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More Threats against SS.....Please pray for us!

spittenfire's picture

So BM's father called DH last night and told him since the OFP hearing he has been recieving more threats from BM exbf trying to "get to bm". Then told dh that some girl who he thinks is the bf new gf called and told him that "exbf will get the money if it is through BM or through SS" not sure what that means but a direct threat against SS. BM's father did go and make a police report. So BM is supposed to pick SS up on sunday but here are the issues.....

1. BM was found guilty of neglect failure to protect by DFS on 5/2/2014 re an incident occuring 3/27 where bf beat her and SS was there
2. On 5/6 after bm got her own place exbf tracked her down and assaulted her and he has domestic abuse charges now from it
3. BM was under a saftey plan to let SS live with DH until it could be modified when she had her own place, she broke the safety plan and picked SS up from a camp DH had enrolled him in.
4. BM showed up at the OFP hearing with exbf and left with him (ofp is for ss against her exbf)
5. New threats from exbf and some unknown "female" against BM and SS

DH is supposed to return SS on sunday from his first 2 week visitation for summer. He does plan on refusing to let her take him due for his safety, He plans to present the Safety plan, the dfs report finding bm guilty of failing to protect ss, copy of charges of domestic abuse bm filed against exbf in May, along with the police reports (if he can get them) that BM's father filed yesterday regarding the continued threat to BM and SS safety.

Really hoping our county is one that "wont get involved in civil matters"

Please pray for us!


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Wow... is there anyway you can get the court to do an emergency hearing to get custody switched over to DH?

spittenfire's picture

DH has tried 2 times. The judge refuses to hear an emergency custody hearing. DH has to wait till his modification hearing date in 5 weeks. DFS cant do anything further until it can be proven that BM is allowing SS around exbf. We are out of ways to protect sad.....we dont know what else to do.

newbiemommy's picture

In our situation when the cops got involved we showed the the safety plan and they made BM follow it. So hopefully that will be enough for you. Prayers and thoughts with you through this.

Gabriels Mom's picture

^^^^THIS^^^^ Can SS be sent to grandparents or relative for several weeks? If this was happening I would send SS to my ILs in a heartbeat. I dare her to go after SS at my MILs

Gabriels Mom's picture