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BM found out I'm pregnant...greatttttttt

porcelian-doll's picture

DH posted a status on facebook. " excited for a new little blessing". He knew we werent going to say anything until we got in the safe zone. I swear he doesnt think. He was like "whaaa I didnt say baby"

We get a text message from BM. A long text congratulating me, telling me how awful pregnancy can be and wishing me luck. At the end of the message she says " heres hoping your a better mom to your own kid lol". How imature is that. Worse than that I know she is going to tell SD14 if she hasnt already. I just want to go into hiding. DH says i should try to find humor in her jealous imaturity. Its not funny. Its just a thorn in my butt.

Just gonna focus on my baby fantsties and try to navigate the ups and downs and excitment in the months to come.


oldone's picture

I'd have been SO tempted to text back "here's hoping I get a better kid." I know you can't do that but it is fun to think it.

queenofthedamned's picture


RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, I know it's not good to fight immaturity with more immaturity but I'd be so tempted to just say something like "I'll be an excellent mother and therefore my child will be NOTHING like yours"

Congratulations on the pregnancy and I do hope everything works out well for you.

Your best bet here is likely just to ignore her petty immature ass but yeah, I get how hard that is to do.

Lalena75's picture

I'd so of said it. I'd a thumped your DH upside the head with a "are you that thick?" No more fb post without approval for him lol

misSTEP's picture


Sunflower1's picture

Congrats on being prego. Stress is the last thing you need right now. I know it's hard but try to let it slide by. Your DH needs to step up and make sure that SD doesn't stress you.

FirstLady's picture

Congratulations!!! Have a beautiful pregnancy!

Why does she know about his fb posts? Jealousy at it's finest. F$ck Her!

oneoffour's picture

Of course I will be a better mother. After all, SD has her OWN mother and it is not me. So if you are comparing parenting a child, thanks for the compliment. I know I will be a better mother than SDs mother.

Hey we can dream. I would ignore her hate-speech. And if SD pushes the attitude tell her that if she continues to be so nasty you will report her for terroristic threats to you and your unborn baby (apparently terroristic threats can be threats made to 2 or more poeple) and hate speech and have her hauled off to jail. And just watch me!
Nasty spiteful small minded people! Blagh!