"My Children Don't..."
"My children don't talk back"
"My children don't use profanity"
"My children don't lie"
"My children don't whine or tattle or hit or scream or break rules... not MY kids, they would NEVER".
Ok, I have heard this so many time from SO many parents. I just want to say, they DO. They do talk back, they do use profanity, they do lie and whine and tattle and hit and scream AND they break rules. They are KIDS. They just DO. They may not have a HABIT of doing any of the above, but you are in for a rude awakening if the "my kids don't" phrase is in your vocabulary. Let me be the first to tell you that they DO. They may not do it in front of you, and they may not get caught... but they DO IT.
They also pick their nose.
Just sayin'
Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. SS is a really good kid. He doesn't have a whole lot of bad habits, but he does do normal kid things... I can't say "SS NEVER"... because he will, at least once before he gets caught and gets in trouble then he probably won't do it again. But he will do it. Whatever IT is...
- BSgoinon's blog
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LOL, when my BS15 got in
LOL, when my BS15 got in trouble in school a few weeks ago, he was accused of mumbling profanity under his breath at a teacher. My son INSISTED he did no such thing.

I looked at him and said "Dude, I am willing to bet a million dollars that you dropped an F bomb or 2 and didn't even realize it."
That mumbling got him a 3 day suspension.
I would NEVER say that "my kids don't", because I know that I DID when I was that age and they are the spitting image of ME.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're so damn right here. If these "holier than thou" parents would stop putting their precious babies up on a pedestal and think back to when THEY were kids themselves, maybe then they'd stop with the fantasies of "perfect children" and remember that ALL kids do this shit. It's a fact.
My DD15 - she knows not to lie to me but guess what? Caught her in a lie last year. My DD15 knows I know she swears. I told her as long as she's not being disrespectful to anyone, I don't care about some cuss words flying out of her mouth.
She's talked back to me a total of 3 times. IN HER LIFE. She now knows better.
She whines when she's tired, hungry or PMSing, she's never really had anyone to tattle on (she's an only child), but she's screamed and broken rules and trashed her room in anger.
Does this make her a bad kid? Absolutely not. It makes her NORMAL and me HONEST!
^^Yep - I got the "My
^^Yep - I got the "My daughter blushes at the word "sex" she'd never have sex at an early age"...funny that the stupid girl "forgot" to log out of her facebook profile on her FATHER'S phone revealing a ton of nasty sexting going on back and forth with her boyfriend, revealing also that she was no longer a virgin. At age 13!
Ugh.... I am not looking
Ugh.... I am not looking forward to the teenage years.
Oh it's Hell on Earth,
Oh it's Hell on Earth, BS...at least with regards to stepdevil14. My girl is a pretty easy keeper. She's 15 now, wants to get a summer job while she stays with us from the end of this month thru the end of August and DH LOVES her. They get along great.
Now that SD14 is at BM's full time, DD is happy she won't have to deal with her either. Our home is peaceful and everyone enjoys spending time with each other, so our summers are great as long as SD remains gone.
Teens are just no fun unless they actually exhibit respect and honesty. Glad mine learned that early on. I will kick your ass even if you're bigger than me!
I am fortunate in this
I am fortunate in this arena,not that I think she's an innocent miss. But I feel like she listened to me about having sex too soon, before she's emotionally ready for it. I think DH's kid is worried about turning out like Uberskank. She's not huge on dating or a relationship (D17), which is exactly how DH was when he was in HS. He didn't date because he didn't want anything to hold him back after HS. His kid is the same way, which is why I also think she's not sexually active. An unplanned pregnancy will keep her tied to the town where she lives.
Recently found out she has not shared her after HS plans with Uberskank. Uberskank told DH the other day she's glad she's sticking around, living with her and going to the community college in town. DH just said...okay..yeah.
Then he called his kid and asked if Uberskank was aware of her plans. DH's kid said 'No....I don't need the year long argument she'll give me. She'll find out when I'm packing to leave."
Hmmmmmmm....maybe the little s**t is taking after her dad.
My DD15 is in no hurry to
My DD15 is in no hurry to have sex either. Sure, she likes having "boyfriends" and doing that early HS stuff like making out, but she hasn't had a boyfriend in months and says she could care less.
Agreed. I see parents at SDs'
Agreed. I see parents at SDs' school do it, I read about parents here saying those things (both step and bio), heck, I even hear relatives and friends make those remarks.
Little do many of them know that I have seen their kids do otherwise when they are not around.
People who make such claims need to have their heads pulled from their a$$es.
Just a note... this had
Just a note... this had nothing to do with my kids or my SS. This is just a general observation. I have read it on here, people stating "MY kids DON'T xyz..." Well, sweetie... yes they do. They do, and they are probably the worst offender because apparently their mom doesn't recognize it to put a stop to it
Ugh ss8 has gotten into a
Ugh ss8 has gotten into a really bad habit of lying. It's driving me screaming up the wall. He announced he was getting out of the bath last night two minutes after he got in. I asked him if he washe off with soap. He said yes. I said there's no soap in the bathroom how did you wash off with soap? His response: oh. About twenty minutes later dh came in the house fuming. Apparently ss had colored on the back of the seat of the car with a pen. His response: it was an accident . No, eight year old child, it was obviously not an accident. This is my newest pet peeve. I cannot STAND lying. He has also been moody and crying about everything lately, even at school. But that's a whole other "thanks a lot bm" issue that he now needs counseling for per recommendation of the school counselor. Behavior issues, brought to you by bm. Sigh.
I have no children, but I
I have no children, but I have heard several of my friends say "my child wouldn't do that" to which I have responded oh yes they will and that makes them normal. Kids will always push the boundaries as far as you let them and most certainly when you're not looking.
My favorite line was one from my sister, she couldn't believe that my nephew had a few beers on the night of his high school graduation, she was flabber-gasted. Her exact words to me were "I thought I raised him better than that", better than what was my question for her. He did exactly what thousands of other young people were doing after their graduation, he was normal.
I remember some of the crazy stunts I pulled as a young person, I'm just glad I made it thru, and that I didn't hurt myself or anybody else along the way. So I'm kindly quick to point out to them, yes you're child will do that and probably already has.
"I thought I raised him
"I thought I raised him better than that"
Famous last words of the clueless...
I'm glad I survived my teen years as well. I did some stupid shit and was a nightmare child for my parents. All I can hope is that my DD15 is a bit smarter (or too afraid) to pull some of the shit I did!
That's just it, it doesn't
That's just it, it doesn't make them BAD... it makes them NORMAL!!
Yep, DD15 is normal and I'm
Yep, DD15 is normal and I'm honest because I don't sit around saying "My kid would NEVER do that"
Heeeheee.... I threw that in
Heeeheee.... I threw that in there because my mom has always said that my little sister (who is now 20) would "NEVER pick her nose and wipe on it on the bathroom wall". Funny a few years ago when they moved our of our house, I went in to clean the room my little sister occupied and there were boogers wiped ALL over the walls. I mean EVERY WHERE. :sick: :sick: I made her come back and clean them off. My mom INSISTED that it was my kids sneaking in to her room and doing that. Yeah... right. That kid is a hermit, she NEVER leaves her room... if they "snuck" in to her room, she would have been in there and seen it.
Do you know the difference
Do you know the difference between boogers and broccoli?
Skid won't eat broccoli.
I think my kids are fantastic
I think my kids are fantastic and honestly am very thankful I have the kids I do, but you know what sometimes my own kids are assholes. They lie and get punished they tattle and get punished they break rules don't always pick up. My oldest is sometimes very selfish my youngest will steal our food without permission and they get punished. Sometimes I will override SO when he punishes my kids because he A. Way overstepped and punished as a bully tactic or B.punished in a manner or for something I would of done different. But for the most part they screw up they get punished. I still wouldn't trade them.