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O/T we have puppies

purpledaisies's picture

My dorky had her puppies this morn, I had been waiting for a while knowing t was any day now. She was breed on purpose with little yorkie we have. They are so cute. We sell them for just 50 so people can afford them. that our goal for people to be able to get affordable pets.

No I'm not a puppy mill I have 8 dogs for this purpose and not one id in in a kennel. I spoil them too much lol. They know where their treats are I've had to replace a few bags lol. But Piper let me be there while was giving birth and let me hold them and help her. I love that dog! She is my 4 year old baby and she knows it. 4 OF our dogs sleep with us. I know but we love these animals.


overworkedmom's picture

You should make puppy pictures your profile pic! I love little dogs Smile

kathc's picture

You have 8 dogs for the purpose of breeding them and selling them cheaply so "people can afford them"? Are you effing kidding me? Do you actually keep track of every single puppy you sell? I'd be willing to bet some end up abused, in shelters and euthanized even if you don't think it could possibly happen. There are SO MANY dogs, even purebred, cute little dogs, that are in cages waiting for a home before they're put down when nobody wants them...yet you're creating more dogs on purpose. Seriously, you disgust me. You're just as bad as the BMs who have a bunch of kids because they LURVE them and then they want to know how much money they get.

kathc's picture

If she has 8 dogs FOR THE PURPOSE OF BREEDING she IS a backyard breeder with her own little puppy mill. You can sugar coat it all you like but it's still disgusting. Remember, a turd rolled in sugar is still a turd.

purpledaisies's picture

Please Dont judge I am doing what I feel right. My puppies are all loved and I live in a small town adn kow almost everyone. Yes her lat litter went to people I know and all doing well in fact I know that one has own bunk bed the boy sleeps on bottom and the dog on top and he turns cartoons on her him every night and sleeps with a stuffed animal. I know these people in a small town that is what happens.

WOW at least I'm doing my best to make sure they go to good homes and not to just the first one with money nor do I miss treat any of them.

PetStr's picture

Still, take a trip one day to your local shelter and look into the eyes of the "affordable dogs people could adopt" that only have 72 hrs, or worse, if they are an owner surrender, can go straight from the owner's arms to the euthanasia room if the shelter is full and ask yourself if you're doing ghe right thing by bringing more dogs into this world. Just sayin... I work in rescue. Seeing 20-30 dogs per day getting a needle stuck in them because they were not wanted takes its toll on you after a while

purpledaisies's picture

Awe maybe you can. It took me years to be able to have any kind of pet as we always lived in an apt or something like that. But now that my kids are out of the house I can focus my my fur babies

kathc's picture

Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one scratching my head over this.

I've had LOTS of REALLY CUTE pets. And I didn't pay a zillion dollars for any of them. They were all strays or from shelters. Every single one of them. They were all the cute puppies and kittens that people had to have and then no longer wanted once they were adults or got sick or just weren't shiny and new anymore. My only regret is that I can't save all of them.

SMof2Girls's picture

I sat with a 15yo lab this weekend for about an hour. His family surrendered him because he was getting old and they couldn't afford his vet bills, but didn't have the heart to put him to sleep.

So he sat .. alone, scared, and confused for 3 weeks waiting for someone to adopt him. They put him down Saturday afternoon. You should've seen him buck and pull and freak out when he got to the kill room. I cry every single time.

SMof2Girls's picture

It is sad. They're so lonely. They don't understand why their people leave them. They just want to go home and be loved and love you back. They're good dogs.

If I had the space to safely take on more, I would. I have 3 dogs (all foster failure) and 3 cats of my own, so I have to be careful about animals I foster in order to keep them all safe. Once my own pets pass on, I don't think I'll ever adopt again. I'll just foster.

SMof2Girls's picture

Shelters adopt dogs out for a pretty affordable rates too. That's the route I'd encourage anyone looking for a new pet to go. It's nice you vet out your adopters, but because you breed new dogs, there are dogs being put to death.

At the end of the day, if you can't afford $200 in adoption fees, can you afford the food, vet care, meds, and supplies a dog requires on a regular basis?

I foster rescue dogs. I can't tell you how many dogs I've taken in that get dumped because the owners suddenly can't afford them, or because they're not cute little puppies anymore. The animal "business" disgusts me.

kathc's picture

^^^^^^^YES YES YES^^^^^^^^

I see posts on CL all the time about "I want a free dog, I can't afford to get one for $200 at a shelter" Well, then, HOW do you plan to feed and care for that dog?!? They cost a hell of a lot more than $200 a year to care for properly!

PetStr's picture

Most of those CL postings are people looking for free bait dogs used to train fighting dogs or they resell them for profit or to laboratories. I helped bring down a big bait dog ring here In my part of TX

kathc's picture

GOOD FOR YOU!!! I am the most laid back person until someone abuses an animal. Then the only thing stopping me is that I don't want to go to jail.

Disneyfan's picture

WOW :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

We got our dog(a pit) from a shelter for $19.50. The fee covered his shots and all paper work.

I can't believe people are willing to pay breeders when shelters are pretty much giving dogs away.

SMof2Girls's picture

LOL I have a little black cat like that. He's 100% attitude. I can walk up and pet him anytime, hold him, roll him around, play with him, etc .. anyone else tries it? He'll stand up and stick his butt in your face }:)

AlreadyGone's picture

No offense but, you are breeding mutts for the purpose of making money, so techically you are a backyard breeder. Whether you love them to pieces or how well you take care of them is irrelevent. Even the most reputable breeders of purebred dogs ONLY breed for the good of the breed itself. They make absolutely no money after all the costs associated with rasising their dogs. The puppies are usually spoken for before they're even born. These breedings are planned out 1-2 years in advance.

I hope that you will reconsider adding to the serious pet overpopulation problem by having your pets spayed and neutered ASAP. The day I adopted my dog from the shelter, there were 12 pocket sized dogs waiting for homes. They were cute puppies to someone once upon a time, until they became an inconvenience. Then... to the shelter they went with absolutely no afterthought, from their 'wonderful' owners. My dog is a beautiful mutt. Smart, healthy, and has a wonderful temperament. Many people stop me and ask where I got him and what breed he is. This doesn't mean he should be bred.

Last week at my obedience club, a woman showed up with a gorgeous white GSD. She told everyone that she was just waiting to breed her. White GSD's are not even recognized by the AKC or the GSD Club of America. The dog was very skittish and shied away even from the owner. Not a good dog to breed but, this woman was adamant that she was going to breed so that her children could witness the miracle of life. Our instructor heard her, walked over and said, "And as soon as you're done doing that, please take your children to the local shelter so they can also witness the the revelation of death." The entire class stopped and clapped. (That woman is awesome!)

Just sayin'.

kathc's picture

I wish more people would be outspoken like that. I HATE people who pull that shit. "Oh, I want our children to see the miracle of life" Well, then, by all means they should show them what happens to those puppies when nobody wants them anymore!

kathc's picture

I've noticed that now that there are rational people asking valid questions she's stopped responding. Figures.