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BM Calling a few times a day

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Let me start off by saying that a few weeks ago SD overdosed on tylenol she has been over at our place since tuesday. And she seems normal. However, BM calls a few times a day and always calls at 1030- she asks the kids what our place looks like, what they have for dinner, in a previous blog I mentioned about her wanting SOs brownie recipe- to which I told SO how about we put our keys in a bowl and swap partners, she also wants to bring her dog over to meet ours....SO says she is doing this as a form of control. Her kids are 13 & 15 not 5 & 7. It is beyond annoying. Is this typical BM behaviour? And if so why is she behaving like this? She wants to come over and see our place the same women who always needs more CS.. she is nit allowed.


Kes's picture

If the kids have their own phones, it is up to them if they want to talk to their mother, I suppose. But if the calls are to your landline, I would put it on answerphone, and don't return any calls.

As for the dog thing - what barmy planet does she live on? Dream on, BM, you sad cow, ain't going to happen. To answer your questions
1- yes, it is typical BM behaviour for BMs where firm boundaries have not been laid down by your SO. The minute he does this, it will get better.
2 - your SO is right - she wants to retain control over SO, and by extension, over you. It sounds like he and you are heading in the right direction with telling her where to get off. The next stage is just ignore all her attempts at communication over inappropriate issues. Don't even bother to text/email back just to say no. She will start to get the picture.