Always. This place is a magnet.
To be honest, though, I totally thought you were a troll when you posted your "I'm perfect, I know everything, my place in this world is to tell everyone else how to live their lives" post.
So...sometimes, reality is FAR stranger than fiction.
I know, right?! I don't get it. The "Crew" incidents happened long before my time, I've just picked up on the lingo. There have been a couple of peeps called out since I've been stalking around here though. I can't imagine being so bored in my life that I've gotta make up skid/bm drama. :?
As if we don't already have ENOUGH! Now our place to get away, be ourselves w our feelings and thoughts about the situations and lives WE lead is being invaded by more people trying to make things even more difficult for us. Add more negativity to our lives that already have too much to completely escape.
PLEASE GO AWAY. You have no idea what it takes to put up with what we put up with for the man in each of our lives. You have to be strong, smart, and stable to just not cry every other day because of the crazy things and situations that, as a SM, you have to deal with. We do not need or deserve to be invaded, lied to, and frankly, I'm upset because I don't even trust the site enough anymore to say what I really think-or read blogs because I'm afraid of reading a Liar's Blog. I just don't need all of this.. We should be able to have a place to get away and talk about what we can't in real life. Just be a decent human being and leave us be... Save the BS for Facebook....
I didn't notice until reading this... but now it's really obvious.
If anyone isn't sure, look back a couple pages in the forum (and blogs too but mostly forum)... many of the high drama, attention getting, catchy titles belong to the same person...
Ahh how do I always play right into that stuff! LOL I was OUTRAGED after reading a couple of those threads and didn't catch that they were all the same person!
Eh, don't beat yourself up too much over it. I've fallen for it myself. At first you feel sorry for them, then you question the validity of their story, and then the lightbulb dings on. I found myself questioning some, but feeling guilty for doubting someone who MAY have actually needed the support, only to have my gut proven right in the long run.
With time, you'll start to notice that some posters have an abnormal amount of crazy sh!t happen to them in a very brief time span. These are, in my experience, the ones to question.
That is how I am too I guess because I just readily assume they are real. This came up on another thread earlier, about Porcelain Doll. I asked what happened to her because she was on here, even after people called her a fake, still posting, and then just nothing. Is that how they usually operate? Do they come back with new names and new stories because someone earlier said one of the new ones on here in question sounds like Porcelain Doll. I don't get it. I wasted a lot of my time trying to help PD because I felt sorry for her.
The cult-like crazies grabbed my attention immediately, especially given the fact she's only been a member for 1 day & a few hours. I personally have another that I question but I'm reluctant to call them out because while it all seems far-fetched, they have been around for some time and me being some what of a newbie, I'm nervous to rock the boat. KWIM?
Hmmm the cult one has me wondering, but there is another one in the last week or so that has some outrageous stories, and has gone from "love the skid blah blah" to some serious stuff happening with "the little brat"
Sad world when you have to make up crap like this.
I would like one of these sad women to come to my house and live this for a while and realise that it's a horrible situation and the problems faced (while maybe not as dramatic as their stories) are very real and very painful to us living them.
"I would like one of these sad women to come to my house and live this for a while and realise that it's a horrible situation and the problems faced (while maybe not as dramatic as their stories) are very real and very painful to us living them."
And I think I am thinking of the same one you are referring to. I have been more on alert since PD, and this one has had me being a bit iffy since the beginning. But, then my trusting nature comes out and I think maybe she is just venting and posting a lot at once because she has been dealing with this for some time now.
Yes, maybe I just have my bitch pants on tonight - I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and this one I am thinking of I've been wavering over too - I don't like doubting people. But I just read her latest forum post and am really sickened if that is made up.
Depressing that even here we have to put up with BS.
That is me as well and before people pointed out that one stepmom20 as a fake and started talking about "crews" I would have never even dreamed people actually do this. I've only been here about a month, and there have been 2 or 3, and it is just such a strange concept for me since I live it and can't imagine wanting to preoccupy myself with a fake stephell life. I don't like having to doubt either because I don't want to constantly question the validity of posts. Between that and the attackers that lurk about, it is BS all the way because this site is a safe haven for some of us, the only one we have.
Oh the attackers don't bother me so much - it's easier with them at least you can just say f**k off. LOL
The fakers though, they leave you feeling horrid - doubting everyone, and that is so sad.
I am really fed up (LOL) and pissed off tonight anyway, so I come here (want to post about it all but it's such a long story now as I haven't posted for ages) and I get the usual bitchiness, and then the fakers - I do have to say (and I know you were one of the lovely ones who really went out of your way to help PD) OMG - I picked her right off the bat! It just leave such a bad feeling. I am sorry.
I agree on the attackers, I have had to tell the two main ones what I think already and I just ignore them now because I know that what they want is for us to get sucked in and bicker back and forth with them and I am just not going to do that. The constant derailment of topics is annoying though and all the self righteous banter makes me want to step in and jus say SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! But, I don't bother wasting my time.
Yeah, PD, I really and genuinely felt sorry for her, how bullied she was. I hate that for people and I felt such sympathy for her story just to find out it was all crap. I guess with a site like this you have to take the good with the bad and the good still outweighs the bad for me. I feel guilty for doubting these two I am wondering about now, because I would hate for them to be legit and not get the help they need, but there is just something off.
I am wondering if the two main attackers you mentioned are the same ones I don't like either. Some of the "attackers" seem as though they would be better off not even participating on Step Talk. I am not sure why they come on here with their self righteous crap. Good for you for being able to ignore them. At any rate, I personally think the attackers are worse than the trolls. The trolls, I think, are easier to ignore.
So I am feeling paranoid. I am new here and have had a lot of realizations... started off saying my sd11 was pretty sweet (which she is some of the time), but then realizing I am pretty bitter about some of the things that have happened and some of the emotions that are coming out in me.
I think I sound pretty schizophrenic at this point. But I'm a real person, not a troll.
I hope you all aren't talking about me because I have learned a lot here and want to stay.
Sorry I never got on and omg so never thought I could sound like a crazy troll myself ick (believe me I've been doing some work on myself since that post and the responses I got)
Just seems to of been a few blog, and forum posts that are out there and several pieces that don't fit, or contradict and there are more than one of them. Probably not the smartest if your skids get younger from the posts made a few months ago.
Idk after a few of them I'm pretty skeptical, then again I've seen some posts that were hard to believe and confirmed true. Yeah I scroll the forums and see some that what they post there they must of forgotten past blogs they just don't quite mesh. Course I sometimes wonder if it just isn't the same few over and over with new names and cockamamie stories.
Someone PM me whats going on now. I have to much drama and crap going on in my own world. If someone is a troll or a crew and they want some drama in their life pleaaaaaaase take mines.
It's back a few pages just seems so crazy in 24 hours of blogs, then there have been a few over in the forums, you know the kid of posts where normal people would call the cops they come here to ask what they should do, or the details in one post don't match what they put in a blog they must of forgot they wrote. Worst part is that we even feel we have to double check peoples info to even think about giving advice in case we're being played. Though I have read some awful but true things here, I feel like it's gotten worse lately. Who has time for making up this stuff?
you know the kind of posts where normal people would call the cops they come here to ask what they should do
These are the ones that get me. They write about these dire, life threatening situations yet are coming on the internet to ask what they should do. Call the effing authorities, someone who can actually help you, you effing moron!
"My step-son is coming at me with a butcher knife. What should I do?"
An hour later, "My step-son just stabbed me with the butcher knife. What do you think I should do?"
Gosh, I don't know. Fix your hair and your nails? Put some clean underwear on for the ambulance ride? Oh wait, you didn't call for one.
I'm not as concerned with someone fictiously posting some bull corn on here as I am having BM lurk on here and figure out that my posts are me. I so badly wish I could be open and out there more but I was on here years ago and got spooked off. Yes, it was around the time if the crew incident but that made me worry about being found out. Sigh....
I suck at spotting these people! I mostly look on the blogs though. I was terrified when I deleted my old account that when I started my new account that someone would claim that I was a CREW (name isssue is why I changed the account). I really don't have a whole lot of high drama going on though... just the same old bullshit that we all go through. So are we looking at more then one crew???
Thank you, AnaR. I am bewildered by all of this. YES, I might be self-destructing, but I'm not making stuff up. And it is hurtful to be accused of this.
WTH!?! I have no idea who Goaway is??? Why would you think I am making this crap up? I don't have time to sit and make up shit like this. I have a life to live. I seriously came here for support and advice.
Is there a place to post pics? I can send pics of my $1,400 vet bill for the puppy who survived. I also have a sympathy beautiful card from the vet where my Maggie May died. Seriously? You all are going to sit there and say I lied about something like that?
OK, so how do I prove that I am for real? Cause I've not lied on here or made up ONE thing. I will be happy to give one or two of you my facebook ID so you can go to the exact dates that Maggie died and John J. was in the hospital for a week. I will send you screen shots. I AM NOT MAKING STUFF UP.
John J. had a good night. He still looks strong and is wagging his tail. They were able to stop the vomiting and diarrhea and keep him hydrated. We took him to the vet in XXXXX. They said the morning Maggie died, two other dogs came in and died on the table before the owners could even leave them there:( He said this is an aggressive strain and it seems to hit older puppies and even full grown dogs. But he thinks John J. is doing well at this point and may get to come home tomorrow.
Who wants my Facebook ID so they can check it out? All I ask is that you keep my identity secret from BM.
Now that I've had time to think about it, this is pretty insulting. I assure you if I wanted to be a troll, you would not pick it up based on my "style". One of my strengths in writing is my ability to write in many different voices. If I were going to be a troll, I would pick a different enough voice from my own that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to pick up on.
I'm with you red, I tried to look back over the blogs I missed this last week. The only one that stood out to me is go away, but someone mentioned a forum post as well. I'm lost.
Apparently they're talking about my forum post where my puppy died. I bottle fed the puppy and loved her more than I've ever loved any dog. And she loved me. Apparently someone thinks I lied about that but I can prove that it's the truth.
Eh, I wouldn't worry about proving it to them, they will believe what they want to. Sorry to about your puppy. Best dog I ever owned was a pitbull. She died a couple years ago and I was devastated. Very kind, loyal dogs that unfortunately have a bad reputation due to some bad people.
what the F!!!??? I'm SO PO'd right now!!! I actually PM'd w/ Stepmom20 about how "depressed" she was. I was annoyed before about these "crewers" but this really ticks me off. I can't believe I offered support to some pyscho pretending to have stepkids. :jawdrop:
LMAO! Using that...
LMAO! Using that...
i never figure this shit
i never figure this shit out...
The first Harry Potter!
The first Harry Potter!
Always. This place is a
Always. This place is a magnet.
To be honest, though, I totally thought you were a troll when you posted your "I'm perfect, I know everything, my place in this world is to tell everyone else how to live their lives" post.
So...sometimes, reality is FAR stranger than fiction.
That title makes me want to
That title makes me want to read the blog lol Is it still up? Sounds like something that would make me laugh.. which I need
(No subject)
Did stepmom20 disappear?
Did stepmom20 disappear?
Maybe someone shut off her nite lite?
^ Bahaha! ^
^ Bahaha! ^
Yeah I knew she was full of
Yeah I knew she was full of crap on that. I actually am afraid of the dark and I could tell she was just grasping at the attention... :sick:
I've got my suspicions on a
I've got my suspicions on a Crew or 2. Puh-lease someone PM me with the current questionable culprit(s)!
Someone making shit up for
Someone making shit up for attention. Also known as a Crew.
I know, right?! I don't get
I know, right?! I don't get it. The "Crew" incidents happened long before my time, I've just picked up on the lingo. There have been a couple of peeps called out since I've been stalking around here though. I can't imagine being so bored in my life that I've gotta make up skid/bm drama. :?
As if we don't already have
As if we don't already have ENOUGH! Now our place to get away, be ourselves w our feelings and thoughts about the situations and lives WE lead is being invaded by more people trying to make things even more difficult for us. Add more negativity to our lives that already have too much to completely escape.
PLEASE GO AWAY. You have no idea what it takes to put up with what we put up with for the man in each of our lives. You have to be strong, smart, and stable to just not cry every other day because of the crazy things and situations that, as a SM, you have to deal with. We do not need or deserve to be invaded, lied to, and frankly, I'm upset because I don't even trust the site enough anymore to say what I really think-or read blogs because I'm afraid of reading a Liar's Blog. I just don't need all of this.. We should be able to have a place to get away and talk about what we can't in real life. Just be a decent human being and leave us be... Save the BS for Facebook....
I didn't notice until reading
I didn't notice until reading this... but now it's really obvious.
If anyone isn't sure, look back a couple pages in the forum (and blogs too but mostly forum)... many of the high drama, attention getting, catchy titles belong to the same person...
Ahh how do I always play right into that stuff! LOL I was OUTRAGED after reading a couple of those threads and didn't catch that they were all the same person!
Eh, don't beat yourself up
Eh, don't beat yourself up too much over it. I've fallen for it myself. At first you feel sorry for them, then you question the validity of their story, and then the lightbulb dings on. I found myself questioning some, but feeling guilty for doubting someone who MAY have actually needed the support, only to have my gut proven right in the long run.
With time, you'll start to
With time, you'll start to notice that some posters have an abnormal amount of crazy sh!t happen to them in a very brief time span. These are, in my experience, the ones to question.
That is how I am too I guess
That is how I am too I guess because I just readily assume they are real. This came up on another thread earlier, about Porcelain Doll. I asked what happened to her because she was on here, even after people called her a fake, still posting, and then just nothing. Is that how they usually operate? Do they come back with new names and new stories because someone earlier said one of the new ones on here in question sounds like Porcelain Doll. I don't get it. I wasted a lot of my time trying to help PD because I felt sorry for her.
Ahhh, now i feel like an ass
Ahhh, now i feel like an ass because I can't even really spot them out. I figure the one with the cult like step daughters was a fake but who else???
The cult-like crazies grabbed
The cult-like crazies grabbed my attention immediately, especially given the fact she's only been a member for 1 day & a few hours. I personally have another that I question but I'm reluctant to call them out because while it all seems far-fetched, they have been around for some time and me being some what of a newbie, I'm nervous to rock the boat. KWIM?
Hmmm the cult one has me
Hmmm the cult one has me wondering, but there is another one in the last week or so that has some outrageous stories, and has gone from "love the skid blah blah" to some serious stuff happening with "the little brat"
Sad world when you have to make up crap like this.
I would like one of these sad women to come to my house and live this for a while and realise that it's a horrible situation and the problems faced (while maybe not as dramatic as their stories) are very real and very painful to us living them.
"I would like one of these
"I would like one of these sad women to come to my house and live this for a while and realise that it's a horrible situation and the problems faced (while maybe not as dramatic as their stories) are very real and very painful to us living them."
And I think I am thinking of the same one you are referring to. I have been more on alert since PD, and this one has had me being a bit iffy since the beginning. But, then my trusting nature comes out and I think maybe she is just venting and posting a lot at once because she has been dealing with this for some time now.
Yes, maybe I just have my
Yes, maybe I just have my bitch pants on tonight - I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and this one I am thinking of I've been wavering over too - I don't like doubting people. But I just read her latest forum post and am really sickened if that is made up.
Depressing that even here we have to put up with BS.
That is me as well and before
That is me as well and before people pointed out that one stepmom20 as a fake and started talking about "crews" I would have never even dreamed people actually do this. I've only been here about a month, and there have been 2 or 3, and it is just such a strange concept for me since I live it and can't imagine wanting to preoccupy myself with a fake stephell life. I don't like having to doubt either because I don't want to constantly question the validity of posts. Between that and the attackers that lurk about, it is BS all the way because this site is a safe haven for some of us, the only one we have.
Oh the attackers don't bother
The fakers though, they leave you feeling horrid - doubting everyone, and that is so sad.
I am really fed up (LOL) and pissed off tonight anyway, so I come here (want to post about it all but it's such a long story now as I haven't posted for ages) and I get the usual bitchiness, and then the fakers - I do have to say (and I know you were one of the lovely ones who really went out of your way to help PD) OMG - I picked her right off the bat! It just leave such a bad feeling. I am sorry.
I agree on the attackers, I
I agree on the attackers, I have had to tell the two main ones what I think already and I just ignore them now because I know that what they want is for us to get sucked in and bicker back and forth with them and I am just not going to do that. The constant derailment of topics is annoying though and all the self righteous banter makes me want to step in and jus say SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! But, I don't bother wasting my time.
Yeah, PD, I really and genuinely felt sorry for her, how bullied she was. I hate that for people and I felt such sympathy for her story just to find out it was all crap. I guess with a site like this you have to take the good with the bad and the good still outweighs the bad for me. I feel guilty for doubting these two I am wondering about now, because I would hate for them to be legit and not get the help they need, but there is just something off.
I am wondering if the two
I am wondering if the two main attackers you mentioned are the same ones I don't like either. Some of the "attackers" seem as though they would be better off not even participating on Step Talk. I am not sure why they come on here with their self righteous crap. Good for you for being able to ignore them. At any rate, I personally think the attackers are worse than the trolls. The trolls, I think, are easier to ignore.
So I am feeling paranoid. I
So I am feeling paranoid. I am new here and have had a lot of realizations... started off saying my sd11 was pretty sweet (which she is some of the time), but then realizing I am pretty bitter about some of the things that have happened and some of the emotions that are coming out in me.
I think I sound pretty schizophrenic at this point. But I'm a real person, not a troll.
I hope you all aren't talking about me because I have learned a lot here and want to stay.
Sorry I never got on and omg
Sorry I never got on and omg so never thought I could sound like a crazy troll myself ick (believe me I've been doing some work on myself since that post and the responses I got)
Just seems to of been a few blog, and forum posts that are out there and several pieces that don't fit, or contradict and there are more than one of them. Probably not the smartest if your skids get younger from the posts made a few months ago.
Idk after a few of them I'm pretty skeptical, then again I've seen some posts that were hard to believe and confirmed true. Yeah I scroll the forums and see some that what they post there they must of forgotten past blogs they just don't quite mesh. Course I sometimes wonder if it just isn't the same few over and over with new names and cockamamie stories.
What did I miss during my
What did I miss during my never ending work week?
Someone PM me whats going on
Someone PM me whats going on now. I have to much drama and crap going on in my own world. If someone is a troll or a crew and they want some drama in their life pleaaaaaaase take mines.
It's back a few pages just
It's back a few pages just seems so crazy in 24 hours of blogs, then there have been a few over in the forums, you know the kid of posts where normal people would call the cops they come here to ask what they should do, or the details in one post don't match what they put in a blog they must of forgot they wrote. Worst part is that we even feel we have to double check peoples info to even think about giving advice in case we're being played. Though I have read some awful but true things here, I feel like it's gotten worse lately. Who has time for making up this stuff?
you know the kind of posts
you know the kind of posts where normal people would call the cops they come here to ask what they should do
These are the ones that get me. They write about these dire, life threatening situations yet are coming on the internet to ask what they should do. Call the effing authorities, someone who can actually help you, you effing moron!
"My step-son is coming at me with a butcher knife. What should I do?"
An hour later, "My step-son just stabbed me with the butcher knife. What do you think I should do?"
Gosh, I don't know. Fix your hair and your nails? Put some clean underwear on for the ambulance ride? Oh wait, you didn't call for one.
Someone message me with who
Someone message me with who the trolls are please!!
I'm not as concerned with
I'm not as concerned with someone fictiously posting some bull corn on here as I am having BM lurk on here and figure out that my posts are me. I so badly wish I could be open and out there more but I was on here years ago and got spooked off. Yes, it was around the time if the crew incident but that made me worry about being found out. Sigh....
I suck at spotting these
I suck at spotting these people! I mostly look on the blogs though. I was terrified when I deleted my old account that when I started my new account that someone would claim that I was a CREW (name isssue is why I changed the account). I really don't have a whole lot of high drama going on though... just the same old bullshit that we all go through. So are we looking at more then one crew???
I like your quote
I like your quote
Thank you, AnaR. I am
Thank you, AnaR. I am bewildered by all of this. YES, I might be self-destructing, but I'm not making stuff up. And it is hurtful to be accused of this.
I was thinking those two as
I was thinking those two as well.
One is so over the top that it just has to be made up. The other one seems to be hell bent on destrovying the good thing she has going.
WTH!?! I have no idea who
WTH!?! I have no idea who Goaway is??? Why would you think I am making this crap up? I don't have time to sit and make up shit like this. I have a life to live. I seriously came here for support and advice.
Is there a place to post pics? I can send pics of my $1,400 vet bill for the puppy who survived. I also have a sympathy beautiful card from the vet where my Maggie May died. Seriously? You all are going to sit there and say I lied about something like that?
OK, so how do I prove that I am for real? Cause I've not lied on here or made up ONE thing. I will be happy to give one or two of you my facebook ID so you can go to the exact dates that Maggie died and John J. was in the hospital for a week. I will send you screen shots. I AM NOT MAKING STUFF UP.
I went and looked up Goaway.
I went and looked up Goaway. So you think she and I are the same person because she is articulate and uses frequent ...'s?
From my Facebook page
From my Facebook page February 1st...
John J. had a good night. He still looks strong and is wagging his tail. They were able to stop the vomiting and diarrhea and keep him hydrated. We took him to the vet in XXXXX. They said the morning Maggie died, two other dogs came in and died on the table before the owners could even leave them there:( He said this is an aggressive strain and it seems to hit older puppies and even full grown dogs. But he thinks John J. is doing well at this point and may get to come home tomorrow.
Who wants my Facebook ID so they can check it out? All I ask is that you keep my identity secret from BM.
Don't feel the need to defend
Don't feel the need to defend yourself, Katie - the trolls end up outing themselves eventually. Just carry on
This seriously makes me cry.
This seriously makes me cry. I have not said one thing that's a lie and I can prove it.
Now that I've had time to
Now that I've had time to think about it, this is pretty insulting. I assure you if I wanted to be a troll, you would not pick it up based on my "style". One of my strengths in writing is my ability to write in many different voices. If I were going to be a troll, I would pick a different enough voice from my own that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to pick up on.
I'm never good at spotting
I'm never good at spotting these folks. I always fall hook, line and sinker and then feel like an idiot for wasting time consoling them. Grrrrrrr
I'm with you red, I tried to
I'm with you red, I tried to look back over the blogs I missed this last week. The only one that stood out to me is go away, but someone mentioned a forum post as well. I'm lost.
I'm always lost! Hell, I'm
I'm always lost! Hell, I'm surprised I found my way to work this morning! LMAO
Apparently they're talking
Apparently they're talking about my forum post where my puppy died. I bottle fed the puppy and loved her more than I've ever loved any dog. And she loved me. Apparently someone thinks I lied about that but I can prove that it's the truth.
I can vouch for Katie - just
I can vouch for Katie - just saw her facebook page. Just FYI
No, I'm not saying it makes
No, I'm not saying it makes anyone "legit" but she has the same info there as she does here. So I'm trusting that she's who she says she is.
Cool of you to verify that
Cool of you to verify that
I try to help out as many as
I try to help out as many as I can. I know it can't feel good to have people think you're duping them.
Eh, I wouldn't worry about
Eh, I wouldn't worry about proving it to them, they will believe what they want to. Sorry to about your puppy. Best dog I ever owned was a pitbull. She died a couple years ago and I was devastated. Very kind, loyal dogs that unfortunately have a bad reputation due to some bad people.
what the F!!!??? I'm SO PO'd
what the F!!!??? I'm SO PO'd right now!!! I actually PM'd w/ Stepmom20 about how "depressed" she was. I was annoyed before about these "crewers" but this really ticks me off. I can't believe I offered support to some pyscho pretending to have stepkids. :jawdrop: