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ladies and gents i need business names please

purpledaisies's picture

We are opening a bird breeding business and need a creative name. However we are starting with birds and will eventually add other animals. So we need something to reflect that for when it happens. Thanks so much


MarriedaBallessWonder's picture


purpledaisies's picture

OMG I'm lmao awesomeness. Don't think I can use those though LOL but very funny.

Shook's picture

How bout Fly By just kidding.
The Bird Haus (retro flare without being corny Smile
B. Sanctuary

Though Happy Peckers would be brilliant!

Shook's picture

PAULIE (my fave as in paulie want a cracker?)

Marketer in previous life, can you tell?

purpledaisies's picture

Feathers and fur. I kinda like that one. The bird haus is cute. But happy peckers is way to funny. Lmao at that still.

purpledaisies's picture

Wings and things is what the lady who we are buying them from called her business but she wants to keep her name.
Ditz if ur serious I am. We have a pair of those but could always use more.

Shook's picture

Wings & Things? Where do you live? If it was successful using that "hokey" name then you should stick along those lines. I was envisioning cosmo city stores that keep it simple. So maybe "For The Birds"?

purpledaisies's picture

We are loving all these names. Some are way too awesome. Thank you so much keep them coming. Thanks

purpledaisies's picture

The love nest is pretty good.

And yea I was thinking along those lines too of wings and things but I am not that creative to come up with something to be that simple and that catchy.

purpledaisies's picture

What do you think of Wagtail. There is breed of bird called Wagtail. I thought it was kinda of clever but most people wont know there is a bird called Wagtail.

Lalena75's picture

"Where the wild things are" yes from the book and yes because if I ever owned a pet shop (which I don't want to do btw) that's what I'd call it. Or "birdies and beasts", "Shake your tail feathers"
I need bookstore/cafe names instead lol

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture
