SD14 trying to guilt DH into blowing the bank for christmas
SD14 came over yesterday and went straight to her room crying so loud it echod thru the house. DH went to check on her. He says she feels second place to the baby and fears that this christmas won't be so great because we will be so focused on the baby we will forget about her. DH promised she will have a great Christmas. She handed him a list and said she's not asking for much. Left wiping her face and kissing DH on the cheek. " daddy I know this is going to be a great christmas. I'm coming saturday so we can put up the tree". Her christmas wish list.
1. Iphone 5
2. Ipad mini with lime green case
3. A visa gift card with atleast 300 on it
4. Glitter uggs
5. An xbox one for my room at your house ( there sold out everywhere but you can check ebay) If not I will be happy with an Xbox 360.
I think she overheard something about the money my dad gave me and thinks we have the money to go above and beyond. I did do some christmas shopping and already got her some uggs but not the name brand but not cheap quality either. I put that money into savings and starting a college fund for my daughter. I can see the future of her mabye getting one of the big items on her list along with some other good non over the top expensive things. I can see her fake ungrateful smile saying thanks and crying later in her room that DH doesn't love her and I'm a B. Yet if BM gets her a block of cheese its the best gift ever. I'm not even going to stress over christmas this year.
- porcelian-doll's blog
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She would get absolutely none
She would get absolutely none of that. "not asking for much" bullcrap. That list is like over 1,000 bucks!
Out of curiosity, is this the
Out of curiosity, is this the normal kind of Christmases she has with DH? That list seems pretty ridiculous to me and I can't even see my steps or bios ever expecting that list, but the standard has been set from the beginning. If that is the case with you and the standard is much lower then this is a HUGE problem IMO that DH needs to put the kibosh on! If this is a normal Christmas than what does DH expect?
No she usually has good
No she usually has good christmases but nothing way over the top. I think she heard my dad gave DH and I a few thousand and she thinks its going to be spent on her.
Well, you have every right to
Well, you have every right to be annoyed and pissed then. What did your DH say? He's not really going to get her all that crap is he?
No he said " your going to
No he said " your going to have a great christmas promise" meaning you are going to get what you get and be grateful. He just wanted her to stop crying he hates crying. In her mind she sees dollar signs lol. We will just wait to see her face on christmas and DH explaining to her for the 11 millionth time that christmas isnt about how much stuff you get its about the love and family.
I'm so thankful all SD6 asked
I'm so thankful all SD6 asked for was a bratz doll and a pink bedroom (she wants Santa to come in and paint, if he has time. If not he could just leave her the paint. LOL)
awww QueenBeau. I hope my DD
awww QueenBeau. I hope my DD is that cute and sweet when she is that age. I will trade you one SD14 for her.
LOL no thanks, I have plenty
LOL no thanks, I have plenty of time before SD6 becomes a 14 year old brat & I want to enjoy it.
It's nice because since she asks for so little we always go all out. We are putting a little princess chandelier in her bedroom and painting it pink and torquiose & going to get her a new rug & a few dolls. We may get her a new dresser too as hers is a handme down & it's a nice one so we can put it in our guest room & put a lil white princess-ey one in her room. We are also getting her a new bedding set, probably lalaloopsy or hello kitty or w/e kids like now days. Lol
She will probably die and go to princess heaven when she sees it.
LMFAO! Sounds like Sd13s Xmas
LMFAO! Sounds like Sd13s Xmas list a few years ago. She wanted a Nikon 300, an iTouch, an iPad, a laptop, some Uggs and clothes.
We laughed our asses off and got her the Uggs.
Yeah, this list is ridiculous
Yeah, this list is ridiculous and probably tops $2,000. I would tell her to give that list to her mom and to make a list for you that is reasonable so that there is no shocker when Christmas comes and those items aren't under the tree. You might need to ask her what would make this Xmas special and great... If it is just the items on the list, there is a lot of work you have in store for you. If not, you might get some good ideas for activities that you all can do together.
My SS asked for some ridiculousness a couple of years ago. We laughed hysterically, then told him to give us the real list.
All the best,
A. S. Noraford
Author, Stepfamily Diaries
"My SS asked for some
"My SS asked for some ridiculousness a couple of years ago. We laughed hysterically, then told him to give us the real list." LOL that's what we should have did.
But in seriousness . I liked your bit of advice. Thanks
That is all I got on this
:jawdrop: That is all I got on this one. Except for .... :sick:
rags I could only imagine
rags I could only imagine your reponse if you were my DH. lol.
Okay. I will give it a
Okay. I will give it a try.
"Sweetie ... of course my dear, nothing is too good for MY beautiful daughter. (Then after she hugs him and says Really Daddy? I looooove you soooo much) I would close with - And nothing is exactly what you are going to get after this little display of tearful manipulation and pathetic entitlment expectations. Love ya sweetie. Come on down when you finish crying. Hug, hug. Buh-bye."
All almost woke up my DD
All almost woke up my DD laughing so hard. I needed that laughter. DH needs to take notes.
My DD (now 28) still laughs
My DD (now 28) still laughs about my reaction to some of her over the top Christmas requests. I always just said "You can want whatever you want." And she got whatever was in the budget. On Christmas I would tell her, with enthusiasm, that if she still wanted any of the things she didn't get, she could save her own money toward them.
Never a tear shed -- hers or mine.
woooww...... DH and i are
DH and i are currently dealing with the same type of crap. everything they want is so damn expensive!!! they are each getting one item, and so far are ok with it.
then they get hundreds more to blow from grandparents and such. every other sentence starts with "with my christmas money i'll buy...."
i told DH the other night it's not a christmas tree, it's a kaching tree. *sigh*
sometimes when their "i want's" get too much, he'll say "Want in one hand, and shit in the other- see which one fills up faster."

We have the same SD lol. Mine
We have the same SD lol. Mine is 14 as well and she just pulled the guilt card, you know with it being so close to Christmas , mine is "sad" and "misses her dad" and how he doesn't give her the attention he use to . This is after SHE has decided to not come on her weekends not return calls and text . NOw she is sad tho and putting crazy expensive things on her list .