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It's my EX this time! Lord Help Me!

public1234's picture

I normally have issues with my fiancé’s ex, but yesterday it was my ex husband that reared his ugly head. He calls about every 2-3 weeks and speaks with our daughter, he lives out of state, and over Christmas 2012 he saw our daughter for 3 day's for the first time in 1 1\2years. My daughter says he was mean, and his house was dirty. She has hardly spoken of those 3 day's even after I've tried to talk to her about little things like how his dog was or if it was cold there. This does worry me, and she has been speaking to her counselor, but even in counseling she doesn't open up about her father.

Yesterday he called, and spoke to her for about 15mins, and after wards he started texting me. I do have a Protective Order against him for harassment, and he is only allowed to contact me in regards to our daughter. He was accusing me of withholding spring break info, and the said "thanks for not telling me about spring break, gives me more to sue you over." He also ranted about child support since he will be leaving his job later in the year due to his health status. (He is in the military) He recently spent 2 weeks in a mental ward for his bipolar disorder. This was his second time in 2 years in a mental hospital.

True spring break officially starts on Monday, and I was going to email him on Monday and tell him that our daughter would be visiting her grandmother, which lives near me, and she could be reached at a certain time and phone number for that week if he wanted to call our daughter.

I want to take him back to court for sole custody because of his substance abuse problems, and his mental issues. My previous lawyer said we could get his medical records for court. I'm pretty sure I could win given the circumstances.

He still lives in the state we were divorced in so I would have to retain a attorney there, and fly there\stay for the court hearing if I did that. $$$$ Sad Since that state say's as long as one parent lives in the state of the divorce then all court transactions takes place there. SUCKS BAD! It SHOULD BE WHERE THE CHILD IS!

It’s so discouraging to know that this man is mentally instable, and I have to deal with him forever. The PO is practically useless in my state. I’ve called the police before because he was violating the PO, but the police and the DA here wouldn’t do anything because he was out of state and he wasn’t threatening my life! RIDULOUS! They pretty much told me to not listen to the voice mails of him yelling and name calling me or don't answer the phone. Yeah great police work there! :?

--- Tired of it being one thing or the other, or in my case one ex or the other.


public1234's picture

Most of the time she doesn't wish to talk to him, or he calls when she's busy playing and doesn't want to stop for a phone call. I don't answer the phone personally I give it to her, and I tell her before I answer that her daddy is calling, and if she says I don't want to talk to him. I tell her then you need to tell him that your self. And she will.

He just thinks he is entitled even if it was his spring break it's not my problem to set up his visistation. No where on the paper work does it say that I have to ensure he has the dates or to set up any kind of transportation for him. He knows what school she attends so he could check on the spring break dates either by calling or the website, or he could of emailed me and asked for the dates also. Which I would of provided of course.

Christmas 2011 he tried to tell the court I wouldn't let him have her for xmas. He expected me to find air fare, book it, and notify him of it when it was his visitation, to plan for. He wants his hand held, and expects me to do it for him like a child. Boy he is mistaken.

public1234's picture

Yeah I just keep my records of everything, He is annoying, but at least I can count my blessings that I'm not marrried to him anymore Wink