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And Now SS13 is Willing to Move his Xbox to the Family Room for the internet access

step off already's picture

I finish up a meeting and walk into the kitchen. DH is about to take SS to school and tells me, "SS wants to do an unselfish thing...".

I say, "great. I love when people do unselfish things"

Then DH says, "he just wants..."

I say, "Oh, he just wants something in exchange for doing that unselfish thing?"

SS13 giggles. DH starts to explain about the xbox and the tablet and wa-wa-wa-wa...I excuse myself and say I need to use the bathroom and we can talk about it later.

I don't know why I'm irritated, but I am.

Oh let's see... maybe because SS13 has been bugging DH about getting the internet on his xbox in his room for so long that I finally decided to just get my kids their own xbox for the main room... maybe because DH actually beleives that his son is "unselfish" for finally giving up on asking for the internet in his room (since it wasn't going to happen) and moving his xbox into the family room...maybe because I don't want SS13 playing his shoot'em'up games around my boys.

MOre later when I get to hear more from DH about how "unselfish" SS is. (Note, he's been asking for a good three months about the internet in his room and throwing fits about it.).


Jsmom's picture

Do not get the xbox online until they are at least 15...Problems will ensue. You are giving them license to do lots of things. We waited with BS and then with SS. They are already addicted to that game, this allows them to access websites and outsiders especially if you pay for the membership. SS is only allowed now at 16 to talk to friends that we know and even then I am suspicious.

step off already's picture

This is something that greatly concerns me as well. My exH and I have been very strict with not allowing my boys (10 and 9) to play games other than those rated E for everyone. SS has been playing the M for Mature games since he was little (maybe this is where some of his anxieties come from). I am against it.

step off already's picture

Oh, it just got better.

SS was bugging DH to get the internet on his xbox in his room. DH told him he said No and that's it. So SS said he'd move his xbox into the family room upstairs.

SS was not happy about sharing. He was afraid HE wouldn't get enough screen time, if he had to move the xbox into a common area - SO VERY "UNSELFISH", right?

Somehow it turned into SS also bringing his TV into the family room - TO SIT RIGHT NEXT TO THE OTHER TV.

Um, no.

Not going to happen.

I try to limit the kids to one hour of screen time each day. Not that I'm against screens, I just think kids should be doing OTHER THINGS and there is no way I will have two TVs sitting next to each other.

End of story.

I told DH that we had a lot more discussing to do.

Lalena75's picture

We have xbox online. Since we own 1 tv (yes seriously I only have 1 nobody needs their own) xbox is hooked to it and is supervised because almost always someone else is in the living room. however I've been lucky my ds (12) is pretty responsible about it, has only his irl friends and uses the mic sometimes if everyone in the room is okay with it. (SO and dd use mics for their games so a lot of times there are 3 conversations going on that sound like they are all talking to themselves I should record it.)
Point is he's not being unselfish he's trying a new tactic to get internet on his xbox. Which honestly now a days without the updates and playing with friends consoles are kinds boring.

step off already's picture

You know, as much as I am against it, I REALLY like what you just said.

I'm going to sit on this for a bit.