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skids have lice

prisirocks09's picture

My BD7 and SD8 are both in the second grade and in the same classroom. Last week BD7 comes home and says "mom, SD8 has lice. the nurse saw it and she was sent home." I inform BF about this since they would be coming over the following weekend. I told him I didnt feel comfortable with his girls coming over if they had it since my BD and our newborn might get it, not to mention so would we. I'm thinking, infection control, right?. We can just grab them another weekend, two weeks in a row, no big deal. This way, we could control the spread and make sure they were all gone. He talks to BM and apparently the lice were gone and didnt spread to her siblings. She lied.

Skids came over and spent the weekend. We thought they were fine. BF saw lice on SD6, called BM and said he would be bringing her home and we'd keep SD8, who was cleared. He explained this was just to prevent any of us or our other kids getting the lice. She said, or so HE said to me, that she would call him once she was out of work and pick her up. She lied AGAIN. Did not call, nor did she pick up any of his other calls. Not until Sunday night that is when the skids were to be brought back home. Awesome.

Today, school nurse calls and says BD7 now has lice and according to BD7 so do both the skids. (She would know since theyre in the same school, and SD8 would have been checked at the same time being in the same classroom.)

I am beyond livid at this point. I understand that these things happen, and it spreads. However, if BM wasn't so eager to get rid of her kids every chance she got and if she took more responsibility as far as her kids, this wouldnt be happening. And if BF could manage to get his balls back from her maybe he could stand his ground more often and she'd listen to him a bit more. But she controls everything, always threatens him with court and so she gets her way, and he allows this. I won't allow them to come back here until he personally inspects them, since this tends to be an ongoing cycle if its not nipped in the butt early on. It coulda have been avoided all together had BM kept the skids that weekend and medicated their hair.

Anyway, needless to say now I'm itchy all over at just the thought of those gross things. I'm scared shitless that my newborn will get it, or myself and BF. And of course, its no big deal to him. But it's just so gross and so hard to get rid of I've been told! I've never dealt with this and poor BD7 is appalled (pretty funny actually, she's walkin around with a comb and keeps whinning "oh my poor pretty locks!".

So aggravating! Grrrr Sad


AlreadyGone's picture

EWWWWW! Thank God I never had to deal with the lice issue but..... SD did infest our home with scabies. Really ticked me off b/c BM knew and refused treatment b/c she felt it was too 'regimented.' Good grief, I wanted to kill her. I guess, it's like the time BM got crabs from the family dog..... you'd think Xh would have been smarter and not put a ring on that hoof. Still don't know how much the farrier charged for that one. LOL! Smile

Starla's picture

I use to put Downy fabric softener in my Skids hair after their showers and rinse it out ten minutes later. Nits can't stick to the scalp if its done once a week and its works as a conditioner too. As for a baby though, I don't have any suggestions. Everything should be treated though and put clothes, bedding, all stuffed animals in the dryer for 30 minutes after you wash them. Even spray the inside of the vehicles with lice bedding spray. Lice sucks!!!

Yosemite's picture

My family has always washed our hair in peppermint oil soap at the first mention of anyone around having lice. It works great for prevention.
There are also peppermint and tea tree oil shampoos that work the same way. You can even add your own peppermint oil or tea tree to shampoo yourself.

just.his.wife's picture

I can understand why your angry at BM. Truely.

Now go kick your DH in the ass and have him kick you as well.

You wanted to ensure lice did not come into your house, that is your concern NOT BM's. You/He should have checked those kids at pick up and if you saw a bug on either, left them with their mother. If you want to keep something out of your house YOU take the steps necessary to ensure it.

NEVER trust BM to have your best interests at heart.

prisirocks09's picture

I really should have thought it through more & not left it solely up to them, true. I really dont know why I thought she would understand where I was coming from and try to work with us. Trust me - lesson learned.

just.his.wife's picture

They make a spray you can use for the stuffed animals etc that you can't wash, bag them up in garbage bags, spray, tie them off and supposedly in two weeks the bugs are dead.

PS: Fumigate your rugs too. When my kids got it in elementary school it was because the CARPET in the school was infested. Kids would sit on the carpet, bugs got onto them - it was a never ending cycle for six weeks for hundreds of kids in the school until the admin figured it out.

prisirocks09's picture

That's what I'm afraid of. BM has my skids who are 6 and 8, but also has two other kids that are 3 & 1 I believe. I'm scared she wont treat it properly and they'll just continue to get it, hence we will too.

Ahh! I'm flippin out!

prisirocks09's picture

We did when she didnt come pick up SD6. But it's pointless to do it if she doesnt treat it on her end as well. We all treated our hair but it still got to my BD. Now we're taking extra steps to make sure the whole house is cleaned up as thoroughly as possible, I'm just afraid she wont treat all her kids also, since she only treated SD8 and it clearly didnt work.

I dont really want to have to have a hair cleansing session every time they come over because she cant treat the root cause, you know? Her attitude is kind of "well it happens, no big deal." And I guess I get that, but I also get that it can be prevented and/or nipped in the butt if it does happen and she failed to do that.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

It's not "no big deal" to knowingly allow lice to crawl around your kids' heads as they sleep. How does she even sleep at night knowing that? Ugh. Poor kids. Unfortunately, You may have to treat them every time they come to your house as a preemptive measure.

Lalena75's picture

I put this on SO, after his dd had lice for over a year. He is to check her hair every time he gets her. If she has lice he pays for and treats her before anything else including his dinner, his video games etc. This after a ton of other things we had to do to get BM to clean up on her end up to and including with holding the kids from her to treat 2 weeks, doctor, who then called cps then BM cleaned up so far lice free 9 months

Just J's picture

Ugh lice sucks! I battled it for months when my DD was in 2nd grade an it was HELL. I recommend a product called Lice Freeee! It's a non- chemical treatment and it really works. It's made with tea tree oil and its a spray or a gel (I used the spray, much easier). RID is pretty much an insecticide and I didn't like the idea of putting that on my girl's head, plus the fact that those suckers can actually become immune to that stuff. And it smells nasty. There is also a preventative shampoo called Lice Shield that I used on my daughter for awhile as well.

Make sure you spray upholstery and your cars with the bedding spray, wash bedding in hot water and dry on high and bag up stuffed animals in air tight bags for a couple days.

Good luck, those little buggers are horrible.

Newstep's picture

Omg how terrible!!! SD14 had it over the summer. SO wouldn't let her come back until it was cleared. It took a month !!! BM treated her hair right away but didn't get all the nits. So she went through the whole cycle from eggs to adult lice. We would see SD and talked to her on the phone but she didn't come home until the lice were gone !!!

We never got it at our house but if SO would have picked her our house would have been infested too. BM treated her hair one day called it good 2 days later. I said no way!!!! She isn't cleared until at least a week after treatment. Sure enough a few days later she still had eggs. Two weeks later live lice running around her head :jawdrop:

whatwasithinkin's picture

So wait, if you had her and rediscovered the infestation why did you not go to the store and Rid and treat her while she was in your care and then disinfect your house?

Lice is not a Mom's house Dad's house kinda thing. If you find it you treat it if you have the child. Mom could have very well done the treatment and not gotten the nits which causes reinfestation.

So what did you do while you had her to prevent the spread in your home and why would Dad call Mom and tell her she needs to come get her when the answer is at the local drug store?

prisirocks09's picture

BM treated her but didnt treat her other three kids. We treated her while she was here but we didn't actually see anything until the day after they arrived, meaning it could have spread to the bedding and toys in their room. I'm thinking this is how my BD got it. Personally, I would not have sent my BD to her dad's if she had lice. I would have kept her home for a few days to make sure she really was cleared. It isn't about who has to take care of it, but what is done to prevent the spread. Had my SD8 gotten the lice here, I would have happily said let her stay here, sent SD6 home to BM where she couldnt chatch it and sent BD to her dad's or my moms so she too wouldnt get anything. This is how things are prevented from spreading, lice or anything else.
Now, because BM didnt take the necessary steps, both of our households are probably infected. I havent seen anything on any of us at my house besides my BD, but now BMs other two small children have the lice. It could very well spread to my skids once more, and when they return the cycle will continue.
It could have been reduced to just one household, and that would have made it easier to handle.

stormabruin's picture

We spent weeks upon weeks dealing with lice when SD & SS were younger. We'd treat them, ourselves, the bedding, the carpets, the toys...EVERYthing, only to find it on them again within the week.

We found out it wasn't just SS & SD who had it. There were other kids at their daycare who had it, & it seemed they were all just passing it back & forth.

It.Was.AWFUL. It was disgusting & it was frustrating.

However, it isn't necessarily blame you can pin on BM.