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3rd contact with SS20 (from jail), and SS's public defender

amackeral's picture

Reading everyone's notes is a bit scary to me. I know Meth is bad, and I know it ruins lives...but I guess it is just now hitting me how bad he could be.

I'm still sticking by my decision that if DH offers/asks for SS to move in with us, I'll tell him he's welcome to move out so SS can move in with him. I can't trust him in my home, and I especially don't want him around me or my daughter. I won't be forced to play nice with the little puke, and I don't want a recovering junkie in my home, EVER. He won't be welcome to visit here either. If DH wants to see him, he can meet him somewhere.

SS20 called his dad last night asking if he was going to be in court on Monday. I hate taking a day off work due to skids, but I have to be there to make sure DH doesn't offer to let SS move in with us or agree to be responsible for SS when he gets out. I can't protect myself if I don't go.

BM texted DH this morning saying SS is making her power of attorney. Good, let him move in with her then! Although I'm sure he won't, he hates his SF. SF is very mentally and verbally abusive to SS. Previous SF was physically abusive to SS when he was VERY little, but SS was allowed to use that as an excuse for his crappy attitude until I came along. BM never protected SS, and I'm sure that's part of why SS is where he is. He was allowed to be the victim, never made to go to counseling to deal with his past, and his feelings...hates the world. No one ever helped him to become a productive member of society, never taught him anything.

So back to the call. DH tells him yes he'll be there, DH tells me I don't have to be but I tell him this is affecting my life currently too, I'll be there. SS asked his dad about his laptop, DH tells him we didn't find a laptop when he cleaned his room. SS says his dirtbag "friend" must have taken it then. SS's roommate did say something about he thought someone had been in the apartment on Friday while he was at work, that's probably who I'd guess.

DH did talk to BM about the bike and she confirmed the story, she did help SS buy it from Walmart, so at least that's one less thing I have to worry about. DH was pretty pissed at me for assuming straight off that it was stolen but tough, I don't trust him, never have. And with drugs, anything is possible.

SS has some deluded ideas in his head that he'll be getting out before Monday. Uhm, you won't be going anywhere. You have a felony against you right now, you're staying right where you are, whether you like it or not. DH has talked to some friends of his that recently got out of jail (yes, he has great friends right) and they think the judge SS got will not be lenient just because it's his first offense. Meth charges are big time here right now they say. Good I say, throw the book at him, the biggest one they can! If he doesn't come clean (and stay clean), he's just going to go back to his same loser friends and start using again.

DH tried to contact SS's public defender again today. Secretary took all of DH's info, said the public defender was in the office, put him on hold...and then got transferred to her voicemail. I had told him that she likely wouldn't talk to him, since SS20 is an adult but he is adamant that he needs to talk to her. Needs to know what the cops have on SS, what she thinks is going to happen, etc. Poor DH, still trying to safe SS from the world.

I did tell DH that roommate said SS has been sleeping around, and should get tested for diseases...but I left out the "Sleeping with men" part, because I don't feel it's up to me to out him. That's something too personal, that only SS can decide when/if he feels comfortable telling his dad.

So far DH hasn't blamed the roommate for anything. He knows the roommate and knows this kid is a good kid. SS has confirmed a name that roommate told us as one of the "bad news bears" that SS has been running around with, and SS is sure that is who stole his laptop. I have no sympathy, he chose his friends after DH told him this summer that he needs to choose better friends. He made his choices, now he has to live with them!


amackeral's picture

Bond is $5000 and we definitely do not have the means to bail him out. And thankfully, so far, DH has said he won't be spending any money to bail him out or give him any money when he gets out.

We just paid off a Money Tree loan for him, $370, and I insisted at that time that we go directly to Money Tree, cash would not be given to SS. DH agreed.

SO FAR, we're on the same side about how we should and shouldn't support SS when he gets out. I worry that as a parent, DH will change his mind when SS finally does get out and DH realizes that SS has no money and no where to live...

DaizyDuke's picture

Geesh, I see my SS14 heading down this same road. BM2 makes every excuse in the book for him... here are some of her gems:

SS14 failed 8th grade and had to go to summer school: BM says she thinks he has ADD. Now being a PT waitress I have no idea how she has the qualifications to diagnosis this and given that fact, I also have no idea why she has never taken him to a REAL MD to be properly diagnosed if she thinks SS has ADD and it's affecting his studies.

SS14 got caught smoking cigarettes last year: BM says it's all DH fault because he smokes.

SS14 got caught shoplifting 2 years ago: BM says it's all SS friends fault

SS14 got caught at a drinking party last year on his 14th birthday: BM says it's all SS brother's fault for taking SS

BM told DH that she started giving SS condoms when he was 11. Apparently that is just being a good, "involved" mother.

SS has been smoking pot and doing God knows what other drugs for at least two years now: BM says he's just a "normal" teenager", everything is DHs fault, everything is Daizys fault, everything is ANYBODYs fault EXCEPT for SS14. Nope, the kid must not have a brain in his head, must not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

amackeral's picture

Wow yeah when does anything become SS's fault for the decisions he makes? Or BM's fault for not giving him consequences for those bad decisions? Just blames them on others and let's SS off scott free?

I feel for you if he does go down the path of drugs harder than pot. I KNEW SS20 was doing pot when he lived with us last. I could smell it but could never find it...I think he had it in the heat vent but I have a serious fear of spiders and no way in hell was I sticking my hand down there! lol

DH being the friend he is, instead of being a father, just blew it off since I couldn't prove it. I have to keep telling myself "not my kid, not my problem". I can only do what's best for myself and my daughter when it comes to the end of the day.

DaizyDuke's picture

I guess that is my fear, SS has been smoking pot (proven) for at least a year, I'm assuming probably more. So I am also assuming that he has already experimented with other drugs or will be soon.

BM2 is custodial so even though DH has tried to be the hard ass (taking phone away, making SS do hard labor when with us, etc) SS just goes back to BM and she coddles him and makes excuses and allows him to not talk to DH for months by refusing to answer her phone or return messages and bam... SS has zero consequences and all the "fun" It's maddening.

I just posted the other day about how DH has said he is done with SS until SS can shape up, because it's like beating his head against a brick wall. Some people said my DH is a jerk and horrible parent for saying this, but walk a mile in our shoes... ya know?