O/T Why dogs are sooo much better than SK's....
First of all, please feel free to add any reason's you'd like, to this thread. I'm going to call it my version of 'Serenity Saturday.' LOL!.
1) When I say NO.... he doesn't cry, yell, complain, threaten, or run to BM/BD for back up.
2) When I buy him something, he really really LOVES it, and he never compares these things to what the dog down the street has.
3) When I walk in to a room, he actually comes up and greets me enthusiastically (not b/c he might be able to manipulate me in to doing something for him.)
4) He takes his education seriously and enjoys learning all kinds of new things.
5) He cleans up after himself. Seriously, he puts his belongings back when I ask. (I told you he takes his education seriously.) Still working on the whole poop patrol thing but, one day..... LOL.
6) He doesn't talk back or give me attitude, even on bad days when he's feeling a little under the weather.
7) If he gets too loud, all I have to do is ask him to settle down and he does! No moans, groans, or resentment.
OK, folks.... I have many more but, I want to give anyone who cares to, a chance to add a few of their own. Remember have fun with it! Who knows maybe it will make you smile today.
Have a happy!
- AlreadyGone's blog
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I'm sorry that you had such a
I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience as a child but, I'm happy that you didn't let it keep you from seeing just how awesome furkids can really be.
You're right..... less work and stress! LOL.
1) He doesn't lie to me 2)
1) He doesn't lie to me
2) He's always happy to see me
3) If he notices I'm stressed, he comes to see what he can do to fix it
4) He's not lazy, makes me take him outside to play often, therefore not letting me be lazy
5) Doesn't sass me
6) Doesn't think I'm stupid enough to fall for a blank stare
7) I have unconditional love for him
Can't say that about most
Can't say that about most Skids!!
I miss my black lab. He was 7
I miss my black lab. He was 7 years old and had to be put down due to turning aggressive since another dog bit him. The vet tested him for rabies after he was put to sleep which came back negative but I'd love to share a few things about my beloved dog.
He loved pulling kids on the merry go round with the help of a body harness and leash.
We would swing together as he had to use the handicap swing to actually hold him.
We picked up garbage together, I held the bag and he went for the things I couldn't reach.
I enjoyed his company far more then I enjoyed my first DH's company any day.
He would lean into me as I cried myself to sleep holding him on a few occasions.
If he sensed a bad person was near, he sat on my left foot until they were gone.
At parks, he backed himself walking backwards to take a poop in the bushes. I picked it up when I could.
He knew sign language very well.
He was extremely obedient unlike any other dog I ever had.
He also loved to lick my tears away which cheered me up that he cared so deeply.
I could tell him everything and he never repeated my secrets to anyone..
He was my first dog that I was able to train to stay in the kitchen as I put a steak on a plate leaving it on the coffee table then took a shower to come back to him patiently waiting for his share.
He loved my SS and tried to keep a safe distance from my SD.
This dog wanted to please people and adored kids and other animals.
He once followed my ex DH up a ladder onto a roof, that was interesting when I went to bring him back down, he had to learn on the spot to walk backwards down the ladder and did it!
There was a lot more that he would do but he was just the best dog I ever had. Your blog put a huge smile on my face today, thank you for allowing me the chance to share these stories about my best friend with you and others who read this. Please give your dog a hug for me and know that you are a great pet owner.
He sounds like he was an
He sounds like he was an amazing dog, and I thank you for sharing your memories of him with all of us. I'm sorry that you lost him so soon, and under those extreme circumstances. It must have been a very difficult time for you. I'm sure he's happily waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
Have you thought of getting a new pal? Out there somewhere is another furkid just waiting for someone like you to love.
Aww thanks! Well we have a
Aww thanks! Well we have a new kitty and hope to be able to move by next summer. If we can afford to move and get into a house, we would love to get a lab. But if we ran across a dog in need of a home before then, haha I just might have to take him or her in.
They just need to be good with kids and cats bc all of our friends have kids and Starla don't go long without at least one cat.
You know I keep hearing people say that their are either a cat person or a dog person but I enjoy them equally and for different reasons. And when they get along, they can be so much fun to watch together. Years ago when my first DH and I picked up our black lab, we already had 2 cats. Well the lab was just weaned and he would cry when I put him down. This one time the leash was still on him and my cat came running over to see why he was crying so my cat grabbed his leash by the mouth and started taking him for a walk in the kitchen. I praised my cat and he remained helpful with the training and everything. Even the times when I felt frustrated with my puppy my cat would run over and correct the puppy by biting him near the puppy's ear. Don't think the cat knew he was actually a cat at all..
When they get annoying you
When they get annoying you can crate them
Yeah, too bad crating unruly
Yeah, too bad crating unruly SK's is illegal, lol!
Great list. I think dogs are
Great list. I think dogs are the best therapy EVER!
LOL. And even if they
LOL. And even if they did..... they'd probably appreciate it a whole lot more!
They roll over and let you
They roll over and let you stroke their bellies