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CS is nothing........ really?????

crushed step-mom's picture

so tired of BM and skids acting as if the CS doesn't even exist. With court ordered CS and wage assignments...the CS just gets deposited in BM's account. I am so tired of hearing mom took us shopping and bought us school clothes and she got me a hat too that I have been wanting...oh yea another pair of shoes. OR mom is taking us on vacation. The skids never thank DH for any of it, just go on praising all the crap their mom does. They are old enough to realize that after all these years if not for their dad, there mother would not have made it financially.
BM needs reminding of this in my book as well as the skids!!! GRRRRRRR


tryingmom's picture

At least you can see that BM spends some of CS on the skids. Frustration is an understatement for the no thanks to your DH.

BM in our situation doesn't acknowledge CS unless she wants it NOW. She never spends it on the needs of the skids, she takes care of herself quite well. Skids approach DH and I for all their needs and wants because BM tells them to ask us. For us, it was a tough decision to let the skids know that CS does go to BM and that DH does provide for them financially. We didn't want to play the PAS game that BM is so good at. Still none of CS gets spent on the skids.

Unfreakingreal's picture

notthemomma - is it really a cardinal rule to not discuss CS with Skids? Oh...well than I certainly booked my one way ticket straight to Hell, because I actually gave the Skids a STATEMENT directly from the CS office with the total paid to date at one point. It was well over 135k. They both just stared at it. Of course, BM ALWAYS played the "I'm a single mom and your Dad is living lovely while WE struggle!" Hmmmm, ok bitch, go return that Gucci bag and your Tory Burch flats then!

Shook's picture

Agree, truth. Especially when PAS includes weekly lies of CS from BM. No father, doing the right thing, should be emasculated for lies by a spiteful ex wife.

bearcub25's picture

I don't understand why your DH wouldn't want the kids to know that Yes, he is supporting them...depending on the age of the kids. We tried the pretending route but DSO got tired of BM PASing the kids that he didn't support them, er BM. DSO would give the CS check to the skids to give their Mom so they could see exactly how much their Dad was paying. It stopped the money game and then DSO was appreciated for buying the skids things b/c he wanted to, not b/c he was guilted into it.

crushed step-mom's picture

No, there dad has reminded them several times he pays CS and how much he is paying at the time Since CS has varied over the years from 1400 a month to now approx 850 as 2 kids are now adults and only 2 more to go! They conveniently forget he pays CS and he reminds them....I recall last year his middle daughter then 20....stated oh you still pay CS ....I would have thought mom would have just forgotten about that by now...SERIOUSLY!!!! Your mother the greedest, most selfish biotch I know!!

crushed step-mom's picture

Yea one weekend they are in the mood to brag on BM and how much she buys them and then when we are out shopping for whatever reason I heard the won't buy me anything from that store or mom won't buy me those shoes they cost too much. Manipulative brats!!

oldone's picture

SS27 told me that his mother never took him anyplace because they were so poor. I barely knew DH then so hadn't heard the ad nauseum details of her life at that point.

By the time SS was five he was the only child in the home. BM has had a great professional job at the same place since way before SS was born. She lives in a tiny dump of a house that was paid for. And her doctor daddy paid for all of her education and gave her a car so no debt at all.

I have no idea what DH paid in CS since that was way before my time. But I know he did pay it.

True she has not spend a dollar on maintaining the home. It might look as if they were "poor" But she probably has every dollar she ever earned. She fed SS frozen pizza about 5 nights a week.

If SS ever makes a comment like that again I will call him out on it. "Your mother didn't spend money on you because she didn't want to - not because she didn't have any".