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At the end of my rope!

1niccolo's picture

SD never comes up hardly calls dad, etc. I try every once in a while to communicate with her but bm always butts in and says that whatever i say is inappropriate! over the weekend i asked sd if she goes to therapy, dad said she did, and asked if she wanted us (sm and dad) to go to work on relationships. No reply back. so i asked if she wanted to meet and talk about things to start to communicate with each other she says "MY dad is coming down to see ME so HE and I can spend time together" well his other daughter was coming up so i said "i have not heard this and i dont think so because his other daughter is up this weekend" no reply so i say "well the offer is there let me know". THEN she talks to her dad and makes it seem like therapy was her idea lets all go. WTF?! why couldnt she just reply? so I ask her "why couldnt you have just replied back" she says "i will go with you guys" then i say well have your mom set it up and we will go with you" then theres this whole discussion on insurance. Its about her so why can't we just go to her therapist? so I ask her "why does everything need to be an argument ?" her mom interfers and says "no one is arguing with you" which she was trying to say it was our problem and not hers but anyways I use other sd for an example so she understands it for HER! "we dont have any problems with his other daughter, its for you not us". bm interferes "leave the other daughter out of it its a different relationship this daughter is special to him and there was not a problem until you came along" HA my husband tells me that she has ALWAYS withheld sd and that its always been an issue trying to see his daughter! so i tell her "no one is trying to hurt her just want to see that its for HER not us" then i tell mom that "she not any more special to him than anybody else in his life" sd says " im not special to my dad" i said "your not any more special than anybody else in his life" she says "i understand that but when you say it it hurts" i said i didnt understand why it would so it hurts her to know that he loves all his kids the same? is that not crazy?! it hurts her to think that he might love someone other than her?! come on! so i say " it hurts your feelings he has a family now" she says " he has always had a family and ive always been a part of it" at this point im like wtf? I mean come on! my husband tells me theres always been problems seeing his daughter with this one. so I tell sd "you had problems before i started seeing your dad" " he did not have an immediate family and you have chosen to NOT be a part of it or mom would make up excuses for you tonot be and that has nothing to do with me" sd says " i have to go thanks for making me feel bad" im like really? first of all i wasnt trying to make her feel bad but it just pisses me off to no extent that she things it should jsut be all about her and nobody else. so i say "im not trying to make you feel bad I want you to know the truth" so mom interferes and says "u must miserable person to be so hateful to a sweet child dont text her again" really? shes 15 years old and she cant be told this? i know for a fact, came from daughters mouth, mom says all kinds of nasty things about both of us and ir eally feel as though im not out of line. guess that is why im writing i? i dont see it! I tell mom " i dont know what you are taling about u must be so miserable to have to use someone else to cover for you our daughter needs to have a relationship with her father and his family. sd needs to realize its not just about her. everyone is special in our family. sd chooses not to be a part and we refuse to let you separate our family as you continually do you need to butt out nobodys being hateful its called clarification seems there are mistruths and twisted lies being told to our daughter" mom says "that makes no sense" so i say "im sorry u take what i say out of context i wasnt saying anything hateful from my udnerstanding there has always been issues with dad seeing daughter and im just another excuse and I do not appreciate it. I have doen nothing wrong it seems a though you feel like i should not have a say. if someone acts out they are disciplined its that simple. you jump all over anything i say and twist it to what yo want it to mean. you need to specific if you are to analyze everthing i say. does that make sense? if you need clarification id be happy to give it:)" she says sarcastically "thats nice of you haha" so is ay " no worries trying to help you understand" she says "hahaha ok" i said "ok? how are you? I hope all is well and we are able to communicate with daughter and work past all this and anything taht bothers her" i think she is trying to use splitting pinning everyone against me. I do have a temper when she pusshes my buttons but honesty i dont knwo what to do im at the end of my rope bm doesnt want me to communicate or have a relationhsip with daughter but thats imppoossible im married to her dad! HELP!!!!


1niccolo's picture

why? im just as much a part of this fed up situation as they are so because im a stepparent i have no say? im just supposed to eat shit politely? :?

learningallthetime's picture

OK, from a BM standpoint, I would say you were massively overstepping here. If dad has an issue that is up to dad to discuss, really there was no need for any of this conversation to take place, especially via text message. This is the kind of discussion that needs to take place face to face and with dad taking the lead. Reading the texts as written this sounds like a pissing contest, and one where no one is going to win.

If I were you I would take a step back here. I know when I was a SM I would NEVER contact or call out BM directly, I would explain my position to dad and it was his job to incorporate my feelings into his position.

1niccolo's picture

so you let your husband fight your battles for you? wel my husband won't. so what now? he just lets bm say whatever and tells me to take her with a grain of salt. i dont know how to do that. if someone attacks me instinct is to defend myself.

learningallthetime's picture

Oh and I would add, I have a glorious bank of text messages from my exes GF. She constantly will jump in and text me all kinds of craziness. I never respond. I will discuss things with my ex on the phone. Now JFS is investigating my exes house for something unrelated to me, but they seized all phone records of his household. JFS are mad as hell at the GF because of texts she was sending her step-kids and me and the other BM. To the point they are recommending she not be around the kids - they saw her overstepping as massive alienation (it was) and inappropriate. They take the fact ex "allows" it as a sign of abuse - she was telling the skids they are not allowed to talk to moms, and she was changing their passwords etc - as a non-parent, this reflected horribly on dad. She probably thought she was helping him but made a bad situation worse (for him).

QueenBeau's picture

As a SM I would NEVER do this. I talk to SD about her problems when she comes to me, but she is only 6. If it were something like this I would let DH talk to her, unless she came to me.

Step back. Stop calling her "our daughter" to her mom, that sounds creepy like your her father. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but if I were a BM I would promptly correct you.

Let your DH handle this. No need to make yourself the bad guy.

Willow2010's picture

Ok...why are you the one talking to SD and BM about these issues. that is firmly your DH's place. I really don't think you are trying to make matters worse, but you are. Let DH handle SD and BM.

As a SM..I would never talk to my skid about these kind of issues. As a BM..I would chew you up and spit you out. lol

The SD is 15...she is going through enough because of that, so there is no need to add a overstepping SM. KWIM?

1niccolo's picture

I dont know whats wrong with you guys maybe im not explaining myself. However, the conversation was mainly with bm, they were never married it was a teen pregnancy. Anyways, my husband doesnt say anything about it. He is not mad at me bm can be completely ridiculous and blows things out of proportion. She should not be telling her daughter that nobody else in his life is less important and that he loves them less than her that only creates conflict among the family. SD only wants to split our family and have dad all to herself. Well there are three other kids and myself in his life now so its not just about her. Why cant I have a say? Its my life and they want to blame me for everything. So, by calling her our daughter im trying to let them know she is part of our family if she chooses to be.
How can I be half in half out when its my family here that suffers because of whatever bm tells sd this week. bm assumes a lot and lies about things. ITs bs she just wants a scapegoat for all the wrong choices she made in not allowing her daughter to have a relationship with her dad. so now its my fault and everyone can blame me and i cant even defend myself or have a say or ask her anything?! why cant i ask her if she wants to work things out? whats so wrong about that? im the one she supposedly has issues with. I have not once done anything to her yet she blows thing up and twists it into whatever makes me look bad.
all you guys are telling me is that i should not talk to my sd. how does that help anything?

oldone's picture

WHY WHY WHY do you feel this need to talk to the BM? She should be like dead to you. You should never talk to her, about her or listen to anything anybody else says about her.

Who cares what she says or thinks about you? It doesn't matter. She should be like a pile of dog shit to you - just something you avoid.

As for the SD - all you have to do for her is not be cruel to her. She's not your child and you are under no obligation to parent her, feed her, tutor her, etc. Now you may choose to do those things, but if she's just going to be a little shit just ignore her.

Maybe you have some ideas about being all happy and blended but you cannot control anyone but yourself. They don't sound like they are interested so you don't have to play their games.

Disengagement is for YOU. It's not to hurt or help anyone else. It's just coming to the realization that you do not have to do anything for somebody else's child except perhaps tolerate their presence on occasion.

misSTEP's picture

The easiest way to avoid drama in your life is to take care of your own kids and support your DH in what he does. But do NOT engage with BM EVER and only engage with SD as much as absolutely necessary.

You may not see it now but that is years and years and years of step-parenting experience that all these posters are trying to let you know.

Yes it is hard not to try to defend yourself but why do YOU care what THEY think?? If your DH won't stand up for you, that's between you and HIM. Not you and his ex baggage.

Plus, if she is narcissistic, getting you to engage in these little spats with her just feeds the beast.