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Trying to concive: the been there before DH

SisterNeko's picture

DH and I are TTC and have been for over a year now and I am getting tired of DH's 'I know what I am doing/talking about' attitude toward pregnancy and infants, having 2 kids doesn't make him the expert especially when it was 7 years ago and BM barely involved him dispite them being married.

I am also sick of every time we have a little disagreement he says "we'll talk about it when you actually get pregnant". I agree with that logic to a point but maybe there is a reason that it's not happeneing... Fate/god/nature whatever you chose to believe in realizes that we aren't on the same page.

The most recent fights cover serious topics like circumsisoin, midwife/home birth vs hospital, and natural birth vs c-section. And stupid things from car seats and shopping carts to over use of electronics by toddlers.

I am not even taking the stance of one is right or wrong. I just am pointing out that there are options, it's not black and white any more. WE should research this stuff! And why not do it now while we are waiting?

But I just get 'well BM did it this way' or 'this is what happened with BM/ss6/ss8'. I am not BM and this won't be ss6/ss8.

Ugh so frustrated!


furkidsforme's picture

I totally disagree. The time to be discussing these things is BEFORE she is pregnant. What if the wife wants a circumcision and the husband feels strongly no? What if mom is an anti-vaccer and Dad is firmly pro-vaccine? Once the bun is in the oven is NOT the time to find out the two of you are speaking different languages.