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SS in jail, grrr freaking grrr *edit to add new info*

amackeral's picture

Its never going to end now...SS is in deep shit now!

Some back story, in October when SS was whining to MIL about his money problems, I suggested to DH that he had to be doing something with his money that he shouldn't be, alcohol or drugs. DH of course wouldn't even believe it, "SS is too smart for that, he went through a 'drugs are bad for you' class in High School and he would never do that", so I dropped it.

DH got a call from one of his friends on Friday asking what's going on with SS.

We haven't seen SS since we celebrated Christmas with all the kids on December 19. He has talked to him a couple times, when we paid off his loan and on the 29th when SS called freaking out that he thought he heard gun shots at a house near him. Both times, DH said SS was talking a hundred miles a minute. I bit my tongue because it wouldn't have done me any good to suggest drugs again.

So back to the phone call, DH asks friend what she means. She says she was on the county jail web sites looking up one of her friends and found SS on there. :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

DH hangs up with his friend and pulls up the site, yep SS mug shot glaring at him, looking totally strung out! Felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Been there since the 30th, had his initial arraignment on the 31st, and preliminary hearing is scheduled for the 13th of January. Bond is set at $5000. Awesome way to spend New Years right?!?

DH is completely shocked and upset of course. Jail doesn't allow in person visitation and we couldn't get ahold of SS's public defender because it was so late on a Friday. All we know is it was meth and that's it. DH mailed a letter to him this morning, we have to go get his shit out of his apartment on Monday and go from there. Hopefully will hear from the public defender on Monday as all.

What a fucking nightmare. SS thought his life was hard before, he just fucked up and made it 500 times harder.

DH thinks it will get dropped to a misdemeanor since it's his first offense, get 6 months in jail but be out in 3 for good behavior and 1-2 years probation. Only thing I have going for me right now is DH has said that he won't be allowed here. Hopefully he doesn't change his mind after SS gets out... I will never allow it. My daughter deserves better, DH will be told to find his own place and SS can move in with him. He already burned that bridge at this house!

Fucking dumbass SS, now I'll never be free of him. DH will bend over even further to make sure the little asshole is taken care of. I definitely see split finances in our very near future /sigh


Crazily, about 30 minutes after I posted this, SS20 called his dad. SS says he's been trying to call but it was coming from a Kentucky number and DH finally answered it...DH won't look at his call history but I know the first time that Kentucky number came up was yesterday after DH asked his friend to talk to one of her friends in there, get word to SS to call his dad.

Long story short SS says it wasn't his, that a friend borrowed his coat and he didn't know it was in the pocket. He and a friend got pulled over and searched. SS got arrested. Course it wasn't his, that's why he looked totally fucking strung out in that picture.

But as soon as DH said this, I told him he better not even THINK about changing his mind, that SS will not live here. I will not give up my daughter for his POS son. He says he won't but he didn't say it very convincingly!


oneoffour's picture

My SSon was picked up with 2 Adderall tablets and a MJ stem and electronic scale. He got drug court and it was 2 long years of halfway houses etc to get him on the right path again. He is still a work in progress but at least there is progress in a positive direction.

Meth is different again. I hope for his sake it is not reduced to a misdemeanor. And DH is likely to broach the subject of his son living with you. BE prepared to move out and away.

amackeral's picture

Oh no, house is in my name. DH will be the one to move out, I'm not giving up my house!

Crazily, about 30 minutes after I posted this, SS called his dad. SS says he's been trying to call but it was coming from a Kentucky number and DH finally answered it...DH won't look at his call history but I know the first time that Kentucky number came up was yesterday after DH asked his friend to talk to one of her friends in there, get word to SS to call his dad.

Long story short SS says it wasn't his, that a friend borrowed his coat and he didn't know it was in the pocket. He and a friend got pulled over and searched. SS got arrested. Course it wasn't his, that's why he looked totally fucking strung out in that picture.

But as soon as DH said this, I told him he better not even THINK about changing his mind, that SS will not live here. I will not give up my daughter for his POS son. He says he won't but he didn't say it very convincingly!

oneoffour's picture

And of course his 'friend' didn't step forward and say "Officer, that is mine. I borrowed his coat and left it in the pocket. He knows nothing about it..." If nothing else this is a lesson in his taste of friends.

hereiam's picture

Well, I carry my own drugs but I'm selfish that way. Don't want no one smokin' what's mine!

Of course, after going to his apartment and finding all the drug paraphernalia, I think the "it's not mine" defense is on shaky ground.

karenemoy's picture

My SS23 drug of choice is herion. Been arrested a couple of times - only know this because we get the letters with the court dates. Have not seen him in over 2 years.

Deal breaker for me him moving back in us - you think I would leave a drug addict in the house while we are both at work.

Just very sad - kid was handed everything.