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annoyedbyskids's picture

Ok so first off...This past Friday I noticed I was missing a pack of cigarettes, and was suspicious that SS probably took them because I knew he didn't have any and magically he had a half Ziploc bag full of tobacco. I found my empty pack thrown between the neighbors behind us and besides us fences. I confronted him by kindly asking him where did he get the tobacco that was in the Ziploc bag that him and his brother were smoking on for 4 days. He responds by saying oh from the buts you and Dad left outside. I said no you didn't because your Dad and I have been taking the tobacco out so you couldn't get any. He said I got them out of the trash. Again no you didn't cause we have not been leaving any tobacco in our butts. I said even if that was true you would not have gotten enough tobacco out of them for two people to smoke on for 4 days. I said so you are lying and I'm going to give you one last chance to tell me the truth because I had a pack come up missing and I found it between the fences. He said I'm not lying. I said ok well guess what you and your brother are no longer allowed to smoke or dip at this house. So a few minutes later he comes and ask if he can call his Mom. I said for what he said cause I am going to tell her that I decided to move back. I said oh really well I am using my phone right now so you can't call her right now. So I told my husband what went on as he is out of town working. I said I am not letting him call his Mom and create drama and then he comes back a day or so later and says he changed his mind about moving. SS does this a lot when he doesn't get his way he threatens to move to his Mom's and will call her and get everyone screaming at each other and then decides he isn't moving.

The other thing is last week both the boys called their BM and asked about coming for the summer because last day of school is June 6. She said no problem just need to figure a time to meet. WELL they call again yesterday to see about what day she would meet and she tells them oh I can't get yall till the 17th. TOTALLY ruined my plans!!!!


annoyedbyskids's picture

One is 16 which is the one that steals. He has stole from me in the past. The other one is 17. Both boys. They both now live with us, well basically with ME because Dad works out of town.

aggravated1's picture

So the fact that two underage minors stole your cigarettes is the ONLY reason you are not allowing them to smoke at your house????

WTF is wrong with people???

annoyedbyskids's picture

NOT the only reason!! Believe me I DO NOT like it AT ALL. But Dad has given them permission to smoke and dip about a year ago cause he was tired of fighting them on it cause they just kept sneaking around doing it. They started when they lived with BM one was 11 and the other was 12.

misSTEP's picture

I have a difficult but fantastic solution. Quit smoking. Both you and your DH.

Why is that such a great solution?

1. It is healthier
2. You'll save a lot of money
3. The underage skids won't have you guys to steal tobacco from
4. The moodiness will get them to move out sooner! }:)

annoyedbyskids's picture

@ misstep...That don't work because BM smokes and they just go around picking cigarette butts from other peoples houses or steal from other people. WE TRIED THAT!!!!

clydella's picture

Looks like you're gonna have to put your smokes under lock & key cause kids will do anything to smoke or dip, whatever their preference is.

What did your DH have to say about it, is he gonna back up your new rule? Or is he gonna let him get away with the stealing?

Does he smoke in front of you? Maybe you should by some of those cigarette loads, fix a few up and leave your smokes layin' around for him to steal again, then when it blows up in his face, he's caught red-handed, can't lie out of that one }:)

annoyedbyskids's picture

The sad fact is we have a LOCK on our bedroom door which is where we keep our smokes, but he still picks the lock to go in our room. My husband did back me for NOW, but I'm sure that will change. He told me to go buy a combination lock so maybe that will keep him out of our room. I said this is ridiculous that we have to put LOCKS on our door in our OWN home to keep your kid from messing with our things.

Yes they both were allowed to smoke in front of anyone. I have thought about putting something in the smokes but was scared of something bad happening to him and I get charged with attempted murder or something.

3Libras06's picture

I'd taint a pack of cigarettes and leave them to be stolen. Idk how.. Maybe spray vinegar on them or something? You're an adult and shouldn't have to change your habits because of a couple sneaky teenage boys. I don't know... Write Stop Stealing My Damn Cigarettes on every single smoke in the pack? lol .. That's just me.

I don't smoke often but this post makes me want one now. Blum 3

Tuff Noogies's picture

doesnt sound like it, as OP mentioned they go around picking up used butts - yuck!!!