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Lucky Me, no really, LUCKY ME!

step off already's picture

Just got some great news from MIL last night when she stopped by. She asked what the plans are for all the kids this summer while I'm home on maternity leave. She was like, "you don't want to be dealing with all these kids when you're home this summer and once the baby comes, you really won't want SS13 in your hair - send him to me!"

I could have kissed her right then and there.

I've been looking forward to the summer. My bios will be with me Mon - Fri all day, go their Dad's on their usual Thurs nights and EOWE, and SS13 will be doing two weeks on/off with his mom. The only thing I was concerned about was going to be dealing with him during his two weeks that I'll be left in charge of him, but MIL has happily requested that he come to her house and help her out.

She loves taking him and will put him to work, feed him all his favorites and give him lots of attention. She doesn't take any crap from him and it's a good place for him to be.

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile


Mrs. Why's picture

AWESOME!!!!! Ours are old enough to leave at home, but we never would, OMG, we tried it before and came home to JUST debotchery!!!! You're SOOOO blessed to have help!