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I told him and he's pissed

rainbow bright83's picture

So I told my DH about how I'm tired of SD18 telling family that I want to stab her baby and pour lemon juice on it. Guess what.... He's pissed at me now! Oh yes. That's right. And not only that he is also say hes going to die soon. (He always says hes just going to kill himself when it comes to me saying anything about his Angel) I told him I dont want to be around her at all and thats that. So now I get the silent treatment and its all my fault. Ugh!!!!!! I'm tired of this girls shit and I'm tired of DH not standing up for me! Fuck him.


yoursandmine's picture

Threating to kill himself? Thats a MAJOR red flag.

Emotional manipulation to make you feel guilty for someone elses behavior? Girl, him not standing up for you is awful, but threatening to kill himself everytime you say something against his daughter? That sounds kinda dangerous...for sure its not the indication of a stable healthy man.

I would worry about that...

rainbow bright83's picture

I am just so tired of this. Im the bad guy. And because he says he cant handle how I am when it comes to his kid he should just kill himself. He is such a bitch! And now he's all "I bitched her out" he fucking text the little shit. Omg!!!!! I hate this bitch and I loath my DH when he pulls this shit.

rainbow bright83's picture

My DD6 out of the blue just told me that this bitch SD18 hit her in the back of the head for no reason and my DS7 said it was true.He then gave details about when, where, and who was there. OMG!!!!!

yoursandmine's picture

This is a dangerous situation. Keep your kids away from her. Watch them every second shes at your house. I have to watch CraxyPants and my bios together because he hurts them. He lives with us full time, so its a pain, but its worth it to know my babies arent being hurt.

rainbow bright83's picture

This kid does not live with me. Shes 18yrs old. My kids went to a park with their older cousin when this occurred.

rainbow bright83's picture

My DH was in the same room when my kids were telling me this and with a snoty attitude says "I ji st bitched her out I will talk to her about this" - so what I hear is im going to ask her about this bit not really do anything about it. I sure as shit am not going to let this bitch near my kids again. Attack me all you want but leave my babies out of it! If there is a next time cops will be called as this incident happened last month.

rainbow bright83's picture

Ugh..... now hes acting like nothing ever happened. Wtf? After the tantrum and the "im going to die soon" b.s now hes acting like nothing happened.
Im sorry everyone but I think he was right about dying soon cuz im going to go all bat shit crazy! Thank you to the ones who commented, at least I I'm now im being heard by someone and its comforting to know that im not crazy and the shit DH is says and doing are just wrong.

rainbow bright83's picture

I definitely wont be going to MILs for mother's day bbq since the crazy bitch daughter will be there and I dont want to freak out on her and end up in jail!

misSTEP's picture

My BIL would use the fake suicide thing all the time on my DH. The last time he did it, I had already clued my DH in on his manipulations. The reason he swore he was going to kill himself (this time) is because my DH filed a police report after BIL attacked and assaulted him (broken toe, broken rib, broken glasses). Since it would have been his THIRD assault charge in less than a year, he was looking at some serious time.

Welp, my DH just told him, "DO IT! Save us all the aggravation of you around!" It is now over a month later and the jackass is still walking around. According to master-enabler-extraordinaire FIL, BIL has NEVER used the fake-suicide shit on HIM. Good thing BIL was able to lie and make it into a he-said/he-said situation so he didn't get charges filed on him.