How were you as a teenager?
Okay so we are always bitching on here about what a bunch of morons our teenage skids are.
I know I can be totally judgemental about some of the stuff the skids do, even though I did somewhat similar things. I guess with age you just get to see how stupid it is. LOL.
So I'm curious as a teenager did you do any of the following:
Do Drugs
Have Sex
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex)
Sneak out of the house
Stay out past curfew
Smoke cigs
Lie to your parents
Skip school
Take lots of pictures of yourself
Have a job
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities
Answer as much or as little......Maybe even give a summary of how you were as a teenager...
How you were as a teenager, how has that affected your life now as an adult?
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Drink- occationally Do drugs-
Drink- occationally
Do drugs- tried, did not like
Have sex- yes, safely.
Expiriment with non traditional sex: no
Steal: no
sneak out of the house: no (fear of father prevented that)
Stay out past curfew: only once when dates car legit broke down, was still grounded.
Smoke: yes. With parental concent.
Lie to my parents. I tried. Sucked at it... got busted every-fricken-time
Skip school: no
Selfies: no
Have a job: yes
Extra C's: yes.
I did just about everything
I did just about everything on that list:
Do Drugs
Have Sex
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) - NO
Sneak out of the house
Stay out past curfew
Smoke cigs
Lie to your parents
Skip school
Take lots of pictures of yourself - NO
Have a job
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities
My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma when I was 15; both of my parents died when I was 16 .. so my teen years were probably less than "typical".
I was not excessive in any one area, except working. That's pretty much all I did once I hit 16 and got dumped into an abusive foster care home.
I had a brother 5 years older who exposed me early to drinking, drugs (pot only), cigs, etc. The rest was mischievous but mostly innocent stuff. I wasn't robbing stores at gunpoint, but I'd pocket a nail polish or something dumb to impress my friends on occasion.
And when I snuck out, I went to the park at the end of our street .. usually to clear my head and get away from the sounds of all the machines hooked up to my mom.
(((HUGS))) Sorry to hear
(((HUGS))) Sorry to hear about your parents.
Thanks .. that was a very
Thanks .. that was a very long time ago.
OMG, I'm sorry your childhood
OMG, I'm sorry your childhood was so difficult. You must be a reeeaaallly strong person now.
Ha, yeah you'd think so huh?
Ha, yeah you'd think so huh?
I accomplished a lot, very early in my life. I was a very driven, motivated youth; graduated college a year early; completed my MBA in a year. Was the youngest licensed CPA in my firm when I started full time (had been working full-time as an intern for 2 years by then). I was also caring for my little sister (1yr younger than me), who turned up pregnant when I was 20. So I raised my nephew (and then my second nephew 2 years later) for a total of about 5 years, until she was up and on her feet.
I was promoted quickly, got married to a great guy, bought a great house, etc.
Then realized all I ever wanted was the simplicity of the life I had growing up. This was accentuated when my sister got married and moved out of my home. Probably a touch of empty nest syndrome. I just wanted less stuff, more family, more love.
And that epiphany changed my life. People who know me today are typically shocked to hear those things of my past. But I've never been happier
Oh I completely understand.
Oh I completely understand. It's the simple things that make me happy too. I hate how materialistic our world has become.
I hope this cannot be
I hope this cannot be incriminating!!
Drink - yes
Do Drugs - just pot
Have Sex - once, not regularly until I was about 18
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) - no
Steal - a pack of gum when I was little & mom made me take it back - sooo embarassing!
Sneak out of the house - no
Stay out past curfew - no
Smoke cigs - yes, unfortunately still do a little
Lie to your parents - oh yeah
Skip school - oh yeah
Take lots of pictures of yourself - never
Have a job - always since 15
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities - few
Drink- Yes sometimes more
Drink- Yes sometimes more often then others....
Do Drugs- yes everyone smoked pot
Have Sex- yes- safely for the most part... I had a serious BF most of my teenage years
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex)- NO
Steal- Make up once... I felt guilty about it...
Sneak out of the house- I didnt really have to or want to. My mom was pretty lienent.
Stay out past curfew- didnt really have one
Smoke cigs- yes and my mom knew
Lie to your parents- I'm sure here and there but nothing serious
Skip school- 1 time and got busted and had to do Saturday school... BUT I was able to call myself off school and have "my mom" send in a note, which was really my older sister who wrote the note for me.... I graduated early and I still had to go to Saturday school to make up my time..
Take lots of pictures of yourself- No... but sometimes my friends and I would dress up and "model" but it was alwasy cheesy and nothing sexy
Have a job- Yes I babysat 3 nights a week and had a full time job in the summer
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities- yes- FHA (Future Homemakers of America) LOL
I grew up in a small town where there wasn't much to do. I also grew up with a parent that was busy working and kind of enjoying her own freedom. My mom and SD divorced when I was 12 so right into my teen years my mom was kind of "absent" doing her own thing. And it was the same for a lot of my friends parents as well. Single moms working and then doing their own thing.
I did a lot of crazy stuff but I was always the most responsible out of my group of friends. The "mother" the level headed one.
Honestly by the time I went to college, I had already "been there, done that" so I was able to focus on school and not waste away my college time with my new found freedom. I am kind of happy it worked out that way.
I love to think back about all the crazy stuff we did and how much fun it was. My life now is very chill and can be boring and at least I have good stories to share!
zerostepdrama, Everything you
Everything you said after answering the last question is so similar to how things were for me!
I was like the little girl
I was like the little girl with the curl.. when I was good I was very, very good, but when I was bad???? LOL
I was honor roll until high school, then my grades slid to 70s and 80s. I didn't care as long as I was passing. I rarely missed school though. My Sr. year, I can remember skipping a couple of times, but that was it. I'm lucky that I was not a teen mom, because I started having sex my Jr. year and was SUPER careless about it! My best friends parents were way less strict than mine and would actually drop us off at parties, buy alcohol for us (I know! GASP!) so I would just spend every weekend at my friends house. I actually had a HUGE party at my house one year when my parents went out of town for the weekend. I tried my best to clean the house etc afterwards, but someone stole a bunch of stuff (no hiding that!) and so I got busted. I got suspended for a week my Sr. year for drinking before a school dance (with at least 50 other people.. of course only 6 of us got caught) ... Never did drugs and never yes, I had some "horrid" teenage moments BUT
I played sports at school and I had a horse that I kept at the neighbors place. I got up every morning before school and fed my horse as well as 5 others and cleaned their stalls, water etc. I would usually try to ride my horse after school/sports on weeknights and then would do horse shows on the weekends. In addition to ALL that, I got a job at the mall the second I turned 16 and worked my tail off. I NEVER called in sick, and was always the go to person when they needed someone to come in. I would beg for as many hours as I could get. I kept that same job for 3 years. My parents bought my first car, but I paid insurance, gas, etc and NEVER asked my mom for money.
I would say I was a typical teen...
I think I really developed my drive and work ethic that I have now, as a teen, and am so thankful that I had good role models for parents. My mom retired from her job last year after 43 years at the same place. My dad is TWICE retired (law enforcement) so I think that definitely helped.
Lol, 'the little girl with
Lol, 'the little girl with the curl'. Hehe.
I was pretty stubborn and
I was pretty stubborn and independent. I was grounded all the damn time for blowing off curfew. And I did just about everything else on the list too. (Didn't steal, didn't skip school, didn't really have sex until mid-college, didn't take a lot of pictures of myself.)
BUT I was a good student, have had a job since I was 16, and participated in extracurriculars (leadership roles in a couple of clubs). It's not on the list, but I had chores around the house too.
My parents had their hands full with me for sure, but I think I was basically a good kid. Just a typical teenager with no sense. I am grateful that my parents provided structure and guidance, although I rebelled mightily against it.
I did anything I wanted to do
I did anything I wanted to do but knew how to stay off of adult radars. As long as I had a part time job and good grades, no one ever questioned me.
Drink. YES
Do Drugs. YES
Have Sex. YES
Experimental sex (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) YES
Steal. NO
Sneak out of the house. YES
Stay out past curfew NO
Smoke cigs YES
Lie to your parents YES
Skip school YES
Take lots of pictures of yourself NO
Have a job. YES
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities. Yes
I would recommend to all teens to just stay off the radar. It's simple and it works.
EXACTLY! The "bad" stuff I
EXACTLY! The "bad" stuff I did? my parents only knew about 1% of.... I knew enough to stay off the radar
Drink - No Do Drugs - No. I
Drink - No
Do Drugs - No. I have never done any drugs, of any sort!
Have Sex - Yes (and then went home and told my parents! Hey!! They were very communicative about these things with 3 teens in the house at once!)
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) - No
Steal - Yes
Sneak out of the house - Hell no.
Stay out past curfew - Once.
Smoke cigs - Eww. No (LOL!)
Lie to your parents - Yes
Skip school - Yes
Take lots of pictures of yourself - No
Have a job - Yes
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities - Yes
All in all, I wasn't too troublesome a kid...however when I complain about BS14 my dad chuckles and asks if I remember how often he was at the junior high when I was that age. :shrug:
I was a pretty good kid, but
I was a pretty good kid, but my parents were much harder on me than my siblings (who were wild).
Drink- NO
Do Drugs- NO
Have Sex- With a serious boyfriend VERY safely
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex)- NO
Sneak out of the house-NO
Stay out past curfew-NO
Smoke cigs-NO
Lie to your parents- Occasionally I'm sure
Skip school- NO
Take lots of pictures of yourself- NO
Have a job-Yes, I worked a lot!
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities- Yes, leader of all of them.
I also started college early, got great grades and was pretty independent. I'm pretty much the same way now, and my sibs who got away with a lot more than I could ever dream, still rely on my parents a lot more than I do. I guess I should thank them for being more strict with me.
I was a very independent
I was a very independent (read: headstrong and willful) teen. I did everything on the list except steal- BUT I worked since the day I turned 14, got straight As, participated in extracurriculars, and graduated from one of the best high schools in NYC with a 4.0.
My mom didn't know how to handle me - I never had a curfew and pretty much did what I wanted, but I was always responsible about school and grades.
I'd cut my skids so much more slack if they cared about anything, and invested effort into anything other than video games and whining.
Drink- first drink at 16, and
Drink- first drink at 16, and wow, did I drink a lot from then right into my mid twenties lol!
Do Drugs- tried pot at 16, didn't really like it
Have Sex- first kiss at 16, first had safe sex with steady boyfriend at 18
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex)- at 18, I kissed a friend of mine who was a girl when we were drunk! but nothing further than that!
Steal- at 16, a stupid plastic keyring to impress a friend
Sneak out of the house- never
Stay out past curfew- sometimes, but I'd always call to let mom know I'd be late
Smoke cigs- yes, still do :/
Lie to your parents- yes, but not about big stuff, more like "oh those cigarettes are Ashley's, I'm hanging onto them for her, as her parents don't know she smokes. (and yes my mom believed me lol)
Skip school- neeeverrr
Take lots of pictures of yourself- no
Have a job- yes, from 16 onwards
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities- no
I was mainly a good kid, I was rude to my mom quite a lot, (teenage impatience) but in general I was pretty good. I liked baking and doing my homework right, and generally behaved myself quite well really! Didn't give her half the headaches my friends gave their parents, lol!
Drink - Yes, little not
Drink - Yes, little not much
Do Drugs - not until I moved out at 18
Have Sex - about 20
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) - NO
Steal - stupid small stuff when I was very young
Sneak out of the house - not at my parents, only at friends
Stay out past curfew - Only once
Smoke cigs - yes, older sibs helped out
Lie to your parents - of course
Skip school - all the time
Take lots of pictures of yourself - NO
Have a job - yes at 16
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities - NO
Drink: Yes. A lot. My
Drink: Yes. A lot. My boyfriend (became first husband was older so getting alcohol wasn't a problem.)
Do Drugs: No
Have Sex: Yes. Boyfriend that became first husband was allowed to sleep in my room with me.
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) No
Steal No
Sneak out of the house Yes
Stay out past curfew: Didn't have one.
Smoke cigs: Yes, sometimes
Lie to your parents: Yes, occasionally
Skip school: Not really until my senior year.
Take lots of pictures of yourself: No. Cell phones didn't exist and we couldn't afford a camera.
Have a job: Since I was 14
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities: Yes, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Band, Jazz Lab, Tri-Hi-Y, etc. Graduated 8th in my class.
My parents divorced when I was 14. My dad always cheated on my mom. He cheated with one of my high school teachers. He was the principal. Small town. You get the picture. Everyone knows everyone's business. My mom "checked out". She was depressed and hurt. She did the bare minimum but she was supportive for me. I didn't have any rules other than don't get arrested. I made good grades, got scholarships, etc. I didn't push it too far but maybe that's because I knew there wouldn't be anyone to rescue me??
Made me be a completely different mom. I am super involved and supportive of my kids but realistic as hell. I know what I did! I know what teenage kids can do and today the options are even scarier! My boys know how to take care of themselves, aren't spoiled, don't expect the world to be handed to them, but they know 100% that mom is there for them. About anything. Had an in-depth discussion with BS15 two days ago about condoms. Told him if he needed them just let me know. I will buy them by the boxload but think good and hard about having sex. Think good and hard about drinking, drugs, etc. My sons and I have some incredibly honest conversations. And I punish fairly. My BS21 was arrested once. He heard the riot act from me. He got a shit ton of lectures, had to pay his own fines, but I was there for him in court, at the probation officer's meeting, etc. His dad? Wouldn't speak to him.
I was a living nightmare for
I was a living nightmare for my mom. Yes I was a SD but I treated my own BM like SD's treat their Sm's but worse. I was so mad at my mom over her taking us away from our dad, being yelled at every night by her or my step dad though she put my step dad up it usually, him and I got along pretty good when my mom was gone, I grew up in fear and was smack by my mom several times so I started smacking others around at age 6. To this day my mom tells me that she hated me the day I turned 13 up until when I was of age. I really don't want to admit all I have done bc I'm not like that any more and don't want to be judged for past actions that I not only can't take back but actions that I will never do again.
Drink- no I didn't like the taste of booze.
Do Drugs- pot and cocaine (cocaine only a couple times)
Have Sex- yes
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex)-yes
Steal- yes
Sneak out of the house- yes and very often
Stay out past curfew- yes
Smoke cigs- started smoking at 16 yo
Lie to your parents- yes all the time
Skip school- yes
Take lots of pictures of yourself- haha no
Have a job- started work at 15 yo
Participate in sports/extra circular activities- no and my above answers were mostly no until I was yanked from gymnastics...
I remember asking my mom if I could go drive the car (16 yo then) and she said "NO". I repeated the same question until she replied with "Fine go do what you want, you will anyways!!!" and than I hugged and kissed her saying thank you and goodbye. I had no permit or drivers license and was being stupid and selfish only worried about getting what I wanted and feeling a sense of control.
I went to the freeway and taught myself how to drive. Fortunately there were no accidents caused by me and I didn't hurt/kill anyone in doing so. My mom should have turned me in bc it was putting others in danger. As for the bigger things I did wrong, I somehow didn't get caught until I came clean and reported it myself. I only reported it bc one of my brothers was planning on taking his life. Cops arrived in time to see him walking down the hallway home alone with a loaded shotgun and he was in a crazy state of mind. I was 13 and he was 15 then.
Wow I'm rambling on here...this feels healthy talking about it now and its fine by me that the whole world can read it but I can only hope that some parent out there will realize that kids do and will mess up, they need to be corrected before someone gets hurt or killed. Kids of divorce is only an excuse to NOT put effort into parenting... Parents, my mom thought she was cutting me slack bc my real dad wasn't in the picture YADA YADA YADA but her ideas only backfired. And you got to correct your kids starting when they are young no matter what.
P.S. if they don't hate you at some point, you are NOT doing your job right.
I was also pretty wild. But
I was also pretty wild. But very responsible with grades and work.
I've had a regular job since the ripe age of 12, so while I did everything my friends did and maybe more because I had more money and means, I was always hard-working and graduated early from one of the best schools in Brazil and got into one of the best universities in Rio.
Like someone said above, I stayed mostly off the radar and only got caught about 1% of the times.
Drink- yes
Do Drugs- pot, mostly, but I tried other stuff too
Have Sex- yes, safe sex at the time meant not getting pregnant. That was before AIDS. I had steady boyfriends most of my teenage years, usually older guys
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex)- no
Steal- yes Sad
Sneak out of the house- no. I'd just lie and say I was going to sleep at a friend's
Stay out past curfew- see above
Smoke cigs- no. didn't like the smell
Lie to your parents- yes all the time
Skip school- yes
Take lots of pictures of yourself- no
Have a job- started work at 12 yo
Participate in sports/extra circular activities- yes, I was a swimmer and a synchronized swimmer. I also had a band (played bass guitar and sang), painted and dabbled in photography
Driving age in Brazil is 18, but I bought a car at 17 with my BF. I did lots of stuff I REALLY hope my kids don't do, but paradoxically I was a good kid. I respected people and fulfilled my obligations.
Drink-on occasion but not
Drink-on occasion but not regularly
Do Drugs-no
Have Sex-no(waited till I met my husband to be at that time)
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex- oh gawd no
Sneak out of the house-no
Stay out past curfew-yes
Smoke cigs-no but I smoke now though
Lie to your parents-yes but not about anything too serious
Skip school-no
Take lots of pictures of yourself-hell no
Have a job-yes
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities-yes
Drink - Shandies and wine
Drink - Shandies and wine spritzers on special occasions and always with my parents present.
Do Drugs - Nope. Never. Had plenty of opportunities though....
Have Sex - Does the "Palmela sisters" count?
Experimental sexual relations (same sex, crazy sex, group sex) - Good lord no. If you asked me as a teen if I had any experimental sexual relations, I would think you were talking about some perverse chemistry lab experiment.
Steal - No.
Sneak out of the house - Oh yes! Especially on weekends! I remember making plans with my friends for a Saturday afternoon and my folks said "Oh no you're not! We're digging a ditch this weekend!". From then on I would purposely get up at 6am on Saturday mornings, write a note and leave for the whole day. Mom and Dad were pissed and when I came back I would act all dumb and say "But I left you a note!"
Stay out past curfew - Never really had a curfew. I was always back home by supper time so my parents never imposed one on me.
Smoke cigs - Yuck! No. I never undersood the pleasure of smoking cigarettes. I tried it once and it just never appealed to me
Lie to your parents - Yup, but I was never stupid about it. If I felt I had to lie, I would just make sure to cover it up and there be no blow-back. It worked most of the time.
Skip school - No. I went to a private school, so skipping school wasn't an option.
Take lots of pictures of yourself - You mean like "selfies"? Considering portable phones were the size of bricks in my day, I would say no.
Have a job - Yes. Lifeguard/swimming instructor. Best job I ever had.
Particpate in sports/extracircular activities - Yes. Swimming and the School Play.