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Rant about SD

zombieblondie's picture

First post so sorry if I don't get all of the abbreviations just right.  I have a 13yo S, and my fiancé has 12yo D and 16yo S from his previous marriage.  We got engaged in 2018 and his D absolutely lost it (not sure why as her mom had already remarried a year prior and they had been split for 3 years at that time).  When she realized that tears wouldn't get him to call off the engagement she started making up lies about my son (he's not perfect but these were very out of character for him).  These escalated until they reached a point where she is no longer allowed to visit because I feared for my sons safety and future.  My fiancé agreed that these weren't things my son would say/do and that it was in everyone's best interest to keep her away from our home and my child.  So we go and visit her for a day here and there, but the time is definitely less than it was.

We're supposed to get married at the end of this year and of course we want our kids to be there.  We're working on trying to get them around each other over the summer to make sure they can handle it for the wedding.

Fiance and his ex are just ready to let bygones be bygones and not have any serious discussions, and let her start coming over for visits.  I feel like everything is just being swept under the rug and for my sons safety I don't feel ok with that at all.  I can't speak to his ex, she's self righteous and refuses to have an honest conversation "my children are my world" "my children never lie" "my children are godly and I'm a good mother".  I don't really know what I hope to gain from this, and I don't feel like there will ever be closure, but I'm really struggling to let things move forward...

Fiancé always listens but he doesn't know what else to do or how to help.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Rags's picture

Yep. And make the nightly family time hour reviewing that video so that SD learns shame and humilation so she knocks her crap off.

Harry's picture

Until you get some plan in place.   Your SO is already rug sweeping his DD.  He not parenting her.  If you two get married.  What going to happen with SD.  Will she be over for. Christmas, birthdays, Father's Day ect.  

THINK. SD is one BM accident, sickness, new boy toy, , moving away. FROM being with you 24/7/365  Then what? 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I would re-evaluate getting married right now. I'm not saying dont get married,  but maybe put it on the back burner for a while and see how things play out. I love my SO very much and hope to marry him someday.  That day is not today. After living together with him and SKs and dealing with BM who was cordial at first,  but anythingbut now. I prefer to keep mine and his seperate. This way I'm not invested or being taken advantage of by BM or SD and I can focus my energy on myself, my son and my relationship with SO. I am free to allow him to make his own mistakes with SD without it effecting me or BS. BS is my first priority,  SO second and SK third. SK already have a BD and BM I am my BS only BM.