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I tried posting this blog yesterday, and it didn't stay, so blog is in the comments.

As I mentioned before, the Plague has not allowed DH to so much as talk to SS in a little over two years, and all of a sudden is being semi cooperative. CO states that DH gets 2 hr.s uninterrupted on SS b-day (which was Sunday), and DH was ready to call a peace officer to escort him to Plague's mom's house (where Plague and SS live) to get his visitation. But, the Mon. before his b-day, the Plague sends DH an offer of 9 am - 4 pm Saturday which DH decides is a better deal, and takes her up on it. This is the first time in about three years SS has seen me or DD, the first time in over 2 years he's seen most of DH's family, and the first time he's ever met his baby sister, DD2.


doll faced sm's picture

Thanks; it was ok.

The rest of the post is below; I just had to cut the initial one short because it won't post. Sad

doll faced sm's picture

Anyway, overall, the visit went well.

The good:
Most of the visit. We did breakfast and *late* lunch at McD. SS decided during breakfast he wanted to help make his cake, so MIL called the store and cancelled her order, and picked up some cake mix and frosting on the way back to her house. When we got there after breakfast, we all went swimming until SS said he wanted to make the cake now (which later turned into cupcakes), so he, DH, and MIL went in and made the cake. DH and SS came back a while later; everyone swam some more until DD2 started to get tired. I got out to take her out and DH asked what was up, I told him I was going to take the baby inside b/c she's tired and starting to get cranky. DH said it was probably a good time for all the kids to go in, so we all got out. The rest of the family that was there saw us all getting out, so all the rest of them got out, too. We headed inside, and DH's uncle had arrived with his new wife and newborn. DD2 pretty much passed out, then we sang happy b-day, ate cupcakes, and SS opened his presents. When we finally headed back out for lunch it was pretty late-ish, and most everyone had to start getting to work and such. We couldn't fit SS's presents in our car since we have a smallish trunk, so DH's BIL followed us to Plague's mom's.

The bad:
DH is *the* Disney dad. I mean, it's pretty bad. Plague's mom and dad are very involved in his upbringing; in fact, in my guestimation, they are his primary care-takers. They are kinda on the mean side, but *very* structured and stable. And to be frank, that is exactly what SS needs. For those who aren't familiar with my story, SS is special needs (FAS), he's at about the developmental age of 3 or 4, but he's 8. Without structure, he goes wild, and he's super strong. So, at the beginning of the visit, SS was very well behaved, but as the visit went on and he realized he could pretty well do whatever he wanted, he began to behave badly. By the end of the visit, he was walking around slamming doors over and over again while DH just watched like an idiot. I finally had to spell it out to DH to stop letting SS slam my car door at the drop off. He was also running away any time he didn't want to do whatever he was told; again, DH mostly just stood around like he was clueless that SS's behavior wasn't ok.

The ugly:
SS hurt DD2 twice. I wasn't around for the first time, so I didn't know; DH told me later. The second time, though, I got to see the whole thing. As we were leaving McD at the end of the visit, SS was the last one to get his shoes on, so DD2 had gone back over to the baby play area to the slide. Once his shoes were on, SS went to where she was, grabbed her, and yanked her down the stairs b/c "it time to go." Of course, DH and I got over there as soon as we realized what was happening, but didn't get there in time to prevent it. I was pretty upset when it happened, but I was downright livid when DH told me the same thing (SS yanking DD2 down some stairs) had happened earlier in the day. That's something I should have been made aware of; if I had, the second time wouldn't have happened.