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I've stepped away because I can

Lalena75's picture

If you have read my previous blogs you'll understand. SO is gone he finally left once he realized that telling me "no" in regards to my demand he take his children and gtfo wasn't going to work. He while I was gone studying packed and took all his and his kids clothes after his kids went back to BM's. He left all their toys and coloring books, and shoes! I'll be packing them and dropping them at BM's as when I sent him a message because his sons school called my to get him as he was again being kicked out and they could reach the parents. I called the school to make sure it ha been taken care of and was told BM was livid she had to lose a point at work for "this shit" maybe she'll get that shit medicated like the dr suggested. SO responded to my message with "never talk to me again" when I explained it was HIS kids school called ME he called me a liar. Whatever. He apparently was keeping in contact with my oldest (18) and started hitting on her going so far as to say "as I became less attracted to your mom I became more attracted to you." my lovely dd responded with "your a sick fuck I hope you die." and cut all communication.
That was all last month. I'm in such a better place except financially but some wonderful friends stepped up to help me, and I've met an amazing man (with kids lol) his are older pretty decent and he has sole custody (BM has every weekend if the boys decide to drive to her)
I at this point in the relationship have been clear about my expectations on kids his are his mine are mine and the only time we should have to step to the other side is if any of the kids are stupid enough to physically or verbally attack the other. He doesn't parent like I do but what he does works for him. He has the ability to take care of himself, he's smart, educated, employed and responsible. I've finally found a man who ISN'T a fixer upper. We'll see how it progresses.
For now I don't need ST, I may be back if only to check on others, it'd be nice to hope I don't ever need ST again, but....


Cadence's picture

" He apparently was keeping in contact with my oldest (18) and started hitting on her going so far as to say 'as I became less attracted to your mom I became more attracted to you.'"


bearcub25's picture

Yep, she handled it quite well.

That was one thing that bothered me when I jumped into the dating pond. I had a 15yo DD and there are too many sick fucks in this world.

Most Evil's picture

Umm wow, what a perv!! He probably just wanted to hurt you though.

So long sucker!!!!! Good riddance!! Smile

Lalena75's picture

My dd went a step better than me (I was going to go harm him in many ways) she told me she had a better idea then forwarded what he said to her to his best friend (who was bashing me on fb) his besties gf, and his parents. I got a few apologies from his friends for "not realizing the whole situation" I sent him a brief message that if he came anywhere near myself or my family he would find himself in immediate danger without warning. He smartly did not respond