

Listen if my worthless alcoholic SS can always find a cheap place to live or a roommate I know you can.

dad'swife's picture

Don't waste your youth on this loser. Right now he has it made and you are miserable. When will you learn?

xtina's picture

AWwwww sweetheart! I'm sorry you're going through this! There is never any reason to hate your life if you can do something to change it! Please come up with some solution and get yourself out. If you were in the SD area you could shack up with me!

Disneyfan's picture

Call your family and ask them to help you.

The loser you live with us still IN love with another woman. Didn't you say he told you he would be with her if it weren't for the drugs? There's a reason he's holding on to that's box of BM's crap that help keeps moving from house to house.

This jerk using you as a place holder until he can get back with the woman he loves.

No man or job is worth what you're living with.

You're not stuck. You have options. Take your life back.

misSTEP's picture

Quit paying the bills. By the time services get shut off, you should have enough saved up to move elsewhere. Let him deal with the fallout. Jackass.

I would have dumped my DH so fast his head would be spinning if he EVER told me that or EVER gave BM more money because she was too lazy to get off her fat ass and WORK. I don't care if I had to stay in a cardboard box for a few weeks!

It is your self-respect that is at stake here. And you need a TON of it because your BF is not giving you any respect!