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Ultrasound. .. finally something happy but worried.

lil_lady's picture

Our baby is healthy and on par with due dates. Although its head measures a week older then the rest of the body :o oohhhh no! 12 weeks 3 days... I am kind of worried though it still seems like such a dream I cant believe its actually happening. Sometimes I feel like I should be happier and more into this now I am worried that Im going to be one of those moms that doesnt have emotional attachment. We tried for 6 months and all I wanted was a baby noe its happened and even though I have been sick every day lol, it doesnt feel real. Is this normal?

Ive always been a person who expected the worse so im not disappointed I guess I got sick of it in childhood. I just hope I can start feeling more happy and excited soon...


overworkedmom's picture

Relax girl! It took me 18 months a lot of medical intervention to get my son, so I understand about the not feeling real thing. It will sink in once you feel that little angel move and kick.

Congratulations- looks like you are doing a great job growing your little one!! Biggrin

Lalena75's picture

You will be fine, it's amazing how it'll all change once the baby is really here. Me I wanted kids bad, but HATED being pregnant like seriously knew with my second that it would be the worst 9 months of my life and I didn't have bad pregnancies just hated being pregnant. Once those babies were in my arms though oh man I loved that moment. I'd take the 9 months I hated all over again for my kiddos.

noway70's picture

You know, when I got pregnant with my first, I freaked out thinking I didn't have enough love in me to raise a child. Now, 17 years and 3 kids later, I know my capacity to love is so much greater than I had thought.
Don't worry. You're probably gonna feel some weird stuff along the way, but youu'll be swept away by your little baby and be amazed at how much you can love someone.
Wish you all the best!

lil_lady's picture

Its not as much my capacity to love that I am worried about.I just see everyone else that has been excited through this process and im not. I guess im just upset I cant seem to be nourishing the happy time this should be, its really starting to get to me.

lil_lady's picture

I guess I just really want to enjoy this and I am not as happy as I would of thought. Although BM has been successfully causing one of the most stressful months ever! Grrr I actually contemplated not going to the ultrasound because of how shitty things have been.All I want is to have a happy pregnancy like everyone else seems to have.

overworkedmom's picture

LOL! there is no such thing as a perfect happy pregnancy! Your body does all kinds of gross things, you stretch, you hurt, you even pee yourself! You can't control your emotions, you can't even hold a pen 1/2 the time because even your dexterity is jacked up! Just know that you will never be closer to your child or be able to protect them like you are right now. Find peace and happiness in that. (((Hugs)))

PeanutandSons's picture

Lol about the head measurements. My kids also had big noggins. We had an ultrasound at 36 weeks to check bs1's size and his head measured 42 weeks... Six weeks big! He was amost ten pounds with a giant head and I still delivered naturally.

lil_lady's picture

Thank You ladies... Blum 3 just not sure what to make of having little feelings about this! And yes the head thing is terrifying me lol.