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Will this ever end.

jdpalfi's picture

So DH gets home from work yesterday, and waiting for him is a sheriff with a summons. BM is at it again. After we spent fucking $5,000 on a damn attorney to have the boys 50% of the time, and have child support lowered to a reasonable amount, stupid bitch files this modification stating she wants us to only have them 20% of the time, and pay $776 in child support. WTF. I literally could drive to her house and claw her eyes out after all of this. We're still paying attorneys fees and she's trying to do this shit. We can barely pay our bills as it is and she expects us to pay hers too and for me to have to watch DH be miserable from not seeing his kids, she has no fucking idea what snake she just poked. Case management is set for March 22nd, and she has no idea that I will be there staring her in the face, try and get in my wallet and hurt my family, oh hell no. She may have 6 years on me and about 30 lbs on me, but push comes to shove I could take her... It will be all I can do to contain myself at case management, but it will be worth it to see the bitch squirm.


jdpalfi's picture

She filed for modification of the time sharing and child support, then points the finger at us and says all we care about is money.... Hunny, you filed for a MODIFICATION of CHILD SUPPORT, separate from the timesharing modification, if you just wanted the boys, you wouldn't be so concerned about the money. We pay 148 right now, and she wants that much, that's basically her rent every month. We already told her mediation is gonna be a joke, just pop our heads in and say we don't agree with anything she wants. File extension after extension, and thank god we're not getting an attorney again, I understand the legal system pretty well being a paralegal, we'll be fine without one this time.

fedup13's picture

18,000 in 10 months is our total so far and it is fixing to bust loose all over again tomorrow because BM is such a stupid bitch.

jdpalfi's picture

Thirty pounds and some crazy ass stretch marks from gaining 90 lbs in her last pregnancy, that cow ate everything in sight. It was pretty funny, DH was talking to me about how horrible she was when they were together, he said "She never drank and always got mad at me for it", It's because of the time they were together, she was fat and pregnant pretty much the whole time lol.

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh I feel for you. We're going through the same thing now. Plus, BM has PAS'd DH's kid into not wanting to ever come over so she's trying to go after full 100% and full CS. Stupid bitch.

jdpalfi's picture

Luckily, Florida is really strict on changing CS & TS. I had one of the Family Court Judges as my professor at the local college when we first went through this with her, so needless to say I asked a lot of questions in my Family Law class lol all hypothetical of course Wink He basically said in Florida to not have 50/50 or something close to that, you've gotta be like making meth in your house or something lol

Gabriels Mom's picture

What reason did she cite for changing custody? I mean really you have to have a reason to keep filing motions. Maybe DH could ask the judge to ban her from filing for the next 12-18 months or something. You cannot use the court system to create a financial or emotional hardship for someone; that sounds like what she's doing...

since you're a paralegal you should be just fine without a lawyer...

jdpalfi's picture

Here is her reason - "L**** and T**** have responded negatively to the schedule. They are shifted back and forth between both parents too much, thus creating confusion and behavior issues. The children need a set schedule for school routine"

In Florida, all judges start with 50/50, they believe that both parents have rights to their children, and there are millions of other kids who do just fine having that schedule, just like our boys, they have been fine with it, hell we finally got SS5 to like fishing again (BM had him convinced fishing was bad.... wtf)

They are 5 and 2, the 5yo is not starting kindergarten until August, and she wants us to have them every other weekend and Wednesdays after school from 5-7:30. DH will go into depression not seeing his boys that much. He already has trouble going five days.

sandy1234's picture

Can't wait for the day that she pushes me to the point of seeing red. Has almost happened before, but one day soon, I can feel it, I won't be able to control myself. And it will be well deserved on both ends.