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Our baby arrived today

step off already's picture

She's beautiful and DH and I are ecstatic.

Our first visitors were my dd12, DS10 and ds9 escorted by their father. I loved seeing DS9 and dd12 hold and love on the baby. Ds10 is not big on changed ( he's on the autism spectrum and needs to be eased into things) but still he came and used his manners and I enjoyed them being here.

After they left, DH felt guilty and thought he should go get SS13 and bring him to see the baby. He called him and SS's first question was "do you love the baby more than me". I could hear dh's end of the conversation and SS didn't want to come. I hear DH say "don't be a jerk to me". Then they wrapped up the call.

I let DH know that he should discuss ss's visit with sil (since that's where he was) and see if she could bring him, rather than trying to figure it out w SS.

When fil showed up at the hospital, DH shared ss's reaction with fil. Fil said that the kid was being a jerk, making it all about him, just like he did at our wedding (pouted the entire time and even cried-less than a year ago).

Anywhoo... Happy SS is off to BM's for the next two weeks do I don't have to deal with him. I'm sure BM will help solidify dll his fears and we'll get to deal with it when he returns. Luck for me mil already offered to take SS off my hands once baby arrived so he'll be out of my hair. YES PLEASE!


Starla's picture

CONGRATULATIONS with your new baby!!!!

Just send your SS my way and I will be happy to pull his big head out of his little butt for you if you promise me that I won't have to change any

Enjoy your break and your new blessing to the family. (((HUGS))) to you and baby!

purpledaisies's picture

What's up with a 13 year old acting like that? Geez I was 14 when my sister was born and I was happy! The only thing I was upset about is she didn't come when I was younger. LOL
What a jerk and he needs to be put in his place.

Enjoy your baby and send him off.

Craving Normality's picture

Wonderful that you have a healthy baby girl. Try not to worry about anything else right now.

overworkedmom's picture

Congratulations!! Ignore SS and focus on that perfect little one that you have right there Biggrin

realitycheckmom's picture


DH needs to show SS that his fears whether they came from BM or from friends that they are not justified and that he is part of the family. Don't worry about it, just let DH handle it. It is his kid and his love the kid is worried about losing.

Enjoy your precious baby.