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Putting Skids on benefits package?

sammmx's picture

I offered to list SS10 and SS4 on my benefits package, that will give 80% coverage for medical, dental and vision. In exchange for this, I feel as though BM should be responsible for paying the 20%. BM feels that they should still split the 20% 50/50. I don't think that's fair because if it weren't for my benefits she'd be paying 50%. She should be happy to get the break since she doesn't have any coverage for the kids at all.

I don't know. What do you think? (Especially those of you that are BMs?)


Disneyfan's picture

Stay out of it. Let the two of them figure it out.

I think mom's idea is fair. Why should she be the only one paying for insurance? BOTH parents should be happy to pay such a small amount for health insurance.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I agree, stay out of it, don't even offer. Kids nowadays are being covered under insurance plans to age 26. Let the parents work it out

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I agree, stay out of it, don't even offer. Kids nowadays are being covered under insurance plans to age 26. Let the parents work it out

Flipchip2013's picture

Are you married?
If not, I don't believe you can insure someone else's children.

Flipchip2013's picture

Um... where? I have lived in numerous states and in every one of them we had to provide copies of marriage license and birth certificates.

Think about it...what would happen if people all around could insure other people's children??? They aren't their dependents.

lil_lady's picture

Not the states canada, as soon as you live in the same house you have to get family coverage whether there are kids or not.

Flipchip2013's picture

Canada also has socialized medicine and "everyone" has health insurance.

Is the OP in the US or CAD?

lil_lady's picture

And when your jobs overs your extra benefits you also have to pay the premium of your cheques. Just saying how it is in Canada.

Flipchip2013's picture

Huh? Not at all.

Just had a lot of experience with benefits administration in the States. I've never heard of a state where the "GF" can insure her boyfriend's children.

sammmx's picture

I live in Canada. We are considered common law because we have lived together for years. So I am able to cover him and his children on my benefits. It is through my work so yes, the premium comes off my cheque.

Flipchip2013's picture

Then I think the premium amount needs to be factored into the portion that is split among bioparents.

In your case, you're not married. I wouldn't do it. Too much involvement.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I work for a major US company. They cover Domestic Partners and their offspring (gay or straight). All I had to do I check a box online to declare him a Domestic Partner. His insurance is cheaper so we've never added him or the kids to my benefits. But we could.

Flipchip2013's picture

We have that provision as well. However, it must be a registered domestic partnership.

twoviewpoints's picture

My 2 cents believes that you should add up Skids cost of the actual premium you pay. Example, adding them cost you $300 a month more than when it was just you and DH. I'd agree to paying 50/50 of the leftover 20 insurance does not cover after BM paid the first $3,600. There's nothing 'cheap' about medical care and the smallest things can be quite pricey. The skids medical cost should not cost BM more than it does your DH. If kid had his appendix out with some complications and a few extra days in hospital and remaining 20% was $5000, DH should be helping with that cost after BM has matched the premium cost.

If BM takes skids to normal regular boring ol' appointments and the left over is $20=$40 bucks a pop. She can pay it. She can keep track with receipts of her put out. Once she reaches the match, DH pulls out his wallet for 50/50. It's how my DS36 and ex-DIL do with SGS. It works out well. DS only pays like $65 a month to have SGS on his insurance and the insurance pays 90% of bill, ex-DIL has no problems/concerns paying the rest unless it hits over what DS is putting out. Their agreement is written in the CO so there is no bickering over it.

Justme54's picture

Yes, get it in writing! If BM has No insurance or would cost her more, you are helping her and the kids out. She could pay out of pocket for what the insurance does not cover...then if the cost goes above the coverage...BM and DH could split the cost. Or she could pay half the cost of coverage and have of the cost not covered.

If the kids do not have alot of medical bills, she would come out better just agreeing to pay for medical bills up to the cost of coverage.

Flipchip2013's picture

I can't speak for others, but in my case, I chose to add SD to my insurance. Why? One, we were married. Two, I believed us to be a family, so it wasn't looked at as a his/hers thing. Three, it was cheaper and better coverage than through her father.

While I know it wasn't my legal responsibility, it was a moral responsibility to my family.

And, no, her mother didn't share any of the premium cost.

sammmx's picture

I want to because it saves US money. If he is paying 50% of medical bills that is money we could be saving or using for other things. If BM does not agree to my (our) terms, then I will leave them off. It would be of more benefit to her than us anyway since she struggles to afford day-to-day care, let alone medical.

whatwasithinkin's picture

"I offered" "I feel" and "I dont think it is fair" are exactly why your hear asking questions.

It really doesnt matter what we think or feel especially after we offer...if there is no CO.

20% of medical bills can amount to more then you pay for the year for the coverage.

Id come up with a different solution and I would also subtract all the I's from this situation.