Anyone else's skids do this?
YSD was over briefly on Sunday.
Thankfully her and SS stayed outside.
She was there all of maybe?? 5 minutes.
She had to first lay in MY hammock. (I really love that thing, why did she have to go and ruin the aura around it?)
Then she had to sit in MY favorite patio chair. Recline. Pull forward. Recline.
Then she had to go up in the treehouse and slide down the firepole in her hoochie shorts. Thanks for the vag shot!
Then back to the hammock.
Then stand directly in front of me and DH.
Then back to the treehouse.
SS and his GF just picked a damn chair and sat in it the whole time, holding a conversation for 5 minutes.
It's like YSD is a damn dog marking her territory all over everything in our backyard.
She used to do this when she came over for overnights. Ugh so annoying.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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LOL that is kind of what it
LOL that is kind of what it is.....
LMAO Yep, you got it
Yep, you got it a dog marking territory. Your DH needs to tell her to sit down.
All three of mine EVERY
All three of mine EVERY weekend would bolt from the grocery getter (that smelled of urine and soured chocolate milk) leaving their weekend bags and junk for Chef Boyardumb to haul in. I had to tell Chef that HIS KIDS are OLD ENOUGH to bring in their OWN stuff!!
They would race through the house, open the frig, survey the contents to see if their "special kid-friendly junk food" was in there; helping themselves to whatever, then slam the frig door, then walk in every room finally perching on the sofa; monopolizing it and the television. Then pipe up with "I'm BOOOORED" and "Are we going OUT to eat??!!"
Oh my gosh, I am soooo glad I
Oh my gosh, I am soooo glad I don't have any step-daughters!! sigh, I would freak at the inappropriate clothing! :jawdrop:
Half the time I cant even
Half the time I cant even look at the SDs because they are dressed so awful.
My SD8 bounces like Tigger
My SD8 bounces like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh constantly and talks baby talk, while touching the walls. Then she wallows all over DAAADDDDDYYYYY and starts every sentence with DADDDDDYYYYY even if they are the only two in the room, however she talks so loud it really doesn't matter where you are in the house you can hear that mouth. She jumps on my furniture even though I have repeatedly told her this is not acceptable. It's like training a puppy everytime she comes over, she shits and pisses all over my bathroom too.
you have my yss10!!!
you have my yss10!!!
Ugh the inappropriate
Ugh the inappropriate clothes!
SD13 is a large girl. VERY large.
She insists on booty shorts and singlet tops (even now in winter this is what she wears ALL the time) Her butt and belly flopping out all over the shop. I try to ignore.
But. Last weekend they were here she brought a shorty nighty, singlet style that barely covered her butt and va-jay-jay when standing.... and we all know what that means when you sit down.
AND she proceeds to sit cross legged on my sofa all evening with her hand resting on her crotch - undies on thank God for small mercies.
I couldn't just ignore this, gross and so wrong. I pulled OH aside, pointed it out and said "it is SO inappropriate and obviously something her MOTHER should be teaching her, I cannot - we both know what the outcome of that would be so honey, YOU have to tell her, because you do NOT want your teenaged daughter flashing her hooha at everyone!" Thankfully he agreed with me, we will see what she turns up with tomorrow!
And as for sitting in all MY spots! Oh hell yes, she does this too - MY spot on the sofa if I'm not there. MY seat at the dinner table, we went on holidays once to a cabin with fabulous gardens and a stream running through it, all private and set out on an acre. There were three hammocks. I told them all "this one is MINE!" half joking but half not. I am still expected to cook and clean and do your washing on MY holiday the least I get is the dammed hammock whenever the fuck I want it! So of course every damned time I went outside to use it there would be SD lolling back in it. The other two would be empty and there she'd be - in MINE!
I fixed her little red wagon though.... TMI alert... On about the third day the kids were all up at the pool at the main house so we had the place to ourselves - this hammock in particular was in a grove of trees so we could see anyone coming before they could see us (double hammock) So, I gave OH the best BJ of his life in that dammed hammock
He made sure she stayed the fuck out of it then!!!!
LMAO at the BJ!! You go
LMAO at the BJ!! You go girl!!
I gotta mention this - once, about a year ago, SO and I took all kids for a walk on the beach.. (BS14, SD12 & SS11). It was a beautiful summer day. At the beach, kids played in the sand and SO and I sat on the sea wall and chatted. We noticed an adult male and who, we assumed, was his wife. She was a big girl, looked adult, but was dressed in the skimpiest shorts and a teeny tiny top. She looked ridiculous.
Anyway, they began walking towards us and her shoe lace came undone. She sat down on the wall next to us and said "Daddddeeeeee..looooookk!! my shoe lace is undone and it hurrrrts when I bend fix it". To both SO and I's amazement..he did. He bent over her and began to tie her shoe lace. After he did, they got up and he began walking..he hadn't taken more than 2 steps and we heard "Daddddeee!! You HAVE to hold my hand!! I need you to be close to me so I can feel SAFE! There's too many stinky people around!!". Man alive! We were at the goddamn beach! The only smell in the air was sun tan lotion, moisturiser and fish and chips.
That disney dad turned around, gave her a monster hug (as in lifted her up against him and held her tight - I'm surprised he didn't pull a hernia - she looked about 85-90 kilos!) and said "don't worry my li'l rose..(gag!) here..grab my hand... don't worry about the smelly people..I'll get you ice cream and we'll go home and watch a movie together - just the two of us".. she then said "but what about your WIFE? She won't like that!!", with a massive shit eating grin. He just laughed, held her hand and off they trotted. I wanted to run after him and scream at him to wake the fuck up!
I must've been standing there with my mouth open, 'cos SO said "bloody hell! that was damn creepy! That man is raising a demon child!"... I almost fell on the beach in shock 'cos at the time.. my SO was in total disney dad mode himself!!!!
IslandGal, I almost fell off
IslandGal, I almost fell off my chair reading that.
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
You go girl! LOL
You go girl! LOL