Adult SD empties nose and bladder in shower
And uses master bath as though it were her own... Now, in some parts of the country, where H2O is in short supply perhaps this is common practice?? HowEVER...I am not "native" to this area and where I come from, near one of the greatest lakes of all, this is gross. Oh, I forgot to mention that where I come from, using someone els's master bath is rude, and yes, I WAS raised on a farm!!! Now, since they have both moved to other states I choose to pick my battles and let this go...sort of...I obsess and regress when something like a fricken visit from the offender triggers my last nerve. Yes, the princess's feet will be touching down on holy ground at any moment, now (I.e. She is flying in for a three week vacation, 3 mo old baby in tow, one that she can not afford so DH paid for princess's ticket). Hoping her 459 Facebook friends are all standing in line to see the new blessed arrival. I am also hoping her high maintenance MIL insists she stay there for several days, follow that by a stay at BM and step dad that she hates. And I informed DH in a very sweet way that it would be best if I not do any cooking...either he cook or we eat out (his dime). She has a bad track record for not liking my cooking. My friends and family like it and so does DH so it really can't be that bad, even if it is not like golden BM's cooking (mine doesn't come from a sorry SD, did not mean to disrupt your delicate and royal innerds...)
And no, SD, I do not want to hold your baby.
Gee, how on earth am I going to make it through 3 weeks faking like I care in order to keep peace in my marriage, which is not bad until the over indulged SD's are around? This is Disney Daddistry at its finest.
Thanks for listening to me vent. I can do this! Go me!!
PS. SD hates bugs and since she is the only one likely to use garden bath (we never use due to water conservation) I power cleaned master except tub. I threw a few dead box elders bugs in there and DH hasn't noticed so I think it's gonna fly! Ggggggg.... Yes, I can be a $hit just like the rest!
- Silent River's blog
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Love the bugs! You got
Love the bugs! You got this!
But, darn, it's too bad you'll be so busy (you know, getting your nails done, out with your girlfriends, cheering on drying paint) while SD is here! What bad luck!
You got that right!
You got that right!
Can't remember how the
Can't remember how the conversation came up.. Thinking it had to do with the show "baggage" and a contestant revealed her "baggage" was peeing in shower? Icky. Anyway, let's just say SD was proud to admit hers and added the part about holding a nostril to clear nose, as well...yuck :jawdrop:
I had a boyfriend do this at
I had a boyfriend do this at my house once (strong odor of urine when i used the shower immediately after him), that relationship didn't last much longer.
Unfortunately my husband also does this and taught his daughter
that it is ok to urinate in the shower too. I find it repulsive on all accounts, but worry in particular about a girl (sexist I'm sure) doing it and believing it is acceptable and normal. I think I told her one day that I thought it was gross and I have noticed that she is going a little more often before she gets in the shower, hopefully it will stick. I've no chance with my husband though. I just choose to try to forget about it and ignore it, if I don't see it, it can't harm me. Fortunately I haven't noticed any signs (odors) that he does it.
With your step daughter being an adult I doubt you can change her behavior, beyond perhaps a major public embarrassment by making it known to her family/friends. But it could make you look like the bad guy. Perhaps even a private conversation with her would embarrass her enough where you (or your husband) tells her that it isn't acceptable in your household and ask her to use the toilet provided for urinating and that if she genuinely has balder control issues could she please ensure that she washes down the shower thoroughly afterwards. Also make it clear that your bathroom is private and out of bounds to guests.
Lol, I've been known to pull
Lol, I've been known to pull a few passive-aggressive moves in my time. No reason why she should be using your tub anyway. How strange. I would never go into somebody else's master bath and use that tub/shower over the guest facilities. Seems pretty invasive of your personal space.
WOooWeee, just made it
WOooWeee, just made it through day one w/o an SD sighting. Let the countdown begin. Today's FB posting of the day, "I've got your back, trust me. God"
I am glad someone does because I know DH does not!
You do got this. Strange how
You do got this. Strange how similar our stories on this sight are. LOVE the bug idea. Also, I NEVER cook anymore. It isn't that the SD's don't like our cooking, it's a game they have to act like they don't. I made my SD17 a gluten free cookie cake for her birthday to show off for SO. She requested a cookie cake and thought it was coming from the mall, so double my pleasure. My bios and SO loved it, but she sniffed (literally turned up her nose after a couple bites). She is the greatest actor on the planet. I didn't care and got brownie points from paired down Disney dad. PS. Her lunch out sucked because she and I fought about her mom screaming at us in the parking lot after SD's choral concert and of course SD defended her tooth and nail. I mentioned we weren't coming to her art show if BM was there, so that's where she started. Who cares. Keep her OUT of your room and OUT of your personal bath space. EEEEEWWW.
OHMYGOSH! Your Birthday
OHMYGOSH! Your Birthday story! I did something similar last year. It was her 23rd but she has health issues and was avoiding glutin and sugar. In an "attempt" to make her Birthday dreams all come through I went to Whole Foods with DH to see if we could find some Birthday cupcakes for her since she could not eat the cake that was purchased for party. DH was clueless and of little help on her exact dietary issues so I asked help and the store litteraly gave us a freeby since he was unsure it was the right ingredient deck for her delicate royal body...
Turns out all they had was gluten free, not sugar free so we got it. She had a huge fit over the sugar (vs. politely stating she could have not sugar but would let others try the cupcakes). Anyway, a month later she was at our house and she wanted her dad to cook her some noodle crap from a box, total glutin, total crap! It was ok to deviat from her diet when DH cooked it.
THEN she was camping with us and I picked up cheese filled hot dogs cause may family loves them. I thought it would be a fun treat. NOT. She rolled her eyes and sarcasticly said "Do THESE have CHEESE in them????" I counted her eating five. Grrrrrr...
That was the last straw. She does not have permission to eat anything I cook. DH can handle it all for his kids. I am on perma strike.