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BM is such an idiot - "accidental texts"

step off already's picture

I'm not sure if she's just a high idiot or if she is intentionally doing this, but it happened again...

yesterday she sends DH and "accidental" text: sorry, I have my son this weekend so I won't be able to see you. I really enjoyed meeting you and hope to see you soon.

(or some nonsense along those lines). And then she'll send DH another text saying, "sorry, that wasn't for you"

This woman sends my DH two texts a week prior to her 2 weekly phone calls she has with her son. So it's not like DH is at the top of her recent text messages and it's a simple accident.

BM had several affairs on DH, including one with a woman (who she left DH and SS13 for when SS was only 5 AND she still lives with this woman who seems to be supporting her). DH knows she's a triffling whorebag and does not care for her at all.

So the question is, does she thinks she's making him jealous?
Is she just so high all the time (which she usually is) that she actually sends them on accident?


whatwasithinkin's picture

who ever she is dating has either the same name as your DH or a similiar name and when it comes up in her phone she hits the wrong one.

BSgoinon's picture

I suppose that could be true.... however. BM here does this too. I don't think they are "accidents".

step off already's picture

That can't be it. Because these messages ALWAYS indicate someone new. Like they just met somewhere.

And in the past, (which I may have blogged about) she actually did a cut and paste of the message she received from the new suitor and the message she sent back).

HungryEyes's picture

She's lying. Next time your husband should text back "Stop. Your insulting my intelligence."

step off already's picture

He's actually quite good at ignoring her.

While I prefer to take the direct method and remind her that her text is direct violation of the restraining order he has against her.

BSgoinon's picture

Smile I was just messing with you. I have sent out texts to the wrong people on occassion. But honestly, the ones BM sends are not "accidental". There is just no way. Too many things that she would just LOVE to tell DH but he doesn't give her the opportunity to TALK, much less tell him anything personal about herself. So a "whoops, not meant for you" text is the perfect opportunity.

BSgoinon's picture

:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

SMof2Girls's picture

I remember a few months after DH and I moved in together, BM did this same type of thing.

She texted him "I'm so excited to go see Daniel Tosh with you tonight! xoxo"

Then replied, "Oh sorry wrong person"

DH didn't reply. 20 minutes later she sends: "Now the secret's out .. I'm going to see Tosh! Aren't you jealous?"

DH still didn't reply. 10 minutes later she sends another one; "Wait a minute, I thought you liked Daniel Tosh?!"

About 15 minutes later he replied with, "Oh sorry didn't see your texts. SMof2girls and I went to bed early tonight Wink Have fun."

SMof2Girls's picture

Lol it was the truth at least!

She doesn't get any response for those types of personal things now. Most texts get ignored these days .. just not worth the drama

misSTEP's picture

I would reply, "This seems to happen to you frequently. I have added a 'Z' to the front of your name so it isn't so 'in my face' when I go to text someone. Maybe YOU should do that with MINE and you'd be less likely to get confused."

This has many benefits.
1. It will make her aware that he realizes how frequently this happens.
2. It will piss her off that he put a z in front of her name (that's what my DH did because he didn't want to see BM's name while scrolling to mine in his contact list!)
3. It will let her know that her texts are NOT welcome and even discouraged.

step off already's picture

Yes. Our BM has been quiet for about a month now in regards to bugging DH.

It kills her that we recently reminded her that the restraining order does not allow for ANY communication unless it regards court ordered visitation.

I'm sure she's fuming because today is the day she needs to bring SS13's money to the school to pay for his trip. (The money she had him bring to her house so that EOWe mom could open a bank account for him). So, whenever she realizes that she has no power, or that her scams aren't working she'll try to find a way to bother DH. Last "accidental" text came the day she received the mediator's report - all in DHs favor.

BSgoinon's picture

I did it right back to BM. After about 5 or 6 "accidental" texts over a period of time, I sent her "I love you to my handsome sex tiger, Can't wait for tonight either!!! Be naked when I get home". She replied "barf". I replied "ha, whoops... not you".

bi's picture

it's deliberate. she keeps doing it because it pisses her off that he isn't asking questions and acting jealous about who she is seeing. she is pathetic.

Saints4life's picture

Sounds like BM is just trying to stir things up in your household. If this "accident" has happened before it sounds like she's just bored and wants to stir up trouble for you two. Jealousy Is an ugly thing, and she may be jealous of your relationship and wants nothing more to hear about a fight or arguement that she "accidentally" started.

HadEnoughx5's picture

It's all bullshit and BM is trying to make him jealous. If I were him the next time she does that I would text back " What text? I didn't get any text, you must have sent it to someone else" Throw the game right back to her Biggrin