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So we were hotlined.....By BM i am sure

spittenfire's picture

Well I guess the retaliation of trying to make sure someone that is with an abuser is safe it that you get hotlined. Yep watching The Voice last night and get a knock on the door. It is a caseworker from the Childrens division. We invited her in thinking finally someone was doing a home visit with us since SS has been placed with us for his BMs safety plan. Nope.....she wanted to discuss a report that was made against us. :jawdrop:

Literally the list of accusations could have been out of a "Signs of Child Abuse" chapter! They were ridiculous and some were very obviously able to be shown to be absolutley false. We have no doubt it was BM. But what is really disturbing is what they reported that SS has done. He is 9. The "reporter" stated that this weekend SS asked "Unnamed Cousin 18" to have sex with him and give him a bj.....really!! Does she not realize how easily that is going to be refuted!! One call to "Unnamed Cousin 18" and they are gonna be able to see that it is complete bs. Also we make him sleep in a nice that she got to see his room and him falling asleep in his bed!

Absolute harrassment. Come to find out if a case worker has found all allegations to be unsubstantiated they can then look for harrassment indicators and pull the tape of the hotline and send a harrasment referral letter to the prosecuting attorney. So I will talk to the caseworker today and tell her we want this done. This will also allow the record and all identifying information to be destroyed within 45 days of the case being closed.

And how convient on the timing just a 2 days from the restraining order hearing against her boyfriend. Sorry your play didnt work BM....if anything it shows that we are a stable loving environment, and when they contact the school, they are going to find out the dramatic for the better change that SS has made in the 3 weeks since living with us. We are not going to breathe a word of this and then when they try to use it in court against DH it will show that they were the ones that made the false report because the caseworker can not say anything to anyone about it. So they would have no possible way to know otherwise }:)

God please give me strength to get through this!!


spittenfire's picture

Yeah it is ludricous! DH never responded to her request to pay child support. He takes the total hands off approach when dealing with BM. So I am sure that is what escalated her.