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It's the Fourth of July and bombs are bursting here...

princessmofo's picture

So last night I get a doozy of a bomb dropped on me. The phone rang at dinnertime and we didn't recognize the number so the machine picked it up. It was some family counselor who was calling to confirm an appointment time for ss an dh and I! :jawdrop: So I tell dh to stop what he's doing and call this woman back asap. Apparently bm set up the appointment because ss has been having "anxiety" issues (acting clingy, hiding, sulking) Theses are all things I have been discussing with dh for the last 9 months to which he turns a blind eye and acts like nothing is wrong. So dh tells me he knew nothing about this. Calls the counselor and speaks with her and tells her we will have to check our schedules as our vacation is this week (I find the timing on this highly suspect as well).

I then tell dh to call horseface bitch devil cunt and find out what she is playing at? Now keep in mind dh and bm work together, they interface daily on some level. Dh's attorney has advised him as have I, repeatedly, to make NO arrangements with her unless they are documented on email. So I thought the man had figured it out. Oh, no. That would be expecting too much. He hangs up with her and tells me it's an appointment she said she was making in passing last week at the office. Now quick background, dh's phone has an app that records all incoming and outgoing phone calls for up to two weeks. Something seems fishy. So I ask if I can listen to the phone call they just had. He hesitates but then says yes. I proceeded to listen and what I hear can only be described as heartbreaking shock and awe. Horseface states that, "Don't you remember WE talked about this the other day in OUR little meeting? You were sitting right there? I emailed you the link to the doctor's office. You said it was ok."

So let me just say what the f*cking f*ck?!!!!

Dh has a history of lying. He lied about an ex-girlfriend that lived with him. He lied about bm and that fact that they reconciled for a year after they divorced and lived together again. He seems incapable of telling the truth. So when I called bullshit on this he lost his marbles. He tried to deflect the blame. First off he says, "I'm not lying. I'm telling you know." Uh, no motherf*cker you are only telling me because I overheard and now your caught. And then he busted out the old, "You get mad if I talk to her and mad if I don't." I wanted to throw up but instead I threw him out. Not sure what time he came home. But my best friend (who is a sm) is beside herself with me. It really looks like the end.

I feel he clearly is still tied, in love, has feelings for his ex. He continues to hide things that are important and that I should be made aware of. And why? Who is he protecting? Her obviously. And all this time I'm pissing my money away on an attorney whose advice he isn't going to take in order to keep 50/50 custody of his son. FML.

It's a strange irony that 14 years ago today I was married to my first husband. So it's fitting that on the day my first marriage started, my second one is ending....


princessmofo's picture

I'm at a loss, Foxie. Really. For me this is a deal breaker. He's been warned about lying to me. Especially about that cunt! I don't get it?!

oldone's picture

When someone shows you who they are believe them. I am very sorry that he has shown his ass in such a hurtful manner.

I'm like you. I could forgive many things but not involvement with BM.

chokinonlemons2u's picture

Oh princess ..

I don't know what's worse, him lying about his communication with his ex or the fact he is such a shitty dad that he doesn't even bother to prioritize making the time and effort to get his son help.

I doubt you will leave for good. But I am sure your feeling pretty betrayed , hurt, and frustrated right now.

And who wants THESE kinds of fireworks on the 4th?


realitycheckmom's picture

I am so sorry! I do not think it will get better with this man. He is still tied to his ex at the very least emotionally and he has proven this to you over and over again as well as the fact that he will never stop lying to you. Sad

princessmofo's picture

So now I'm out for blood and I don't quite know how to do it! I'm half tempted to call or text horseface and say "Congratulations! You win! We're getting a divorce after three years of living with his lies regarding you and your relationship. I hope you two will be very happy together." But now sure that would accomplish much. I just want him to feel as humiliated as I do.

chokinonlemons2u's picture

Honestly her having a talk about him helping Their child get help is not the problem. The issue is he isn't telling YOU.

I wouldn't even bother w her. She isn't worth your time or energy

princessmofo's picture

Yea, you're right, I know. But I want him to SUFFER! Profusely!!! I cannot stand being lied to, and it has happened repeatedly with this man. And he has the nerve to freak out because I pass lock my phone. Talk about a hypocrite. I need REVENGE. I want to watch him fall apart.

Drac0's picture

Princessmofo, I am really REALLY sorry to read this. I don't remember all the ins and outs of your relationship but it does sound to me that your husband really has no clue on how to juggle the two women in his life. I know it sounds cut and dry but really, some men just cannot prioritize. He should have told his ex "This sounds like a good idea, but I won't agree to any decision here unless I check with my wife". I find a lot of these problems get blown out of proportion because, from the wife's perspective, it looks very much like the husband is either hiding/protecting the relationship with his ex (which is tantamount to cheating) OR the husband has set the ex up on equal par with the woman he is with.

Anyways, I know you're hurt, but I just thought I would give my two-cents worth and tell you what this looks like to me.

whatwasithinkin's picture

Sometimes I think we do send mixed signals at least in how a man thinks. I'm sure much like mine he feels he is stuck between two woman. Totally his own fault