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working at it

Step mad's picture

Just need some advise, as we all know our teens know more than we do. Biggrin . My ss15 is no exception. his knowledge of the universe and all that's in it is amazing!!!!!.ha ha, I've already become used to all the advice that we get from him. Should I say anything to stop him from constantly correcting his mother every time she says two words. He will not correct me, but he controls her. Thoughts?


furkidsforme's picture

I would say something. That's fucking irritating, no offense. I can't STAND people who correct others. It is rude and unnecessary. My rule is unless a person or animal will be injured or suffer any kind of harm from the misstatement it should NEVER be corrected.

Example of OK scenario- Mom: "Fluffy gets 2 1/2 pills once a day" SS: "No, Fluffy gets a half pill twice a day." That is necessary.

Example of NOT OK scenario- Mom: "And then fifteen of us all walked into the church and..." SS: "There weren't 15 of you, there was only 9". NO OK.

Tell SS to stop being a dick.

luchay's picture

Yep - talk to mum first and see what HER tactic for dealing with it is.

You are right ALL teens do it, they think they know everything and we are so ignorant and last century - even my 11yo has this attitude - sometimes I just let it slip on by with a "really? I'll mayby try that!" and go on my merry way and other times I have some fun with it....

SD13 told me a year or so ago "wearing foundation gives you pimples!" I let her believe that (BM told her so it must be true) Now she is allowed to wear foundation and doesn't clean her make-up off at all, I have sat her down and taught her that wearing foundation does not give you pimples, however NOT cleaning make up off your face EVERY night before bed and not washing your face in the morning WILL give you pimples.

So, it depends on what the issues they are spouting off about are. Is it a big deal, what does mum think etc.

Goincrazy40's picture

Here is a GREAT one from my 12 yo SD (and this totally came from BM, so she didn't have to buy said item for SD): MY skin is NATURALLY soft, so I don't NEED moisturizer. Moisturizer and lotions would JUST dry it out!


SD does NOT have soft skin. If anything, her poor skin is very dry and rough. But you can't tell her any differently now, because she KNOWS this. BM drilled this into SD's head because she is a cheap asshole and never wanted to buy her kid's any necessities like conditioner (and SD has hair almost to her butt).

I am sure as SD starts to turn the corner to teenager - she is still more little girl right now, this attitude will change.

DarkStar's picture

I did not correct SS9 when he said, "Bees are Steelers fans, right?"

I very solumnly said, "Yes, SS9, they are."