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Just because we're all on this site doesn't mean we're going to agree with each other.

Anon2009's picture

This is the Internet, folks. And just like the ventors shouldn't have to walk on eggshells, couldn't the same be argued for the responders?

If your situation is so screwed up, st alone won't save it.


Shook's picture

This site is an eye opener for me.
I didn't think I could spend so much time, while I'm working, watching TV, cooking, on a website that truly gets what StepHell is really like. And I have been wrong more than once.

Everyone warned me against trolls. I thought who cares, let them vent. Then the more time I spent here it became clearer that you can't use a valuable site like this to f#ck around & get your kicks with made up horror stories. Why? Because they resemble our true to life stories. What sociopath does that?

Most of us are still learning to step parent. Some of us are even learning how to parent for the first time. I'm both a BM & SM. I know now I can't use my experience with my BD & expect to get the same results with my SS. Doesn't work that way.

Today, I just apologized to a poster that I vehemently opposed. Why? Because I finally realized she was right & I was wrong--though I'm sure we won't always agree Wink Realize some people come here to validate & justify their bad behavior or novice parenting skills. Those few instances where skids are right & SM's are wrong---WOW they actually do exist!

I'm sure there will come a day when I'll question whether I'm wrong about my BM. YEAH RIGHT. Dream on. That for sure I am 100% right about }:)

Sunflower1's picture

I agree anon. It goes both ways. There are some posters I don't care for here, but I simply don't reply to them. Not worth my time or brain space. I do feel bad for one long time poster. She's been targeted by another S-name site, we can disagree with posters but that shouldn't be a free pass for vulger and agressive behavior either.