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Double Standard.

AliceP's picture

Awhile back my brother in law was going to school full time, even though he has two kids he doesn't have anything to do with that are owed child support. He was eventually sent a letter stating his arrears and the consequences of not paying. So he quit school and started working full time. Sounds pretty fair to me.

After I found out I was pregnant with DH and my second child he was laid off, he stayed on unemployment for a LOooooooong time. He paid child support but his whole family gave him shit about "when are you going to get a job."

So now BM told DH "I'm going to quit my job and go back to school." Everyone is very suportive of her decision to do this and patting her on the back and "oh the poor single mother needs to do something for herself"....blah blah blah.


Never said I was your mom's picture

There is double standards My Dh was going to school when he and b slip many years ago and judge was trying to make him quit school and get two jobs to pay bm more :jawdrop: but since Dh was already attending school before the split he was able to continue to attend school and judge could force him to drop. I'm sure if Bm was the one going to school the subject of her dropping would have never been an issue.

Never said I was your mom's picture

oh and also I have a friend whose bf's bm hasnt never worked and has just been in school for years and has several different degrees and is still not made to work.

AliceP's picture

BM has usually worked (there was about a 12 month period where she didn't, but no court was breathing down her neck) she has a skill that is very in demand, so I'll give her that. It's her phrasing "I need something for myself." Really that's okay? She doesn't get lumped as a deadbeat? If a dad said that, he'd be burned at the stake.