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O/T You know it's bad when, lol.....

distorted reality's picture

You know it's bad when your 5 dogs have better manners than your SK's, lol. Seriously though.....

I have 5 dogs (6 as of 8-4-10). All of them are rescues and they have better manners than SK's. I spend a monstrous amount of time trying to re-hab dogs that come from idiots that have no business breeding. Hmmm.... I digress, lmao. I wonder why BP's think their kids can do no wrong, lol.

starfish's picture

i adopted a cat ~~ decided to NOT declaw her.... 10 yrs later, she has never clawed on anything but her post and that coconut fiber welcome thing, but i hated it so now it's hers anyway.. and never a potty problem...

just recently i trained a puppy (4 1/2 mths old) that was raised in a pen that just shit and piss where it stood... OMG..... 2 weeks and i had her almost trained.... a couple pee pees here or there but they were on the puppy pads.. finally got a crate and NEVER another accident.... she is now in her new home (house training was a contingency) and have heard she has never had an accident......

but ss10.5, might as well piss in the corner if that's where he stashes his pissy diaper! and if sd 13.5 still leaves chunky #2 residue, she might as well shit her pants..... maybe they both need a crate??

distorted reality's picture

You know kids and dogs learn in much the same way Positive/Negative rewards/punishments, etc... Hmmm...come to think of it, I did have a dog that was a theif once, lmao.

Snarky, maybe he wants to see the world from the dogs perspective, lol. Might I suggest a sturdy collar and definitely neuter him when he hits JJ. Wink

NCMilGal's picture

I've got two dogs - the girl is a drama queen. She'll try to do something she's NOT allowed to do (and knows it) like jump on the couch. You tell her no, and she walks away to her comfy bed with her head and tail lowered. Halfway there, she turns back and stares as if to say, "Mama, you don't LOOOOVE me!"

We tell SD14 that there's only room for one drama queen in the house, and that's the dog. She laughs and agrees, and we only have to reinforce every once in a while. It's a big difference from BM's house where she has to create a big fuss to get any attention.

AVR1962's picture

I have 2 rescued dogs myself. Breed my female and male bassets one time and realized that there's alot of people in this world who have no idea how to treat a pet and fixed both of them, I feared what might happen to the pups.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

This is something that kinda haunts me. Sometimes I wonder if I’m a bad person because I’ll be stomping around ready to KILL the skids and husband and then my kitty-boy will saunter into the room and I just melt like a pad of butter on Georgia asphalt!!! Is that bad..? To be unconditionally loving towards an animal while being utterly frustrated with the people around you..?

I’ve always known that pets were good for your overall mental and physical health (pet owners have been known to have lower cases of depression and blood pressure!) but I’m telling you… since I became a step parent I’ve never relied on one so much on my life!!!